Codeunit 18122370 EOS CWS Shipment Mgmt

Codeunit 18122370 EOS CWS Shipment Mgmt



procedure WhsePostShpt(var Rec: record "Warehouse Shipment Line"; Print: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec record "Warehouse Shipment Line"

  • Print Boolean


procedure GetHeaderNo(PostedSourceDocumentType: enum "EOS CWS Posted Source Document"; PostedSourceDocumentNo: Code[20];LocationCode: Code[20];ReferenceDate: Date; var ShippingNo: Code[20]; var ShippingNoSeries: Code[20])

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostedSourceDocumentType enum "EOS CWS Posted Source Document"

  • PostedSourceDocumentNo Code[20]

  • LocationCode Code[20]

  • ReferenceDate Date

  • ShippingNo Code[20]

  • ShippingNoSeries Code[20]


procedure GetLastShipmentLineNo(DocumentNo: Code[20]): integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • Returns integer


procedure CreateShipmentHeaderFromWhseDocument(WhseShipmentNo: Code[20])

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentNo Code[20]


procedure SetShipmentHeaderInfoFromWhse(PostedWhseShipmentLine: Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Line"; var ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostedWhseShipmentLine Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Line"

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure SetShipmentHeaderInfoNotFromWhse(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Integer

  • SourceSubtype Integer

  • SourceNo Code[20]

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure FilterShipmentLineForPostedSource(ShipmentNo: Code[20]; PostedSourceDocument: enum "EOS CWS Posted Source Document"; PostedSourceNo: Code[20];PostedSourceLineNo: Integer; var ShipmentLine: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentNo Code[20]

  • PostedSourceDocument enum "EOS CWS Posted Source Document"

  • PostedSourceNo Code[20]

  • PostedSourceLineNo Integer

  • ShipmentLine Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line"


procedure GetCorrectionLineNo(ShipmentLine: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line"): Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentLine Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line"

  • Returns Integer


procedure PageRunForSourceDocument(SourceDocument: enum "EOS CWS Source Document"; SourceNo: Code[20])

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument enum "EOS CWS Source Document"

  • SourceNo Code[20]


procedure PrintRecordsForSourceDocument(SourceDocument: enum "EOS CWS Source Document"; var Rec: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"; ShowRequestForm: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument enum "EOS CWS Source Document"

  • Rec Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

  • ShowRequestForm Boolean


procedure DeleteWarehouseShipmentDocument(var WarehouseShipmentHeader: Record "Warehouse Shipment Header")

Parameters / Return Value

  • WarehouseShipmentHeader Record "Warehouse Shipment Header"


procedure CreateSalesInvoiceFromShipment(ShipmentNo: Code[20]; PostingDate: Date; DocumentDate: Date)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentNo Code[20]

  • PostingDate Date

  • DocumentDate Date


procedure CreateSalesInvoiceFromWhseDocument(WhseShipmentNo: Code[20]; PostingGroupFromNo: Integer; PostingGroupToNo: Integer; PostingDate: Date; DocumentDate: Date)

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentNo Code[20]

  • PostingGroupFromNo Integer

  • PostingGroupToNo Integer

  • PostingDate Date

  • DocumentDate Date


procedure CreateSalesInvoiceFromWhseDocumentPosting(WhseShipmentNo: Code[20]; PostingGroupFromNo: Integer; PostingGroupToNo: Integer; PostingDate: Date; DocumentDate: Date)

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentNo Code[20]

  • PostingGroupFromNo Integer

  • PostingGroupToNo Integer

  • PostingDate Date

  • DocumentDate Date


procedure PostSalesInvoiceFromWhseDocumentPosting(WhseShipmentNo: Code[20]; PostingGroupFromNo: Integer; PostingGroupToNo: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentNo Code[20]

  • PostingGroupFromNo Integer

  • PostingGroupToNo Integer


procedure GetShipDocumentResultMessage(WhseShipmentNo: Code[20]; PostingGroupFromNo: Integer; PostingGroupToNo: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentNo Code[20]

  • PostingGroupFromNo Integer

  • PostingGroupToNo Integer


procedure GetInvoiceDocumentResultMessage(WhseShipmentNo: Code[20]; PostingGroupFromNo: Integer; PostingGroupToNo: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentNo Code[20]

  • PostingGroupFromNo Integer

  • PostingGroupToNo Integer


procedure ClearShipmentHeaderBillPayTo(var ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"


procedure UndoShipmentLine(var ShipmentLine: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentLine Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line"


procedure SetHideDialog(NewHideDialog: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewHideDialog Boolean


procedure GetHideDialog(): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean



local procedure OnBeforeConfirmWhseShipmentPost(var WhseShptLine: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"; var HideDialog: Boolean; var Invoice: Boolean; var IsPosted: Boolean)

This event is raised before confirm post whse. shipment.You can use to manage a custom confirm dialog.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShptLine Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"

    Whse. Shipment Line

  • HideDialog Boolean

    Set true to use your custom confirm dialog

  • Invoice Boolean

    Set true to invoice the shipment. If Invoice is true HideDialog must be true

  • IsPosted Boolean

    Set true to use your custom posting


local procedure OnAfterConfirmWhseShipmentPost(WhseShipmentLine: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"; Invoice: Boolean; var TempInvoicingCodeBuffer: Record "EOS CWS Invoicing Code Buffer" temporary)

This event is raised after confirm post whse. shipment.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentLine Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"

    Whse. Shipment Line

  • Invoice Boolean

    True indicates that shipment will be invoiced

  • TempInvoicingCodeBuffer Record "EOS CWS Invoicing Code Buffer"

    Insert a buffer line with parameters for invoicing process if missing: Destination No., Create Invoice, Post Invoice


local procedure OnAfterCreateCWSShipment(WhseShipmentNo: Code[20]; PostingGroupFromNo: Integer; PostingGroupToNo: Integer; var Invoice: Boolean)

This event is raised after CWS shipment creation from whse. posting.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentNo Code[20]

    Whse. Shipment No.

  • PostingGroupFromNo Integer

    EOS Posting Group No. on CWS shipment header

  • PostingGroupToNo Integer

    EOS Posting Group No. on CWS shipment header

  • Invoice Boolean

    If false, doesn’t create the sales invoice


local procedure OnAfterInvoiceCWSShipment(WhseShipmentNo: Code[20]; PostingGroupFromNo: Integer; PostingGroupToNo: Integer)

This event is raised after invoice creation or invoice creation and posting from whse. posting.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentNo Code[20]

    Whse. Shipment No.

  • PostingGroupFromNo Integer

    EOS Posting Group No. on CWS shipment header

  • PostingGroupToNo Integer

    EOS Posting Group No. on CWS shipment header


local procedure OnBeforeGetHeaderNoSeries(PostedSourceDocumentType: enum "EOS CWS Posted Source Document"; PostedSourceDocumentNo: Code[20];LocationCode: Code[20];ReferenceDate: Date; var ShippingNo: Code[20]; var ShippingNoSeries: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before assign No. Series to CWS Shipment. You can use to manage a custom No. Series.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostedSourceDocumentType enum "EOS CWS Posted Source Document"

    Posted Source Document Type

  • PostedSourceDocumentNo Code[20]

    Posted Source Document No

  • LocationCode Code[20]

    Location Code

  • ReferenceDate Date

    Reference Date

  • ShippingNo Code[20]

    Set the custom No.

  • ShippingNoSeries Code[20]

    Set the custom No. Series

  • IsHandled Boolean

    Set true to use your custom value


local procedure OnAfterSetShipmentHeaderInfo(DocGroupingEntry: Record "EOS CWS Doc. Grouping Entry"; var ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"; var ModifyHeader: Boolean)

This event is raised before modify shipment reporting info. You can use to manage your custom fields.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocGroupingEntry Record "EOS CWS Doc. Grouping Entry"

    Shipping Info

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

    Shipment Header

  • ModifyHeader Boolean

    Set true to modify shipment header


local procedure OnBeforePrintRecordsForSourceDocument(SourceDocument: Enum "EOS CWS Source Document"; var ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"; var ShowDialog: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before print shipment report. You can use to manage your custom report.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocument Enum "EOS CWS Source Document"

    Source Document

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

    Shipment Header

  • ShowDialog Boolean

    Set true to Show Request Page

  • IsHandled Boolean

    Set true to print your custom report.


local procedure OnBeforeClearShipmentHeaderBillPayTo(var ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before clear Bill/Pay-to fields values on a CWS Shipment with multiple Bill/Pay-to destinations. You can use to mantain data.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

    Shipment Header

  • IsHandled Boolean

    Set true to avoid clear data


local procedure OnAfterClearShipmentHeaderBillPayTo(var ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header")

This event is raised after clear Bill/Pay-to fields values on a CWS Shipment with multiple Bill/Pay-to destinations. You can use to clear other data.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

    Shipment Header


local procedure OnAfterCreateShipmentHeaderFromWhseDocument(WhseShipmentNo: Code[20]; PostingGroupNo: Integer)

Raised after all CWS Shipments are created when posting a Warehouse Shipment Header.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentNo Code[20]

    The No. of the Warehouse Shipment Header that is being posted.

  • PostingGroupNo Integer

    The Posting Group No. of the CWS Shipments that were posted.


local procedure OnBeforeGetShipDocumentResultMessage(WhseShipmentNo: Code[20]; PostingGroupFromNo: Integer; PostingGroupToNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentNo Code[20]

  • PostingGroupFromNo Integer

  • PostingGroupToNo Integer

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeGetInvoiceDocumentResultMessage(WhseShipmentNo: Code[20]; PostingGroupFromNo: Integer; PostingGroupToNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentNo Code[20]

  • PostingGroupFromNo Integer

  • PostingGroupToNo Integer

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnGetInvoiceDocumentResultMessageOnDisplayMessage(WhseShipmentNo: Code[20]; PostingGroupFromNo: Integer; PostingGroupToNo: Integer; var HideMessage: Boolean)

This event is raised before display a message. You can use to manage a custom message.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentNo Code[20]

  • PostingGroupFromNo Integer

  • PostingGroupToNo Integer

  • HideMessage Boolean

    if true, hides the message


local procedure OnGetShipDocumentResultMessageOnDisplayMessage(WhseShipmentNo: Code[20]; PostingGroupFromNo: Integer; PostingGroupToNo: Integer; var HideMessage: Boolean)

This event is raised before display a message. You can use to manage a custom message.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentNo Code[20]

  • PostingGroupFromNo Integer

  • PostingGroupToNo Integer

  • HideMessage Boolean

    if true, hides the message


local procedure OnShowPostedConfirmationMessageOnDisplayMessage(ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"; var isHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before display a message. You can use to manage a custom message.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

    Shipment Header

  • isHandled Boolean

    if true, no following app code will be executed


local procedure OnAfterPostGroup_WhsePostShpt(GroupEntryNo: Integer; WhseShptHeader: Record "Warehouse Shipment Header")

Raised after post a group and before find the next group during the Whse Shipment Post.

Parameters / Return Value

  • GroupEntryNo Integer

    Current “EOS Group Entry No.”

  • WhseShptHeader Record "Warehouse Shipment Header"

    Record “Warehouse Shipment Header”


local procedure OnBeforeDeleteWarehouseShipmentLines(var WarehouseShipmentLine: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before deleting the Warehouse Shipment Line if there aren’t Warehouse Activity Lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WarehouseShipmentLine Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"

    The Warehouse Shipment Line to delete

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skips the deletion of the Warehouse Shipment Line


local procedure OnAfterWhsePostShpt(WhseShipmentNo: Code[20]; PostingGroupFromNo: Integer; PostingGroupToNo: Integer)

Raised at the end of the posting procedure of a warehouse shipment, after committing changes to the database.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentNo Code[20]

    Document number of record Warehouse Shipment Header that was just posted.

  • PostingGroupFromNo Integer

    First posting group number for the shipment.

  • PostingGroupToNo Integer

    Last posting group number for the shipment.


local procedure OnAfterUndoShipmentLine(var CWSShipmentLine: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line")

Raised at the end of the undo procedure of CWS Shipment Lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CWSShipmentLine Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line"

    Undid CWS Shipment Lines


local procedure OnFilterPostedWhseShipmentLineOnCreateShipmentHeader(var PostedWhseShipmentLine: Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Line"; PostedWhseShipmentHeader: Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Header")

Raised after filter the Posted Whse. Shipment Lines to create the CWS Shipment header. Use it to filter the Posted Whse. Shipment Lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostedWhseShipmentLine Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Line"

    The Posted Whse. Shipment Line to filter

  • PostedWhseShipmentHeader Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Header"

    The Posted Whse. Shipment Header


local procedure OnBeforeCreateShipmentHeaderFromWhseDocument(WhseShipmentNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean; PostedWhseShipmentHeader: Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Header")

Raised before create the CWS Shipment header from the Whse. Document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseShipmentNo Code[20]

    Whse Shipment number

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, skip next code

  • PostedWhseShipmentHeader Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Header"

    The Posted Whse. Shipment Header


local procedure OnBeforeCreateShipmentHeaderFromPostedWhseShptLine(PostedWhseShipmentHeader: Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Header"; var PostedWhseShipmentLine: Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before create the CWS Shipment header from the Posted Whse. Shipment.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostedWhseShipmentHeader Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Header"

    The Posted Whse. Shipment Header

  • PostedWhseShipmentLine Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Line"

    Current posted whse. shipment line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, skip CWS Shipment header creation for the current line

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