Codeunit 18122380 EOS CWS Service Mgmt

Codeunit 18122380 EOS CWS Service Mgmt



procedure ClearTemp()


procedure CreateShipmentHeaderForSourceServiceOrder(PostedWhseShipmentLine: Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Line"; PostingGroupNo: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostedWhseShipmentLine Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Line"

  • PostingGroupNo Integer


procedure CreateShipmentHeaderNotFromWhseDocument(ServiceShipmentHeader: Record "Service Shipment Header"; PostingGroupNo: Integer; UseShipmentNoFromSource: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShipmentHeader Record "Service Shipment Header"

  • PostingGroupNo Integer

  • UseShipmentNoFromSource Boolean


procedure SetServiceHeaderInfo(WarehouseShipmentHeader: Record "Warehouse Shipment Header"; var ServiceHeader: Record "Service Header"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • WarehouseShipmentHeader Record "Warehouse Shipment Header"

  • ServiceHeader Record "Service Header"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure TransferServiceShipmentLineToShipmentLine(ServiceShipmentItemLine: Record "Service Shipment Item Line"; ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"; Correction: Boolean): Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShipmentItemLine Record "Service Shipment Item Line"

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

  • Correction Boolean

  • Returns Integer


procedure SynchServiceShipmentItemLineToShipmentLine(ServiceShipmentItemLine: Record "Service Shipment Item Line"; var ShipmentLine: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShipmentItemLine Record "Service Shipment Item Line"

  • ShipmentLine Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line"


procedure SynchServiceShipmentLineToShipmentLine(ServiceShipmentLine: Record "Service Shipment Line"; var ShipmentLine: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShipmentLine Record "Service Shipment Line"

  • ShipmentLine Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line"


procedure InsertEntriesRelationFromServiceShipmentLine(ServiceShipmentItemLine: Record "Service Shipment Item Line"; ShipmentLine: record "EOS CWS Shipment Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShipmentItemLine Record "Service Shipment Item Line"

  • ShipmentLine record "EOS CWS Shipment Line"


procedure TransferFieldsFromSourceHeader(ServiceShipmentHeader: Record "Service Shipment Header"; var ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShipmentHeader Record "Service Shipment Header"

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"


procedure TransferFieldsFromSourceLine(ServiceShipmentItemLine: Record "Service Shipment Item Line"; var ShipmentLine: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShipmentItemLine Record "Service Shipment Item Line"

  • ShipmentLine Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure UndoServiceShipmentLine(ServiceShipmentLine: Record "Service Shipment Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShipmentLine Record "Service Shipment Line"


procedure HandleServiceNotItemLine(WarehouseDocTableID: Integer; WarehouseDocNo: Code[20]; var ServiceLine: Record "Service Line"; Invoice: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • WarehouseDocTableID Integer

  • WarehouseDocNo Code[20]

  • ServiceLine Record "Service Line"

  • Invoice Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure InsertInvLineDescriptionFromShpt(var ServiceShptLine: Record "Service Shipment Line"; var ServiceLine: Record "Service Line"; var NextLineNo: Integer; var Handled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShptLine Record "Service Shipment Line"

  • ServiceLine Record "Service Line"

  • NextLineNo Integer

  • Handled Boolean


procedure CreateInvLinesDescriptionFromService(ServiceInvHeader: Record "Service Header")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceInvHeader Record "Service Header"


procedure GetOrderDescriptionForInvLineDescriptionFromShpt(ServiceShptLine: Record "Service Shipment Line"): Text[100]

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShptLine Record "Service Shipment Line"

  • Returns Text[100]


procedure PrintFromServicePostDocument(LastShipmentNo: Code[20]; SendReportAsEmail: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • LastShipmentNo Code[20]

  • SendReportAsEmail Boolean


procedure UpdateCertificateOfSupply(ServiceShipmentHeader: Record "Service Shipment Header")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShipmentHeader Record "Service Shipment Header"


procedure IsShipmentWithService(CWSShipmentHeader: record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"): boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • CWSShipmentHeader record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

  • Returns boolean


procedure ShowLedgerEntries(ShipmentNo: Code[20]; TableNo: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentNo Code[20]

  • TableNo Integer


procedure ShowAllocations(ShipmentNo: Code[20])

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentNo Code[20]


procedure ShowServiceDocumentLog(ShipmentNo: Code[20])

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentNo Code[20]


procedure ShowServiceEmailQueue(ShipmentNo: Code[20])

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentNo Code[20]


procedure TransferAddressFieldsToSourceHeader(ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"; var ServiceShipmentHeader: Record "Service Shipment Header")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

  • ServiceShipmentHeader Record "Service Shipment Header"


procedure InsertOrderRefLines(ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"



local procedure OnAfterCreateShipmentHeaderForSourceServiceOrder(var ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"; PostingGroupNo: Integer; PostedWhseShipmentLine: Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Line")

This event is raised after CWS shipment creation from Transfer Order.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

    CWS Shipment Header created.

  • PostingGroupNo Integer

    EOS Posting Group No. on CWS shipment header

  • PostedWhseShipmentLine Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Line"

    Source Posted Whse Shipment Line.


local procedure OnAfterCreateCWSShipment(ServiceShipmentHeader: Record "Service Shipment Header"; PostingGroupNo: Integer; var ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header")

This event is raised after CWS shipment creation from not whse. posting.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShipmentHeader Record "Service Shipment Header"

    Source Document Header

  • PostingGroupNo Integer

    EOS Posting Group No. on CWS shipment header

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"


local procedure OnAfterSetServiceHeaderInfo(var ServiceHeader: Record "Service Header"; DocGroupingEntry: Record "EOS CWS Doc. Grouping Entry"; var ModifyHeader: Boolean)

This event is raised after Group Shipment Info are set on Source Document in whse. posting process.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceHeader Record "Service Header"

    Source Document

  • DocGroupingEntry Record "EOS CWS Doc. Grouping Entry"

    Document Grouping Entry

  • ModifyHeader Boolean

    Set true to modify value on Source Document


local procedure OnAfterInsertEntryRelationFromServiceShipmentLine(ServiceShipmentLine: Record "Service Shipment Line"; DocNoFilter: Code[20]; PostingDateFilter: Date; ShipmentLine: record "EOS CWS Shipment Line")

This event is raised after insert Entry Relations for Posted Source Document Line. You can use to create Entry Relation for custom tables.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShipmentLine Record "Service Shipment Line"

    Posted Source Document Line

  • DocNoFilter Code[20]

    Document No.

  • PostingDateFilter Date

    Posting Date

  • ShipmentLine record "EOS CWS Shipment Line"

    Shipment Line


local procedure OnAfterTransferFieldsFromSourceHeader(ServiceShipmentHeader: Record "Service Shipment Header"; var ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header")

This event is raised after transferfields from Posted Source Document Header to Shipment Header. You can use to transfer custom fields.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShipmentHeader Record "Service Shipment Header"

    Posted Source Document Header

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

    Shipment Header


local procedure OnAfterTransferFieldsFromSourceLine(ServiceShipmentItemLine: Record "Service Shipment Item Line"; var ShipmentLine: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line")

This event is raised after transferfields from Posted Source Document Line to Shipment Line. You can use to transfer custom fields.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShipmentItemLine Record "Service Shipment Item Line"

    Posted Source Document Line

  • ShipmentLine Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line"

    Shipment Line


local procedure OnAfterTransferAddressFieldsToSourceHeader(ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"; var ServiceShipmentHeader: Record "Service Shipment Header")

This event is raised after transferfields from Shipment Header to Posted Source Document Header and before use Format Address codeunit to format addresses in report print.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

    Shipment Header

  • ServiceShipmentHeader Record "Service Shipment Header"

    Posted Source Document Header


local procedure OnGetOrderDescriptionForInvLineDescriptionFromShpt(var ServiceLine: Record "Service Line";ServiceHeader: Record "Service Header";ServiceShptLine: Record "Service Shipment Line";OrderLineDescription: Enum "EOS006 CWS Service Order Line Description")

Raised when inserting order description lines in a service invoice, after getting shipment lines. Subscribe to this event if you have extended the corresponding enum.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceLine Record "Service Line"

    The Service Line record with the description.

  • ServiceHeader Record "Service Header"

    The header record.

  • ServiceShptLine Record "Service Shipment Line"

    The Service Shipment Line.

  • OrderLineDescription Enum "EOS006 CWS Service Order Line Description"

    The value of the Service Order Line Description enum in the CWS setup.


local procedure OnInsertOrderRefLines(ShipmentLine: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line";OrderLineDescription: Enum "EOS006 CWS Service Order Line Description")

Raised when inserting order description lines in a service shipment, after inserting all the lines. Subscribe to this event if you have extended the corresponding enum.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentLine Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line"

    The first shipment line for the service order.

  • OrderLineDescription Enum "EOS006 CWS Service Order Line Description"

    The value of the Service Order Line Description enum in the CWS setup.


local procedure OnBeforeGetHeaderNoFromWhse(PostedWhseShptLine: Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Line"; var ShipmentNo: Code[20])

Raised before assigning the No. to the CWS Header after posting a warehouse shipment.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostedWhseShptLine Record "Posted Whse. Shipment Line"

    The first Posted Whse. Shipment Line in the CWS.

  • ShipmentNo Code[20]

    The no. you want to assign to the CWS.


local procedure OnBeforeInsertInvLineDescription(var ServiceLine: Record "Service Line"; ShipmentHeaderNo: Code[20])

Raised before inserting the invoice line with the shipment description.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceLine Record "Service Line"

    The service line.

  • ShipmentHeaderNo Code[20]

    The CWS shipment header.


local procedure OnBeforeGetShptDescription(ServiceShipmentLine: Record "Service Shipment Line"; var ShipText: Text[100])

Raised before setting the shipment description.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShipmentLine Record "Service Shipment Line"

    The service shipment line.

  • ShipText Text[100]

    The text for the shipment description line. If left blank, it gets automatically generated.


local procedure OnBeforeTransferServiceShipmentLineToShipmentLine(ServiceShipmentItemLine: Record "Service Shipment Item Line"; ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"; Correction: Boolean)

Raised before copying Service Shipment Line to Shipment Line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShipmentItemLine Record "Service Shipment Item Line"

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

  • Correction Boolean


local procedure OnAfterTransferServiceShipmentLineToShipmentLine(ServiceShipmentItemLine: Record "Service Shipment Item Line"; ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"; Correction: Boolean; var ShipmentLine: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line")

Raised after copying Service Shipment Line to Shipment Line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceShipmentItemLine Record "Service Shipment Item Line"

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

  • Correction Boolean

  • ShipmentLine Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line"


local procedure OnAfterInsertInvLineDescription_BeforeAssignNextLineNo(var ServiceLineCWS: Record "Service Line"; EOSShipmentNo: Code[20]; var NextLineNo: Integer)

Raised in the procedure InsertInvLineDescriptionFromShpt, after insert the Service Line Comment with CWS Shipment Info. Use it to insert custom description lines and then update the “Next Line No”.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceLineCWS Record "Service Line"

    CWS Service Line inserted

  • EOSShipmentNo Code[20]

    CWS Shipment No

  • NextLineNo Integer

    Next Line No to assign to Service Line

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