Codeunit 18122384 EOS CWS Purchase Mgmt

Codeunit 18122384 EOS CWS Purchase Mgmt



procedure HandlePurchNotItemLine(WarehouseDocTableID: Integer; WarehouseDocNo: Code[20]; var PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; Invoice: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • WarehouseDocTableID Integer

  • WarehouseDocNo Code[20]

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

  • Invoice Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure HandlePurchNotInventoryLine(WhseDocLine: Variant; var PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; Invoice: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseDocLine Variant

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

  • Invoice Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure OpenSubcontractingTrackingLines(PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"): boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseLine Record "Purchase Line"

  • Returns boolean



local procedure OnBeforePostNotInventoryLinesCheck(WhseDocumentLine: RecordRef; var PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before checking if not inventory lines should be posted along with a receipt.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseDocumentLine RecordRef

    The warehouse line record (either shipment or receipt).

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    The purchase line record.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, skips the check and posts the line regardless of setup.


local procedure OnBeforePostNotInventoryLine(var PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; WhseDocumentLine: RecordRef; Invoice: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before posting a not inventory line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    The purchase line record.

  • WhseDocumentLine RecordRef

    Either the warehouse shipment line or warehouse receipt line record.

  • Invoice Boolean

    Whether the system will post an invoice as well.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, skips the posting logic.


local procedure OnBeforeInsertTrackingSpecificationFromItemLedgEntry(PostedWhseRcptLine: Record "Posted Whse. Receipt Line"; var TempItemLedgEntry: Record "Item Ledger Entry" temporary; var TempTrackingSpecification: Record "Tracking Specification")

Raised before insert temporary Tracking Specification from Item Ledger Entry for Subcontracting order, before posting warehouse receipt. Use it to filter TempItemLedgEntry.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PostedWhseRcptLine Record "Posted Whse. Receipt Line"

    Posted Whse. Receipt Line

  • TempItemLedgEntry Record "Item Ledger Entry"

    Set of Records TempItemLedgEntry to copy

  • TempTrackingSpecification Record "Tracking Specification"

    TempTrackingSpecification to modify

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