Page 70491957 EOS CWS Comb. Criteria Editor

Page 70491957 EOS CWS Comb. Criteria Editor

da-DKValg af kombinationskriterier felter
de-ATAuswahl der Kombinationskriterienfelder
de-CHAuswahl der Kombinationskriterienfelder
de-DEAuswahl der Kombinationskriterienfelder
es-ESSelección de campos de criterios combinados
es-MXSelección de campos de criterios combinados
fr-BESélection des champs de critères de combinaison
fr-CASélection des champs de critères de combinaison
fr-CHSélection des champs de critères de combinaison
fr-FRSélection des champs de critères de combinaison
en-USCombination Criteria Fields Selection
it-CHSelezione campi criterio raggruppamento
it-ITSelezione campi criterio raggruppamento
nl-BESelectie van combinatiecriteria
nl-NLSelectie van combinatiecriteria



procedure SetCombinationCriteria(CombinationCriteria2: Record "EOS CWS Combination Criteria")

Parameters / Return Value

  • CombinationCriteria2 Record "EOS CWS Combination Criteria"


procedure SetPageEditable(IsPageEditable2: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • IsPageEditable2 Boolean


procedure SetStyle()


procedure SetFields(var TmpField: Record "Field")

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpField Record "Field"


procedure GetFields(var TmpField: Record "Field")

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpField Record "Field"



local procedure OnAfterUpdateValues(var IsEditable: Boolean; var IsSelected: Boolean; TableNo: Integer; FieldNo: Integer)

Raised after setting “IsEditable” and “IsSelected” for the current Record “Field”. Use it to modify the properties for custom fields.

Parameters / Return Value

  • IsEditable Boolean

    If true the field is editable

  • IsSelected Boolean

    If true the field is selected

  • TableNo Integer

    Table No. of the current field

  • FieldNo Integer

    Current Field No.


local procedure OnBeforeGetErrorOnSelectCombinationCriteriaField(IsSelected: Boolean; TableNo: Integer; FieldNo: Integer; CombinationCriteria: Record "EOS CWS Combination Criteria"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before getting error when add a field on a combination criteria already used.

Parameters / Return Value

  • IsSelected Boolean

    Indicates if the field is selected

  • TableNo Integer

    Table No. of the current field

  • FieldNo Integer

    Current Field No.

  • CombinationCriteria Record "EOS CWS Combination Criteria"

    Current Combination Criteria

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, skip error message

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