Codeunit 18123043 EOS FE Data
Codeunit use only by the codeunit FE Writer. Gather all the data for the XML
procedure getIdPaese(): Code[10]
procedure getCodicePaese(): Code[20]
procedure getCodiceDest(): Code[7]
procedure GetTrasmissionType() Result: Text
procedure fillPECDest(var PECAddress: Text): Boolean
PECAddress Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure getCustomerCF() CF: Text
procedure getCustomerDenominazione(): Text
procedure getCustomerSedeData(var Address: Text; var PostCode: Text; var City: Text; var County: Text; var Nation: Text)
Address Text[]
PostCode Text[]
City Text[]
County Text[]
Nation Text[]
procedure custHasVatRegNo(var IdPaese: Text; var VatRegNo: Text): Boolean
IdPaese Text[]
VatRegNo Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure custHasTaxRepresentative(var IdPaese: Text; var IdCodice: Text; var Denominazione: Text): Boolean
IdPaese Text[]
IdCodice Text[]
Denominazione Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure custHasFixedEstabl(var Indirizzo: Text;var CAP: Text;var Comune: Text;var Provincia: Text;var Nazione: Text): Boolean
Indirizzo Text[]
CAP Text[]
Comune Text[]
Provincia Text[]
Nazione Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure custHasFixedEstabl(var IdPaese: Text; var IdCodice: Text; var Denominazione: Text): Boolean
IdPaese Text[]
IdCodice Text[]
Denominazione Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure isForeignCustomer(): Boolean
procedure hasSoggettoEmittente(var SoggettoEmittente: Text): Boolean
SoggettoEmittente Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure hasTransmissionIntermediaryVendor(var IdPaese: Text; var IdCodice: Text; var CodiceFiscale: Text; var Denominazione: Text): Boolean
IdPaese Text[]
IdCodice Text[]
CodiceFiscale Text[]
Denominazione Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure getCedentePrestatoreData(var idPaese: Text; var CodicePaese: Text; var CF: Text; var denominazione: Text; var RF: Text)
idPaese Text[]
CodicePaese Text[]
CF Text[]
denominazione Text[]
RF Text[]
procedure getSedeData(var Indirizzo: Text; var CAP: Text; var Comune: Text; var Provincia: Text; var Nazione: Text)
Indirizzo Text[]
CAP Text[]
Comune Text[]
Provincia Text[]
Nazione Text[]
procedure getIscrizioneREAData(var Ufficio: Text; var NumeroREA: Text; var CapitaleSociale: Text; var SocioUnico: Text; var inLiquidazione: Text)
Ufficio Text[]
NumeroREA Text[]
CapitaleSociale Text[]
SocioUnico Text[]
inLiquidazione Text[]
procedure getContactData(var Telefono: Text; var Fax: Text; var Email: Text)
Telefono Text[]
Fax Text[]
Email Text[]
procedure hasRiferimentoAmministrazione(var AccountNo: Text): Boolean
AccountNo Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure hasIscrizioneREA(): Boolean
procedure hasContactSection(): Boolean
procedure isIT(): Boolean
procedure getCausaleTags(var CausaleList: List of [Text]; var CausaleConai: Text; var CausaleDutyStamp: Text)
CausaleList List[Text]
CausaleConai Text[]
CausaleDutyStamp Text[]
procedure getDocumentNo(var Numero: Text)
procedure getGeneralData(var TipoDocumento: Text; var Divisa: Text; var Data: Text; var Numero: Text; var ImportoBollo: Text; var ImportoTotaleDocumento: Text)
TipoDocumento Text[]
Divisa Text[]
Data Text[]
Numero Text[]
ImportoBollo Text[]
ImportoTotaleDocumento Text[]
procedure IsFreeGood(RecRefLine: RecordRef): Boolean
RecRefLine RecordRef
Returns Boolean
procedure NormalizeDocNo(docNo: code[20]): Text
docNo code[20]
Returns Text[]
procedure FormatDate(d: date): Text
d date
Returns Text[]
procedure PopulateBuffers(var RifLineNoBuffer: Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"; var OrderNoBuffer: Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"; var ShptNoBuffer: Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer")
RifLineNoBuffer Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"
OrderNoBuffer Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"
ShptNoBuffer Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"
procedure hasDirectOrder(var NumeroOrd: Text; var DataOrd: Date; var CIG: Code[15]; var CUP: Code[15]) hasValue: Boolean
NumeroOrd Text[]
DataOrd Date
CIG Code[15]
CUP Code[15]
Returns Boolean
procedure hasDirectOrder(var NumeroOrd: Text; var DataOrd: Date; var CIG: Code[15]; var CUP: Code[15]; var CodiceCommessaConvenzione: Text[100]) hasValue: Boolean
NumeroOrd Text[]
DataOrd Date
CIG Code[15]
CUP Code[15]
CodiceCommessaConvenzione Text[100]
Returns Boolean
procedure NeedBalancingLine(DocNo: code[20]; lineNo: Integer): Boolean
DocNo code[20]
lineNo Integer
Returns Boolean
procedure NeedBalancingLinePerc(LineRecRef: RecordRef): Boolean
LineRecRef RecordRef
Returns Boolean
procedure IsSplitPaymentLine(LineRecRef: RecordRef): Boolean
LineRecRef RecordRef
Returns Boolean
procedure IsSplitVATSetup(VATEntry: Record "VAT Entry"): Boolean
VATEntry Record "VAT Entry"
Returns Boolean
procedure getRelDocsTagsForCurrDoc(var ElectrDocRelatedDocsTMP: Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Related Docs." temporary): Boolean
ElectrDocRelatedDocsTMP Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Related Docs."
Returns Boolean
procedure UpdateDocRelatedLines(var ElectrDocRelatedDocsTMP: Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Related Docs." temporary)
Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Related Docs."
procedure getRelDocsLineTagsForCurrDoc(var EOSEDocRelDocLines: Record "EOS EDoc. Rel. Doc. Lines"): Boolean
EOSEDocRelDocLines Record "EOS EDoc. Rel. Doc. Lines"
Returns Boolean
procedure hasDirectShipment(var NumeroDDT: Text; var DataDDT: Text) hasValue: Boolean
NumeroDDT Text[]
DataDDT Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure filterLineNoBufferOrder(var RifNrLineaBufferOrder: Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"; LineRecRef: RecordRef)
RifNrLineaBufferOrder Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"
LineRecRef RecordRef
procedure prepareCurrLine(var line: RecordRef; var writeSeparateDiscLines: Boolean; var WriteSeparateFullVATLine: Boolean; UpdateDiscount: Boolean; UpdateFullVAT: Boolean)
line RecordRef
writeSeparateDiscLines Boolean
WriteSeparateFullVATLine Boolean
UpdateDiscount Boolean
UpdateFullVAT Boolean
procedure getInvoiceLines(var lines: RecordRef)
procedure hasAmount(var line: RecordRef): Boolean
line RecordRef
Returns Boolean
procedure getItemValue(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var CodiceValore: Text): Boolean
LineRecRef RecordRef
CodiceValore Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure getCrossRefItem(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var CodiceValore: List of [Text]) HasValue: Boolean
LineRecRef RecordRef
CodiceValore List[Text]
Returns Boolean
procedure GetDescription(LineRecRef: RecordRef): Text
LineRecRef RecordRef
Returns Text[]
procedure getQuantity(LineRecRef: RecordRef): Text
LineRecRef RecordRef
Returns Text[]
procedure getQuantityDec(LineRecRef: RecordRef): Decimal
LineRecRef RecordRef
Returns Decimal
procedure getUoM(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var UoM: Text): Boolean
LineRecRef RecordRef
UoM Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure getPrezzoUnitario(LineRecRef: RecordRef): Text
LineRecRef RecordRef
Returns Text[]
procedure FormatAmount8(InAmount: Decimal): Text[30]
InAmount Decimal
Returns Text[30]
procedure GeValueExclVAT(PricesInclVAT: Boolean; CurrencyCode: Code[10]; VATPerc: Decimal; Value: Decimal): Decimal
PricesInclVAT Boolean
CurrencyCode Code[10]
VATPerc Decimal
Value Decimal
Returns Decimal
procedure getScontoMaggiorazione(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var tipo: Text; var importo: Text) hasSconto: Boolean
LineRecRef RecordRef
tipo Text[]
importo Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure getScontoMaggiorazionePerc(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var tipo: array[10] of Text; var Perc: array[10] of Text) hasSconto: Boolean
LineRecRef RecordRef
tipo Text[]
Perc Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure getScontoMaggiorazionePerc(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var tipo: array[10] of Text; var Perc: array[10] of Text; var LastArrayIndex: Integer) hasSconto: Boolean
LineRecRef RecordRef
tipo Text[]
Perc Text[]
LastArrayIndex Integer
Returns Boolean
procedure getPrezzoTot(LineRecRef: RecordRef): Text
LineRecRef RecordRef
Returns Text[]
procedure getAliquotaIVA(LineRecRef: RecordRef) VATPercTxt: Text
LineRecRef RecordRef
Returns Text[]
procedure getVATClause(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var VATClauseCode: Code[20]; var VATClauseDescr: Text) HasVATClause: Boolean
LineRecRef RecordRef
VATClauseCode Code[20]
VATClauseDescr Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure getHasZeroAliquotaIVA(LineRecRef: RecordRef) IsZeroVAT: Boolean
LineRecRef RecordRef
Returns Boolean
procedure getNatura(LineRecRef: RecordRef) Natura: Text
LineRecRef RecordRef
Returns Text[]
procedure hasDescrLines(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var descList: list of [Text]) HasLines: Boolean
LineRecRef RecordRef
descList list[Text]
Returns Boolean
procedure isForeignCurrency(): Boolean
procedure getFCYAmount(line: RecordRef): Text
line RecordRef
Returns Text[]
procedure getFCYLineAmount(line: RecordRef): Text
line RecordRef
Returns Text[]
procedure isLastLine(line: RecordRef): Boolean
line RecordRef
Returns Boolean
procedure getAltriDatiGestionaliFCYData(var ImpLFtVal: Text; var ImpNFtVal: Text; var IvaVal: Text; var TotFattVal: Text; var DivDoc: Text; var EurDiv: Text)
ImpLFtVal Text[]
ImpNFtVal Text[]
IvaVal Text[]
TotFattVal Text[]
DivDoc Text[]
EurDiv Text[]
procedure prepareDiscLine(var DiscInvoiceLine: RecordRef; LineRecRef: RecordRef)
DiscInvoiceLine RecordRef
LineRecRef RecordRef
procedure hasNegativeAmount(line: RecordRef): Boolean
line RecordRef
Returns Boolean
procedure isPureDiscount(line: RecordRef)
procedure initializeDiscLine(var line: RecordRef; var DiscountType: Text; var DiscountDescr: Text)
line RecordRef
DiscountType Text[]
DiscountDescr Text[]
procedure prepareFullVATLines(var VATInvoiceLine: RecordRef; LineRecRef: RecordRef)
VATInvoiceLine RecordRef
LineRecRef RecordRef
procedure getFullVATDescr(line: RecordRef): Text
line RecordRef
Returns Text[]
procedure GetVatEntryLines(var TempVATEntry: Record "VAT Entry")
Record "VAT Entry"
procedure GetVatEntryLinesFromDocLines(var TempVATEntry: Record "VAT Entry")
Record "VAT Entry"
procedure getVATNatura(TempVATEntry: Record "VAT Entry"): Text
TempVATEntry Record "VAT Entry"
Returns Text[]
procedure getImponibile(TempVATEntry: Record "VAT Entry"): Text
TempVATEntry Record "VAT Entry"
Returns Text[]
procedure getImposta(TempVATEntry: Record "VAT Entry") VATAmountTxt: Text
TempVATEntry Record "VAT Entry"
Returns Text[]
procedure getEsigibilita(TempVATEntry: Record "VAT Entry"): Text
TempVATEntry Record "VAT Entry"
Returns Text[]
procedure GetRiferimentoNormativo(TempVATEntry: Record "VAT Entry") VATNatureDescription: Text
TempVATEntry Record "VAT Entry"
Returns Text[]
procedure getCondizioniPagamento() CondPag: Text
procedure getCurrencyCode() CurrCode: Text
procedure getCustLedgEntries(var CustLedgEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry")
Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"
procedure getPaymentCode(): Text
procedure formatScadenza(duedate: Date): Text
duedate Date
Returns Text[]
procedure getImportoPagamento(CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"): Text
CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"
Returns Text[]
procedure hasBankRelFields(var IstitutoFinanziario: Text; var IBAN: Text; var ABI: Text; var CAB: Text; var BIC: Text) hasValue: Boolean
IstitutoFinanziario Text[]
IBAN Text[]
ABI Text[]
CAB Text[]
BIC Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure insertOrderData(): Boolean
procedure insertShipmentData(): Boolean
procedure hasAttachment(var RecordLink: Record "Record Link"): Boolean
RecordLink Record "Record Link"
Returns Boolean
procedure hasAttachment(var DocumentAttachment: Record "Document Attachment"): Boolean
DocumentAttachment Record "Document Attachment"
Returns Boolean
procedure getAttachmentMedia(DocAttach: Record "Document Attachment"; var documentEncoded: Text) HasAttachment: Boolean
DocAttach Record "Document Attachment"
documentEncoded Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure getRecordLink(RecLink: Record "Record Link"; var documentEncoded: Text; var filename: Text; var fileExt: Text) HasAttachment: Boolean
RecLink Record "Record Link"
documentEncoded Text[]
filename Text[]
fileExt Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure getReport(ReportSelections: Record "Report Selections"; var documentEncoded: Text; var filename: Text; var fileExt: Text): Boolean
ReportSelections Record "Report Selections"
documentEncoded Text[]
filename Text[]
fileExt Text[]
Returns Boolean
procedure includePDF(var TempReportSelections: Record "Report Selections" temporary): Boolean
TempReportSelections Record "Report Selections"
Returns Boolean
procedure initializeFEData(document: Variant; var ProgressiveFileID: Code[5])
document Variant
ProgressiveFileID Code[5]
procedure GetAddItemCode(): Boolean
procedure EventParams(var header: RecordRef; var line: RecordRef)
header RecordRef
line RecordRef
procedure getHeader(var header: RecordRef)
procedure setHeader(header: RecordRef)
procedure setLineRecRef(LineRecRef: RecordRef)
procedure IsLineDiscountByAmount(): Boolean
procedure IsLineDiscountByPerc(): Boolean
local procedure OnBeforeGetDirectShipmentData(HeaderRecRef: RecordRef; var NumeroDDT: Text; var DataDDT: Text; var hasValue: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Use this event if you want to add custom logics during the check of mandatory fields before generating the XML
HeaderRecRef RecordRef
Header record
NumeroDDT Text[]
Return DDT number to export
DataDDT Text[]
Return DDT date to export
hasValue Boolean
Return value, specifies if document has a direct shipment
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
local procedure OnAfterGetDirectShipmentData(HeaderRecRef: RecordRef; var NumeroDDT: Text; var DataDDT: Text; var hasValue: Boolean)
Use this event if you want to add custom logics during the check of mandatory fields before generating the XML
HeaderRecRef RecordRef
Header record
NumeroDDT Text[]
Return DDT number to export
DataDDT Text[]
Return DDT date to export
hasValue Boolean
Return value, specifies if document has a direct shipment
local procedure OnGetAliquotaIVA(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var VATPercTxt: Text)
LineRecRef RecordRef
VATPercTxt Text[]
local procedure OnGetHasZeroAliquotaIVA(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var IsZeroVAT: Boolean)
LineRecRef RecordRef
IsZeroVAT Boolean
local procedure OnGetNatura(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var Natura: Text)
LineRecRef RecordRef
Natura Text[]
local procedure OnBeforeProcessDescrLines(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var DescrLineRecRef: RecordRef; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised before description lines in document (means actual document line with type comment or blank) are processed to be exported in relation to a item, g/l account, … line
LineRecRef RecordRef
Main document line (i.e. Item line)
DescrLineRecRef RecordRef
Filtered description line record. Do not modify filters in this event, just modify description line data if needed
Handled Boolean
No standard app code will be executed
local procedure OnBeforeProcessSingleDescrLine(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var DescrLineRecRef: RecordRef; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised before a single description line in document (means actual document line with type comment or blank) is processed to be exported in relation to a item, g/l account, … line
LineRecRef RecordRef
Main document line (i.e. Item line)
DescrLineRecRef RecordRef
Filtered description line record. Do not modify filters in this event, just modify description line data if needed
Handled Boolean
No standard app code will be executed
local procedure OnGetImposta(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var VATAmountTxt: Boolean)
LineRecRef RecordRef
VATAmountTxt Boolean
local procedure OnBeforeGetVATExemptionDescription(HeaderRecRef: RecordRef; CustomerNo: Code[20]; DocumentDate: Date; VATExemption: Record "VAT Exemption"; var VATExemptionDescription: Text[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean; TempVATEntry: Record "VAT Entry")
HeaderRecRef RecordRef
CustomerNo Code[20]
DocumentDate Date
VATExemption Record "VAT Exemption"
VATExemptionDescription Text[50]
IsHandled Boolean
TempVATEntry Record "VAT Entry"
local procedure OnAfterGetVATExemptionDescription(HeaderRecRef: RecordRef; CustomerNo: Code[20]; DocumentDate: Date; VATExemption: Record "VAT Exemption"; var VATExemptionDescription: Text[50]; TempVATEntry: Record "VAT Entry")
HeaderRecRef RecordRef
CustomerNo Code[20]
DocumentDate Date
VATExemption Record "VAT Exemption"
VATExemptionDescription Text[50]
TempVATEntry Record "VAT Entry"
local procedure OnBeforePopulateIstitutoFinanziarioData(HeaderRecRef: RecordRef; var IstitutoFinanziario: Text; var IBAN: Text; var ABI: Text; var CAB: Text; var BIC: Text; var hasValue: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
HeaderRecRef RecordRef
IstitutoFinanziario Text[]
IBAN Text[]
ABI Text[]
CAB Text[]
BIC Text[]
hasValue Boolean
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfterPopulateIstitutoFinanziarioData(HeaderRecRef: RecordRef; var IstitutoFinanziario: Text; var IBAN: Text; var ABI: Text; var CAB: Text; var BIC: Text; var hasValue: Boolean)
HeaderRecRef RecordRef
IstitutoFinanziario Text[]
IBAN Text[]
ABI Text[]
CAB Text[]
BIC Text[]
hasValue Boolean
local procedure OnBeforegetAttachmentMedia(DocAttach: Record "Document Attachment"; var documentEncoded: Text; var HasAttachment: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
DocAttach Record "Document Attachment"
documentEncoded Text[]
HasAttachment Boolean
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAftergetAttachmentMedia(DocAttach: Record "Document Attachment"; var documentEncoded: Text; var HasAttachment: Boolean)
DocAttach Record "Document Attachment"
documentEncoded Text[]
HasAttachment Boolean
local procedure OnBeforegetRecordLink(RecLink: Record "Record Link"; var documentEncoded: Text; var filename: Text; var fileExt: Text; var HasAttachment: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
RecLink Record "Record Link"
documentEncoded Text[]
filename Text[]
fileExt Text[]
HasAttachment Boolean
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAftergetgetRecordLink(RecLink: Record "Record Link"; var documentEncoded: Text; var filename: Text; var fileExt: Text; var HasAttachment: Boolean)
RecLink Record "Record Link"
documentEncoded Text[]
filename Text[]
fileExt Text[]
HasAttachment Boolean
local procedure OnBeforeCheck_Related_CWS_Exists(header: RecordRef;line: RecordRef;var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer";var elementName: Text[250];id: Text;var Value: Text;var IsHandled: Boolean)
Runs before seeking CWS related to posted sales shipment. If found, will be exported CWS no. instead of standard shipment no.
header RecordRef
same as OnBeforeAddStartTag
line RecordRef
same as OnBeforeAddStartTag
XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"
same as OnBeforeAddStartTag
elementName Text[250]
same as OnBeforeAddStartTag
id Text[]
same as OnBeforeAddStartTag
Value Text[]
The Value of element. If empty it won’t be added
IsHandled Boolean
If true, no following standard app code will be executed
local procedure OnAfterCheck_Related_CWS_Exists(header: RecordRef;line: RecordRef;var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer";var elementName: Text[250];id: Text;var Value: Text)
Runs after seeking CWS related to posted sales shipment. If found, will be exported CWS no. instead of standard shipment no.
header RecordRef
same as OnBeforeAddStartTag
line RecordRef
same as OnBeforeAddStartTag
XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"
same as OnBeforeAddStartTag
elementName Text[250]
same as OnBeforeAddStartTag
id Text[]
same as OnBeforeAddStartTag
Value Text[]
The Value of element. If empty it won’t be added
local procedure OnAfterCheckMandatoryFields(Customer: Record Customer;TransmissionIntermediaryVendor: Record Vendor;HeaderRecRef: RecordRef;CustTaxRepresentative: Record Customer temporary)
Use this event if you want to add custom logics during the check of mandatory fields before generating the XML
Customer Record "Customer"
Record Customer
TransmissionIntermediaryVendor Record "Vendor"
Record Vendor
HeaderRecRef RecordRef
CustTaxRepresentative Record "Customer"
Record Customer
local procedure OnBeforeCheckMandatoryFields(Customer: Record Customer;TransmissionIntermediaryVendor: Record Vendor;HeaderRecRef: RecordRef;CustTaxRepresentative: Record Customer temporary; var handled: Boolean)
If you want to overide the logics behind the check for mandatory fields, use this event to make your own. Remember to set handled to true in order to bypass the standard logics
Customer Record "Customer"
Record Customer
TransmissionIntermediaryVendor Record "Vendor"
Record Vendor
HeaderRecRef RecordRef
CustTaxRepresentative Record "Customer"
Record Customer
handled Boolean
local procedure OnBeforeCollectDescrLines(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var descList: list of [Text]; var HasLines: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when collecting descriptive lines to export in XML into AltriDatiGestionali tag
LineRecRef RecordRef
Product document line you are processing, from this line will be identified related description lines
descList list[Text]
Return list of texts that will be exported
HasLines Boolean
Return value, true means export descriprion lines, False means skip
Handled Boolean
if true, skips standard code
local procedure OnAfterCollectDescrLines(LineRecRef: RecordRef; var descList: list of [Text]; var HasLines: Boolean)
Raised after collecting descriptive lines to export in XML into AltriDatiGestionali tag
LineRecRef RecordRef
Product document line you are processing, from this line will be identified related description lines
descList list[Text]
Return list of texts that will be exported
HasLines Boolean
Return value, true means export descriprion lines, False means skip
local procedure OnBeforeGetReportAttachment(EOSOutbEDocGroupSetup: Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Group Setup"; ReportSelections: Record "Report Selections"; var documentEncoded: Text; var filename: Text; var fileExt: Text; HeaderRecRef: recordref; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised before creating PDF attachment to include in xml file
EOSOutbEDocGroupSetup Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Group Setup"
Reference setup group
ReportSelections Record "Report Selections"
Report selection record cointaining report to print
documentEncoded Text[]
Variable to fill with attachment in base64 format
filename Text[]
Attachment file name
fileExt Text[]
Attachment file extension
HeaderRecRef recordref
Header recordref
Handled Boolean
if true, skips standard code
local procedure OnAfterGetReportAttachment(EOSOutbEDocGroupSetup: Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Group Setup"; ReportSelections: Record "Report Selections"; var documentEncoded: Text; var filename: Text; var fileExt: Text; HeaderRecRef: recordref)
Raised after creating PDF attachment to include in xml file
EOSOutbEDocGroupSetup Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Group Setup"
Reference setup group
ReportSelections Record "Report Selections"
Report selection record cointaining report to print
documentEncoded Text[]
filename Text[]
Attachment file name
fileExt Text[]
Attachment file extension
HeaderRecRef recordref
Header recordref
local procedure OnBeforeRunReportAttachment(EOSOutbEDocGroupSetup: Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Group Setup"; ReportSelections: Record "Report Selections")
Raised before executing retrieved report to create PDF attachment to include in xml file
EOSOutbEDocGroupSetup Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Group Setup"
Reference setup group
ReportSelections Record "Report Selections"
Report selection record cointaining report to print
procedure OnBeforeGetRiferimentoNormativoWithHeader(TempVATEntry: Record "VAT Entry"; var RiferimentoNormativoText: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean; header: RecordRef)
TempVATEntry Record "VAT Entry"
RiferimentoNormativoText Text[]
IsHandled Boolean
header RecordRef
procedure OnAfterGetRiferimentoNormativoWithHeader(TempVATEntry: Record "VAT Entry"; var RiferimentoNormativoText: Text; header: RecordRef)
TempVATEntry Record "VAT Entry"
RiferimentoNormativoText Text[]
header RecordRef
local procedure OnBeforeForcePECExport(CustNo: Code[20]; header: RecordRef; var Result: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
CustNo Code[20]
header RecordRef
Result Boolean
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfterForcePECExport(CustNo: Code[20]; header: RecordRef; var Result: Boolean)
CustNo Code[20]
header RecordRef
Result Boolean
local procedure OnBeforePopulateBuffers(HeaderRecRef: RecordRef; var RifLineNoBuffer: Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"; var OrderNoBuffer: Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"; var ShptNoBuffer: Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before RifLineNoBuffer (buffer that links ), OrderNoBuffer (buffer for DatiOrdineAcquisto) and ShptNoBuffer (buffer for DatiDDT) are poputaled
HeaderRecRef RecordRef
Document header
RifLineNoBuffer Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"
Buffer related to document lines. Details: | Field | Value | |———————————- |———————————————————————————- | | “EOS Primary” | PK | | “EOS Inv. No.” | Posted Invoice/Cr. Memo document no. | | “EOS Inv. Line No.” | Posted Invoice/Cr. Memo document line | | “EOS Rif. Line No.” | Line no. in the XML file (tag NumeroLinea) |
OrderNoBuffer Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"
Buffer related to DatiOrdineAcquisto. Details: | Field | Value | |———————————- |———————————————————————————- | | “EOS Primary” | PK | | “EOS Inv. No.” | Posted Invoice/Cr. Memo document no. | | “EOS Inv. Line No.” | Posted Invoice/Cr. Memo document line | | “EOS Doc No.” | IdDocumento in DatiOrdineAcquisto section | | “EOS Data” | Data in DatiOrdineAcquisto section | | “EOS Codice CIG” | CodiceCIG in DatiOrdineAcquisto section | | “EOS Codice CUP” | CodiceCUP in DatiOrdineAcquisto section |
ShptNoBuffer Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"
Buffer related to DatiDDT. Details: | Field | Value | |———————————- |———————————————————————————- | | “EOS Primary” | PK | | “EOS Inv. No.” | Posted Invoice/Cr. Memo document no. | | “EOS Inv. Line No.” | Posted Invoice/Cr. Memo document line | | “EOS Doc No.” | NumeroDDT in DatiDDT section | | “EOS Data” | DataDDT in DatiDDT section |
IsHandled Boolean
if true, skips standard code
local procedure OnAfterPopulateBuffers(HeaderRecRef: RecordRef; var RifLineNoBuffer: Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"; var OrderNoBuffer: Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"; var ShptNoBuffer: Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer")
Raised after RifLineNoBuffer (buffer with all document line), OrderNoBuffer (buffer for DatiOrdineAcquisto) and ShptNoBuffer (buffer for DatiDDT) are poputaled
HeaderRecRef RecordRef
Document header
RifLineNoBuffer Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"
Buffer related to document lines. Details: | Field | Value | |———————————- |———————————————————————————- | | “EOS Primary” | PK | | “EOS Inv. No.” | Posted Invoice/Cr. Memo document no. | | “EOS Inv. Line No.” | Posted Invoice/Cr. Memo document line | | “EOS Rif. Line No.” | Line no. in the XML file (tag NumeroLinea) |
OrderNoBuffer Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"
Buffer related to DatiOrdineAcquisto. Details: | Field | Value | |———————————- |———————————————————————————- | | “EOS Primary” | PK | | “EOS Inv. No.” | Posted Invoice/Cr. Memo document no. | | “EOS Inv. Line No.” | Posted Invoice/Cr. Memo document line | | “EOS Doc No.” | IdDocumento in DatiOrdineAcquisto section | | “EOS Data” | Data in DatiOrdineAcquisto section | | “EOS Codice CIG” | CodiceCIG in DatiOrdineAcquisto section | | “EOS Codice CUP” | CodiceCUP in DatiOrdineAcquisto section |
ShptNoBuffer Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"
Buffer related to DatiDDT. Details: | Field | Value | |———————————- |———————————————————————————- | | “EOS Primary” | PK | | “EOS Inv. No.” | Posted Invoice/Cr. Memo document no. | | “EOS Inv. Line No.” | Posted Invoice/Cr. Memo document line | | “EOS Doc No.” | NumeroDDT in DatiDDT section | | “EOS Data” | DataDDT in DatiDDT section |
local procedure OnAfterPopulateRifLineNo(HeaderRecRef: RecordRef; LineRecRef: RecordRef; var RifLineNoBuffer: Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer")
HeaderRecRef RecordRef
LineRecRef RecordRef
RifLineNoBuffer Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"
local procedure OnAfterPopulateShipmentData(HeaderRecRef: RecordRef; LineRecRef: RecordRef; var OrderNoBuffer: Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer")
HeaderRecRef RecordRef
LineRecRef RecordRef
OrderNoBuffer Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"
local procedure OnAfterPopulateOrderData(HeaderRecRef: RecordRef; LineRecRef: RecordRef; var OrderNoBuffer: Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer")
HeaderRecRef RecordRef
LineRecRef RecordRef
OrderNoBuffer Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"
local procedure OnAfterPopulateOrderDataFirstLine(HeaderRecRef: RecordRef; LineRecRef: RecordRef; var OrderNoBuffer: Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer")
Raised before creating the first line of the document referred to Document Data.
HeaderRecRef RecordRef
Document header
LineRecRef RecordRef
Document line
OrderNoBuffer Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"
Buffer related to DatiOrdineAcquisto
local procedure OnBeforeinitializeDiscLine(var line: RecordRef; var DiscountType: Text; var DiscountDescr: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)
line RecordRef
DiscountType Text[]
DiscountDescr Text[]
IsHandled Boolean
local procedure OnAfterinitializeDiscLine(var line: RecordRef; var DiscountType: Text; var DiscountDescr: Text)
line RecordRef
DiscountType Text[]
DiscountDescr Text[]
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