Codeunit 18123045 EOS Outb. EDoc. Mgt.

Codeunit 18123045 EOS Outb. EDoc. Mgt.

Gather all functions related to transliteration feature



procedure CreateSendElectrDocFromPostedDoc(RecRef: RecordRef;CreateFile: Boolean;Send2IXFE: Boolean) Result: Boolean

Create and Send the Electronic Document From Posted Doc

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The Document

  • CreateFile Boolean

    If true, create the file

  • Send2IXFE Boolean

    If True send to IX FE the created document

  • Returns Boolean

    true equals success


procedure SetRecRef(VAR RecRef: RecordRef)

Set the RecRef that need to create the XML (handle only Sales/Service Invoice/Cr.Memo)

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef



procedure SetAction(newAction: option Create,Send)

Set Action: could be create or Send (send will also create the document)

Parameters / Return Value

  • newAction option

    Create (0) , Send (1)

    option Create,Send


procedure OnValidateEDocType(var RecRef: RecordRef; HideDialog: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • HideDialog Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


PROCEDURE "Is1.6ExportFormat"(RefDate: Date; HideDialog: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefDate Date

  • HideDialog Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


PROCEDURE GetTDDefault(RecRef: RecordRef) EDocType: Code[5]

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • Returns Code[5]


PROCEDURE GetDiscRoundingPrecision() RounPrec: Decimal

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Decimal


PROCEDURE FormatSpecsCheck(RecRef: RecordRef; HideDialog: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • HideDialog Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


PROCEDURE FormatVATNatureCheck(VATTransNatureCode: Code[4])

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATTransNatureCode Code[4]


PROCEDURE FormatDutyStampCheck(Hidedialog: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • Hidedialog Boolean

  • Returns Boolean



local procedure OnAfterEDocCreated(var RecRef: RecordRef)

On After EDoc Created

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)


local procedure OnBeforeRunEDocFileSending(var RecRef: RecordRef; var Result: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before global XML document sending

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    Document you’re processing

  • Result Boolean

    Return value of the function

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard app code will be executed


local procedure OnAfterRunEDocFileSending(var RecRef: RecordRef; var Result: Boolean)

Raised after global XML document sending

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    Document you’re processing

  • Result Boolean

    Return value of the function


local procedure OnBeforeValidateEDocType(var RecRef: RecordRef; HideDialog: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before validating electr. doc. type on sales or service document

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The header of the sales or service document

  • HideDialog Boolean

    Specifies if dialog should be suppressed

  • Handled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


local procedure OnAfterValidateEDocType(var RecRef: RecordRef; HideDialog: Boolean)

Raised after validating electr. doc. type on sales or service document

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The header of the sales or service document

  • HideDialog Boolean

    Specifies if dialog should be suppressed

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