Codeunit 18123048 EOS IXFE Management

Codeunit 18123048 EOS IXFE Management



procedure PrepareSalesInvoice(SalesInvoiceHeader: Record "Sales Invoice Header"; var EOSFEOutDocuments: Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesInvoiceHeader Record "Sales Invoice Header"

  • EOSFEOutDocuments Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document"


procedure PrepareSalesCreditMemo(SalesCrMemoHeader: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"; var EOSFEOutDocuments: Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesCrMemoHeader Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"

  • EOSFEOutDocuments Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document"


procedure PrepareServiceInvoice(ServiceInvoiceHeader: Record "Service Invoice Header"; var EOSFEOutDocuments: Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceInvoiceHeader Record "Service Invoice Header"

  • EOSFEOutDocuments Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document"


procedure PrepareServiceCreditMemo(ServiceCrMemoHeader: Record "Service Cr.Memo Header"; var EOSFEOutDocuments: Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceCrMemoHeader Record "Service Cr.Memo Header"

  • EOSFEOutDocuments Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document"


PROCEDURE PreparePurchInvoice(PurchInvHeader: Record "Purch. Inv. Header"; VAR EOSFEOutDocuments: Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document")

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchInvHeader Record "Purch. Inv. Header"

  • EOSFEOutDocuments Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document"


PROCEDURE PreparePurchCreditMemo(PurchCrMemoHdr: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."; VAR EOSFEOutDocuments: Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document")

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchCrMemoHdr Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."

  • EOSFEOutDocuments Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document"


procedure AddSingleGenericDocument(TableName: Text[30]; DocumentNo: Code[20]; EmbedXMLDoc: Boolean; var XMLDocument: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; AddAndSend: Boolean; ShowMessage: Boolean) Result: Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableName Text[30]

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • EmbedXMLDoc Boolean

  • XMLDocument Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • AddAndSend Boolean

  • ShowMessage Boolean

  • Returns Integer


procedure AddSingleSalesInvoice(var SalesInvoiceHeader: Record "Sales Invoice Header"; EmbedXMLDoc: Boolean; var XMLDocument: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; AddAndSend: Boolean; ShowMessage: Boolean) Result: Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesInvoiceHeader Record "Sales Invoice Header"

  • EmbedXMLDoc Boolean

  • XMLDocument Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • AddAndSend Boolean

  • ShowMessage Boolean

  • Returns Integer


procedure AddSingleSalesCreditMemo(var SalesCrMemoHeader: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"; EmbedXMLDoc: Boolean; var XMLDocument: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; AddAndSend: Boolean; ShowMessage: Boolean) Result: Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesCrMemoHeader Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"

  • EmbedXMLDoc Boolean

  • XMLDocument Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • AddAndSend Boolean

  • ShowMessage Boolean

  • Returns Integer


procedure AddSingleServiceInvoice(var ServiceInvoiceHeader: Record "Service Invoice Header"; EmbedXMLDoc: Boolean; var XMLDocument: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; AddAndSend: Boolean; ShowMessage: Boolean) Result: Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceInvoiceHeader Record "Service Invoice Header"

  • EmbedXMLDoc Boolean

  • XMLDocument Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • AddAndSend Boolean

  • ShowMessage Boolean

  • Returns Integer


procedure AddSingleServiceCreditMemo(var ServiceCrMemoHeader: Record "Service Cr.Memo Header"; EmbedXMLDoc: Boolean; var XMLDocument: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; AddAndSend: Boolean; ShowMessage: Boolean) Result: Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceCrMemoHeader Record "Service Cr.Memo Header"

  • EmbedXMLDoc Boolean

  • XMLDocument Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • AddAndSend Boolean

  • ShowMessage Boolean

  • Returns Integer


PROCEDURE AddSinglePurchInvoice(VAR PurchInvHeader: Record "Purch. Inv. Header"; EmbedXMLDoc: Boolean; var XMLDocument: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; AddAndSend: Boolean; ShowMessage: Boolean) Result: Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchInvHeader Record "Purch. Inv. Header"

  • EmbedXMLDoc Boolean

  • XMLDocument Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • AddAndSend Boolean

  • ShowMessage Boolean

  • Returns Integer


PROCEDURE AddSinglePurchCreditMemo(VAR PurchCrMemoHdr: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."; EmbedXMLDoc: Boolean; var XMLDocument: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; AddAndSend: Boolean; ShowMessage: Boolean) Result: Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchCrMemoHdr Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."

  • EmbedXMLDoc Boolean

  • XMLDocument Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • AddAndSend Boolean

  • ShowMessage Boolean

  • Returns Integer


procedure AddMultipleDocument(var TempEOSFEOutDocuments: Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document"; var XMLDocument: Codeunit "Temp Blob") LotEntryNo: Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempEOSFEOutDocuments Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document"

  • XMLDocument Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • Returns Integer


procedure GetSendResult(): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetDocumentEntryNo(TableID: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]): Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableID Integer

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • Returns Integer


procedure DownloadSalesNotifications(ShowDialog: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShowDialog Boolean


procedure DownloadSingleSalesDocNotif(TableName: Text; DocumentNo: Code[20]) Return: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableName Text

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure SendDocuments(var EOSFEOutDocuments: Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document"; var SuccessCount: Integer; var FailedCount: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOSFEOutDocuments Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document"

  • SuccessCount Integer

  • FailedCount Integer


procedure SendSingleDocument(EOSFEOutDocuments: Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document"; ShowMessage: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOSFEOutDocuments Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document"

  • ShowMessage Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetDocumentsStatus(var EOSFEOutDocuments: Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document"; ShowDialog: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOSFEOutDocuments Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Document"

  • ShowDialog Boolean


procedure DownloadPurchaseMetadata(ShowDialog: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShowDialog Boolean


procedure SetLotDocumentStatus(var EOSFEInDocumentsLot: Record "EOS IXFE Inb. Document Lot"; AcceptDocument: Boolean; RefuseDescription: Text[250]; ShowUserConfirmation: Boolean; ShowDialog: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOSFEInDocumentsLot Record "EOS IXFE Inb. Document Lot"

  • AcceptDocument Boolean

  • RefuseDescription Text[250]

  • ShowUserConfirmation Boolean

  • ShowDialog Boolean


procedure SetDocumentStatus(var EOSFEInDocuments: Record "EOS IXFE Inb. Document"; AcceptDocument: Boolean; RefuseDescription: Text; ShowUserConfirmation: Boolean; ShowDialog: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOSFEInDocuments Record "EOS IXFE Inb. Document"

  • AcceptDocument Boolean

  • RefuseDescription Text

  • ShowUserConfirmation Boolean

  • ShowDialog Boolean


procedure FromDocRefToRecordID(TableNo: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var RecID: RecordID): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableNo Integer

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • RecID RecordID

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetEOSFEDocumentStatus(TableName: Text[250]; DocumentNo: Code[20]) Result: Code[50]

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableName Text[250]

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • Returns Code[50]


procedure LookupDocumentStatus(TableName: Text[250]; DocumentNo: Code[20]): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableName Text[250]

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure FindJobQueueEntry()


procedure SetHidedialog(newHidedialog: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • newHidedialog Boolean


procedure OpenConnection(ForceReconnect: Boolean; HideDialog: Boolean) Result: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • ForceReconnect Boolean

  • HideDialog Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetAOOList(var IXFEv3AOOs: Record "EOS IXFE AOOs" temporary; HideDialog: Boolean) Result: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • IXFEv3AOOs Record "EOS IXFE AOOs"

  • HideDialog Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure ValidateAOO(AOO2Check: Text; var IXFEv3AOOs: Record "EOS IXFE AOOs" temporary; OnlyCheck: Boolean; HideDialog: Boolean) Result: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • AOO2Check Text

  • IXFEv3AOOs Record "EOS IXFE AOOs"

  • OnlyCheck Boolean

  • HideDialog Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure UploadSingleDocument(var TmpBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; FileName: Text; ExternalDocumentID: Text; VatRegister: Code[20]; HideDialog: Boolean) DocID: Guid

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • FileName Text

  • ExternalDocumentID Text

  • VatRegister Code[20]

  • HideDialog Boolean

  • Returns Guid


procedure GetRemoteStatusFromIXID(DocumentID: Guid; var StatusCode: Text; var StatusText: Text; var StatusDate: DateTime; var StatusInt: Integer; HideDialog: Boolean) Result: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentID Guid

  • StatusCode Text

  • StatusText Text

  • StatusDate DateTime

  • StatusInt Integer

  • HideDialog Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure IsErrorNotif(NotifStatus: Text): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • NotifStatus Text

  • Returns Boolean


procedure DownloadInbOutbNotification("Outbound/Inbound": Option Outbound,Inbound; HideDialog: Boolean) Result: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • Outbound/Inbound Option

    Outbound (0) , Inbound (1)

  • HideDialog Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure DownloadInvoice(var TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; invoiceUID: Text; FileType: Option File,Zip,Base64; "Outbound/Inbound": Option Outbound,Inbound; HideDialog: Boolean) Result: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • invoiceUID Text

  • FileType Option

    File (0) , Zip (1) , Base64 (2)

  • Outbound/Inbound Option

    Outbound (0) , Inbound (1)

  • HideDialog Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure DownloadNotification(var TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; invoiceUID: Text; NotificationUID: Text; "Outbound/Inbound": Option Outbound,Inbound; FileType: Option File,Zip,Base64; HideDialog: Boolean) Result: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • invoiceUID Text

  • NotificationUID Text

  • Outbound/Inbound Option

    Outbound (0) , Inbound (1)

  • FileType Option

    File (0) , Zip (1) , Base64 (2)

  • HideDialog Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure UnwrapInvoice(var TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; invoiceUID: Text; HideDialog: Boolean) Result: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • invoiceUID Text

  • HideDialog Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure DownloadInvoiceToFile(FilePath: Text; invoiceUID: Text; FileType: Option File,Zip,Base64; "Outbound/Inbound": Option Outbound,Inbound; OpenFile: Boolean; HideDialog: Boolean) ReturnFilePath: Text

Parameters / Return Value

  • FilePath Text

  • invoiceUID Text

  • FileType Option

    File (0) , Zip (1) , Base64 (2)

  • Outbound/Inbound Option

    Outbound (0) , Inbound (1)

  • OpenFile Boolean

  • HideDialog Boolean

  • Returns Text


procedure DownloadNotificationToFile(FilePath: Text; invoiceUID: Text; NotificationUID: Text; "Outbound/Inbound": Option Outbound,Inbound; FileType: Option File,Zip,Base64; OpenFile: Boolean; HideDialog: Boolean) ReturnFilePath: Text

Parameters / Return Value

  • FilePath Text

  • invoiceUID Text

  • NotificationUID Text

  • Outbound/Inbound Option

    Outbound (0) , Inbound (1)

  • FileType Option

    File (0) , Zip (1) , Base64 (2)

  • OpenFile Boolean

  • HideDialog Boolean

  • Returns Text


procedure UnwrapInvoiceToFile(FilePath: Text; invoiceUID: Text; var tempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; OpenFile: Boolean; HideDialog: Boolean) Result: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • FilePath Text

  • invoiceUID Text

  • tempBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • OpenFile Boolean

  • HideDialog Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure SendInboudFeedback(DocumentID: Guid; LotIndex: Integer; Successful: Boolean; Description: Text; HideDialog: Boolean) Result: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentID Guid

  • LotIndex Integer

  • Successful Boolean

  • Description Text

  • HideDialog Boolean

  • Returns Boolean



local procedure OnBeforeDownloadSingleSalesDocNotif(TableNo: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var Return: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before downloading document status from IXFE

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableNo Integer

    Table no. of the document you’re processing

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    Document no. of the document you’re processing

  • Return Boolean

    Return value of the function

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard app code will be executed

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