Codeunit 18123053 EOS IXFE Interface

Codeunit 18123053 EOS IXFE Interface



procedure WriteLog()


procedure TryLogin(var EOSFESetup: Record "EOS IXFE Setup"; AOOMustExists: Boolean) Result: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOSFESetup Record "EOS IXFE Setup"

  • AOOMustExists Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure VerifyCurrentCompany(ShowErr: Boolean) RetValue: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShowErr Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetAOOListForSTRMENU(var EOSFESetup: Record "EOS IXFE Setup"; var AOOArray: array[100] of Text) Result: Text

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOSFESetup Record "EOS IXFE Setup"

  • AOOArray Text

  • Returns Text


procedure TryUploadSingleDocument(var TmpBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; FileName: Text; ExternalDocumentID: Text; VatRegister: Code[20]) DocumentID: Guid

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • FileName Text

  • ExternalDocumentID Text

  • VatRegister Code[20]

  • Returns Guid


procedure TryRetriveOutbDocNotif(DocumentID: Guid; var StatusCode: Text; var StatusText: Text; var StatusDate: DateTime; var StatusInt: Integer; var TempEOSFEOutDocNotifications: Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Doc. Notif."): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentID Guid

  • StatusCode Text

  • StatusText Text

  • StatusDate DateTime

  • StatusInt Integer

  • TempEOSFEOutDocNotifications Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Doc. Notif."

  • Returns Boolean


procedure TryGetAooGuid(AooName: Text): Guid

Parameters / Return Value

  • AooName Text

  • Returns Guid


procedure TryDownloadDocumentMetadata(var TempEOSFEInDocumentsLot: Record "EOS IXFE Inb. Document Lot"; var TempEOSFEInDocuments: Record "EOS IXFE Inb. Document"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempEOSFEInDocumentsLot Record "EOS IXFE Inb. Document Lot"

  • TempEOSFEInDocuments Record "EOS IXFE Inb. Document"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure TryDownloadDocumentFile(LotID: Guid; LotIndex: Integer; var SourceFileName: Text[250]; var tempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"): Text

Parameters / Return Value

  • LotID Guid

  • LotIndex Integer

  • SourceFileName Text[250]

  • tempBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • Returns Text


procedure TryRetriveInboundDocNotif(DocumentID: Guid; LotIndex: Integer; var TempEOSFEInDocNotifications: Record "EOS IXFE Inb. Doc. Notif."): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentID Guid

  • LotIndex Integer

  • TempEOSFEInDocNotifications Record "EOS IXFE Inb. Doc. Notif."

  • Returns Boolean


procedure TrySetFattureRicezioneStatus(DocumentID: Guid; LotIndex: Integer; Successful: Boolean; Description: Text): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentID Guid

  • LotIndex Integer

  • Successful Boolean

  • Description Text

  • Returns Boolean


procedure TryLogin_v3(var EOSFESetup: Record "EOS IXFE Setup"; AOOMustExists: Boolean) Result: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOSFESetup Record "EOS IXFE Setup"

  • AOOMustExists Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetAOOList_v3(var EOSFESetup: Record "EOS IXFE Setup") Result: Text

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOSFESetup Record "EOS IXFE Setup"

  • Returns Text


procedure GetAOOListForSTRMENU_v3(var EOSFESetup: Record "EOS IXFE Setup"; var AOOArray: array[100] of Text) Result: Text

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOSFESetup Record "EOS IXFE Setup"

  • AOOArray Text

  • Returns Text


procedure AOOValidate_v3(EOSFESetup: Record "EOS IXFE Setup")

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOSFESetup Record "EOS IXFE Setup"


procedure UploadDocument_v3(var TmpBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; FileName: Text; ExternalDocumentID: Text; VatRegister: Code[20]) DocumentID: Guid

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • FileName Text

  • ExternalDocumentID Text

  • VatRegister Code[20]

  • Returns Guid


procedure TryRetriveOutbDocNotif_v3(DocumentID: Guid; var StatusCode: Text; var StatusText: Text; var StatusDate: DateTime; var StatusInt: Integer; var TempEOSFEOutDocNotifications: Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Doc. Notif."): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentID Guid

  • StatusCode Text

  • StatusText Text

  • StatusDate DateTime

  • StatusInt Integer

  • TempEOSFEOutDocNotifications Record "EOS IXFE Outb. Doc. Notif."

  • Returns Boolean


procedure TryGetAooGuid_v3(AooName: Text): Guid

Parameters / Return Value

  • AooName Text

  • Returns Guid


procedure TryDownloadDocumentMetadata_v3(var TempEOSFEInDocumentsLot: Record "EOS IXFE Inb. Document Lot"; var TempEOSFEInDocuments: Record "EOS IXFE Inb. Document"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempEOSFEInDocumentsLot Record "EOS IXFE Inb. Document Lot"

  • TempEOSFEInDocuments Record "EOS IXFE Inb. Document"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure TryDownloadDocumentFile_v3(LotID: Guid; LotIndex: Integer; ServerFileName: Text; var tempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; var SourceFileName: Text) Result: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • LotID Guid

  • LotIndex Integer

  • ServerFileName Text

  • tempBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"

  • SourceFileName Text

  • Returns Boolean


procedure TryRetriveInboundDocNotif_v3(DocumentID: Guid; LotIndex: Integer; var TempEOSFEInDocNotifications: Record "EOS IXFE Inb. Doc. Notif."): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentID Guid

  • LotIndex Integer

  • TempEOSFEInDocNotifications Record "EOS IXFE Inb. Doc. Notif."

  • Returns Boolean


procedure TrySetFattureRicezioneStatus_v3(DocumentID: Guid; LotIndex: Integer; Successful: Boolean; Description: Text): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentID Guid

  • LotIndex Integer

  • Successful Boolean

  • Description Text

  • Returns Boolean


procedure IsErrorNotif(NotifStatus: Text): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • NotifStatus Text

  • Returns Boolean


procedure SetHideDialog(newValue: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • newValue Boolean


procedure TryLogin2(): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean



local procedure OnBeforeTryLogin(var Result: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This function is called before the system tries to login to IXFE

Parameters / Return Value

  • Result Boolean

    Return value of the function

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard app code will be executed


local procedure OnBeforeTryUploadSingleDocument(var DocumentID: Guid; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This function is called before the system tries to upload a single document to IXFE

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentID Guid

    Document ID

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard app code will be executed


local procedure OnVerifyIXFEConnection(var ShowErr: Boolean; var RetValue: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised when is system checks if it is allowed to connect to IXFE

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShowErr Boolean

    Specifies if in case of error a message should be displayed

  • RetValue Boolean

    Return value of the function

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard app code will be executed

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