Codeunit 18008380 EOS011 Contr. Event Publisher
Gathers all published events
procedure Raise_OnBeforeConfirmRelatedVendors(Rec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; xRec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; var Hidedialog: Boolean)
Rec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
xRec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
Hidedialog Boolean
procedure OnBeforeOnNavigateFindRecords(DocNoFilter: Text; PostingDateFilter: Text; var DocumentEntry: Record "Document Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when contribution module consumes standard navigate event to show contributions records related to a document
DocNoFilter Text[]
Document filter in navigate page
PostingDateFilter Text[]
Posting date filter in navigate page
DocumentEntry Record "Document Entry"
Standard buffer show in navigate page
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterOnNavigateFindRecords(DocNoFilter: Text; PostingDateFilter: Text; var DocumentEntry: Record "Document Entry")
Raised when commission module consumes standard navigate event to show commission records related to a document
DocNoFilter Text[]
Document filter in navigate page
PostingDateFilter Text[]
Posting date filter in navigate page
DocumentEntry Record "Document Entry"
Standard buffer show in navigate page
procedure OnBeforeCalculateEnasarcoSocSecWithheld(TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary; DocumentAmount: Decimal;var ByAgent: Decimal; var ByCompany: Decimal; var IntegrationAmount: Decimal; var BaseAmount: Decimal;StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; var WithheldPercAgent: Decimal; var WithheldPercCompany: Decimal;var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before Enasarco are calculated for a purchase document. Filling byVar variables you can use your custom routine
TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Document document header you’re processing
DocumentAmount Decimal
Amount in LCY, if credit memo is a negative value
ByAgent Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to vendor/salesperson
ByCompany Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to company
IntegrationAmount Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to integration
BaseAmount Decimal
Return parameter that contains base amount LCY used to calculate contributions amounts
StartingDate Date
Start of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year
EndingDate Date
End of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year
WithheldPercAgent Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution % related to vendor/salesperson
WithheldPercCompany Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution % related to company
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCalculateEnasarcoSocSecWithheld(TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary; DocumentAmount: Decimal;var ByAgent: Decimal; var ByCompany: Decimal; var IntegrationAmount: Decimal; var BaseAmount: Decimal;StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; var WithheldPercAgent: Decimal; var WithheldPercCompany: Decimal)
Raised after Enasarco are calculated for a purchase document. Filling byVar variables you can use your custom routine
TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Document document header you’re processing
DocumentAmount Decimal
Amount in LCY, if credit memo is a negative value
ByAgent Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to vendor/salesperson
ByCompany Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to company
IntegrationAmount Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to integration
BaseAmount Decimal
Return parameter that contains base amount LCY used to calculate contributions amounts
StartingDate Date
Start of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year
EndingDate Date
End of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year
WithheldPercAgent Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution % related to vendor/salesperson
WithheldPercCompany Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution % related to company
procedure OnAfterGetContrMaxAmount(VendorNo: Code[20]; ReferenceDate: Date; var EOS011EnasSocSecSetup: Record "EOS011 Enas. Soc. Sec. Setup"; var Result: Decimal)
Raised after retrieving max amount for Enasarco calculation. You can modify result parameter to change calculated value
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
ReferenceDate Date
Date used when seeking setup line
EOS011EnasSocSecSetup Record "EOS011 Enas. Soc. Sec. Setup"
Social security setup record filtered
Result Decimal
Return value calculated. Force this value to apply your calculation
procedure OnAfterGetEnasarcoSocSecBracket(ReferenceDate: Date; var EOS011EnasSocSecSetup: Record "EOS011 Enas. Soc. Sec. Setup")
Raised after retrieving setup line to use in calculation
ReferenceDate Date
Date used when seeking setup line
EOS011EnasSocSecSetup Record "EOS011 Enas. Soc. Sec. Setup"
Social security setup record filtered
procedure OnBeforeGetIntegrationAmount(VendorNo: Code[20]; var CurrWithheld: Decimal; var StartingDate: Date; var EndingDate: Date; var DocumentDate: Date; var Result: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before retrieving integration amount for a document
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
CurrWithheld Decimal
Total contribution amount (vendor plus company) calculated for the document
StartingDate Date
Start of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year
EndingDate Date
End of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year
DocumentDate Date
Document date of document you’re processing
Result Decimal
Return value calculated. Force this value to apply your calculation
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetIntegrationAmount(VendorNo: Code[20]; CurrWithheld: Decimal; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; DocumentDate: Date; var Result: Decimal)
Raised after integration amount for a document is calculated
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
CurrWithheld Decimal
Total contribution amount (vendor plus company) calculated for the document
StartingDate Date
Start of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year
EndingDate Date
End of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year
DocumentDate Date
Document date of document you’re processing
Result Decimal
Return value calculated. Force this value to apply your calculation
procedure OnAfterGetTotalShelvedSocSecAmount(VendorNo: Code[20]; var ShelvedFormContr: Decimal; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date)
Raised after calculating shelved amount from contributions entries for a vendor in a specific date range
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
ShelvedFormContr Decimal
Return parameter containing shelved amount calculated. Force this value to apply your custom
StartingDate Date
Start of period to consider
EndingDate Date
End of period to consider
procedure OnAfterGetMinimal(VendorNo: Code[20]; QuarterNo: Integer; Year: Integer; var Result: Decimal)
Raised after retrieving minimal amount for Enasarco calculation. You can modify result parameter to change calculated value
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
QuarterNo Integer
Reference quarter
Year Integer
Reference year
Result Decimal
Return value calculated. Force this value to apply your calculation
procedure OnAfterReadFIRRSetup(CalcDate: Date; var EOS011FIRRSetup: Record "EOS011 FIRR Setup")
Raised after retrieving valid FIRR setup line
CalcDate Date
Reference date to seek FIRR setup line
EOS011FIRRSetup Record "EOS011 FIRR Setup"
Filtered FIRR setup record identified
procedure OnBeforeCalcFIRRbySalesperson(VendorNo: Code[20]; var CalcDate: Date; var OnlyPreview: Boolean; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when calculating FIRR entries for a specific vendor
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
CalcDate Date
Reference date to seek FIRR setup line
OnlyPreview Boolean
Specifies if you’re processing a preview calculation or entries will be posted
DocumentNo Code[20]
Document no. to use when generating journal lines (not mandatory)
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCalcFIRRbySalesperson(VendorNo: Code[20]; CalcDate: Date; OnlyPreview: Boolean; DocumentNo: Code[20])
Raised after calculating FIRR entries for a specific vendor
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
CalcDate Date
Reference date to seek FIRR setup line
OnlyPreview Boolean
Specifies if you’re processing a preview calculation or entries will be posted
DocumentNo Code[20]
Document no. to use when generating journal lines (not mandatory)
procedure OnBeforeInitBracketArrayFIRR(VendorNo: Code[20]; var CalcDate: Date;var FromDate: Date;var ToDate: Date;var BracketRate: array[3] of Decimal;var BracketAmount: array[3] of Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when calculating FIRR brackets used in contribution calculation
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
CalcDate Date
Reference date to seek FIRR setup line
FromDate Date
Return value that specifies starting date for calculation
ToDate Date
Return value that specifies ending date for calculation
BracketRate Decimal
Array of 3 that specifies rate for brackets
BracketAmount Decimal
Array of 3 that specifies amount for brackets
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterInitBracketArrayFIRR(VendorNo: Code[20]; CalcDate: Date;var FromDate: Date;var ToDate: Date;var BracketRate: array[3] of Decimal;var BracketAmount: array[3] of Decimal)
Raised after calculating FIRR brackets used in contribution calculation
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
CalcDate Date
Reference date to seek FIRR setup line
FromDate Date
Return value that specifies starting date for calculation
ToDate Date
Return value that specifies ending date for calculation
BracketRate Decimal
Array of 3 that specifies rate for brackets
BracketAmount Decimal
Array of 3 that specifies amount for brackets
procedure OnBeforeProcessBracketsFIRR(VendorNo: Code[20];var FromDate: Date;var ToDate: Date;var BracketRate: array[3] of Decimal;var BracketAmount: array[3] of Decimal;var TotalFIRRAmount: Decimal;var TotalShelvedFormContr: Decimal;var TmpEOSContributionsLedgEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when calculating FIRR entries. This procedure fills
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
FromDate Date
Return value that specifies starting date for calculation
ToDate Date
Return value that specifies ending date for calculation
BracketRate Decimal
Array of 3 that specifies rate for brackets
BracketAmount Decimal
Array of 3 that specifies amount for brackets
TotalFIRRAmount Decimal
Contains total FIRR contribution amount calculated
TotalShelvedFormContr Decimal
Contains total shelved FIRR contribution amount calculated
TmpEOSContributionsLedgEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Temporary recordset that contains contributions entries calculated and that will be posted
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterProcessBracketsFIRR(VendorNo: Code[20];FromDate: Date;ToDate: Date;var BracketRate: array[3] of Decimal;var BracketAmount: array[3] of Decimal;var TotalFIRRAmount: Decimal;var TotalShelvedFormContr: Decimal;var TmpEOSContributionsLedgEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary)
Raised after calculating FIRR entries. This procedure fills
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
FromDate Date
Return value that specifies starting date for calculation
ToDate Date
Return value that specifies ending date for calculation
BracketRate Decimal
Array of 3 that specifies rate for brackets
BracketAmount Decimal
Array of 3 that specifies amount for brackets
TotalFIRRAmount Decimal
Contains total FIRR contribution amount calculated
TotalShelvedFormContr Decimal
Contains total shelved FIRR contribution amount calculated
TmpEOSContributionsLedgEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Temporary recordset that contains contributions entries calculated and that will be posted
procedure OnBeforeWriteCOGEJnlFIRR(VendorNo: Code[20]; var CalculationDate: Date;var TotalFIRRAmount: Decimal; var OnlyPreview: Boolean; var ContrRegEntryNo: Integer; var DocumentNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when writing journal lines for FIRR contributions
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
CalculationDate Date
Reference date for calculation
TotalFIRRAmount Decimal
Contains total FIRR contribution amount calculated
OnlyPreview Boolean
Specifies if you’re processing a preview calculation or entries will be posted
ContrRegEntryNo Integer
Contributions register entry no. that will identify this transaction
DocumentNo Code[20]
Document no. to use when generating journal lines (not mandatory)
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterWriteCOGEJnlFIRR(VendorNo: Code[20]; CalculationDate: Date;TotalFIRRAmount: Decimal; OnlyPreview: Boolean; ContrRegEntryNo: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20])
Raised when writing journal lines for FIRR contributions
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
CalculationDate Date
Reference date for calculation
TotalFIRRAmount Decimal
Contains total FIRR contribution amount calculated
OnlyPreview Boolean
Specifies if you’re processing a preview calculation or entries will be posted
ContrRegEntryNo Integer
Contributions register entry no. that will identify this transaction
DocumentNo Code[20]
Document no. to use when generating journal lines (not mandatory)
procedure OnBeforeWriteJnlLineFIRR(var RefDate: Date; var JnlLineDescr: Text; var JnlLineAmount: Decimal; var NextLineNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20];var GenJournalBatch: Record "Gen. Journal Batch"; AccNo: Code[20]; ContrRegEntryNo: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when writing single journal lines for FIRR contributions
RefDate Date
Posting/Document date of journal line
JnlLineDescr Text[]
Description of journal line
JnlLineAmount Decimal
Amount of journal line
NextLineNo Integer
Line no. of journal line
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
GenJournalBatch Record "Gen. Journal Batch"
Refrence journal batch
AccNo Code[20]
Account no. of journal line
ContrRegEntryNo Integer
Contributions register entry no. that will identify this transaction
DocumentNo Code[20]
Document no. of journal line
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterWriteJnlLineFIRR(RefDate: Date; JnlLineDescr: Text; JnlLineAmount: Decimal; NextLineNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20];GenJournalBatch: Record "Gen. Journal Batch"; AccNo: Code[20]; ContrRegEntryNo: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line")
Raised after writing single journal lines for FIRR contributions
RefDate Date
Posting/Document date of journal line
JnlLineDescr Text[]
Description of journal line
JnlLineAmount Decimal
Amount of journal line
NextLineNo Integer
Line no. of journal line
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
GenJournalBatch Record "Gen. Journal Batch"
Refrence journal batch
AccNo Code[20]
Account no. of journal line
ContrRegEntryNo Integer
Contributions register entry no. that will identify this transaction
DocumentNo Code[20]
Document no. of journal line
GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"
Journal line processed
procedure OnAfterGetTotalShelvedFIRRAmount(VendorNo: Code[20]; var ShelvedFormContr: Decimal; var ShelvedFormDoc: Decimal; FromDate: Date; ToDate: Date)
Raised after calculating total sheved FIRR amount from contribution entries in a period
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
ShelvedFormContr Decimal
Return parameter containing shelved contribution amount calculated. Force this value to apply your custom
ShelvedFormDoc Decimal
Return parameter containing shelved base amount calculated. Force this value to apply your custom
FromDate Date
Start of period to consider
ToDate Date
End of period to consider
procedure OnAfterRetrieveBufferToPrintFIRR(var TempEOSContrLedgEntryPrint: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary)
Raised after calculating total sheved FIRR amount from contribution entries in a period
TempEOSContrLedgEntryPrint Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Dataset of contributins entries that will be used as print report source
procedure OnAfterReadFISCSetup(CalcDate: Date; var EOSFISCSetup: Record "EOS011 FISC Setup")
Raised after retrieving valid FISC setup line
CalcDate Date
Reference date to seek FISC setup line
EOSFISCSetup Record "EOS011 FISC Setup"
Filtered FISC setup record identified
procedure OnBeforeCalcFISCbySalesperson(VendorNo: Code[20]; var CalcDate: Date; var OnlyPreview: Boolean; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when calculating FISC entries for a specific vendor
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
CalcDate Date
Reference date to seek FIRR setup line
OnlyPreview Boolean
Specifies if you’re processing a preview calculation or entries will be posted
DocumentNo Code[20]
Document no. to use when generating journal lines (not mandatory)
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCalcFISCbySalesperson(VendorNo: Code[20]; CalcDate: Date; OnlyPreview: Boolean; DocumentNo: Code[20])
Raised after calculating FISC entries for a specific vendor
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
CalcDate Date
Reference date to seek FIRR setup line
OnlyPreview Boolean
Specifies if you’re processing a preview calculation or entries will be posted
DocumentNo Code[20]
Document no. to use when generating journal lines (not mandatory)
procedure OnBeforeInitBracketArrayFISC(VendorNo: Code[20]; var CalcDate: Date;var BracketFromDate: array[3] of Date;var BracketToDate: array[3] of Date;var BracketRate: array[3] of Decimal;var BracketMaxAmount: array[3] of Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when calculating FISC brackets used in contribution calculation
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
CalcDate Date
Reference date to seek FIRR setup line
BracketFromDate Date
Array of 3 that specifies starting date for calculation for bracket
BracketToDate Date
rray of 3 that specifies ending date for calculation for bracket
BracketRate Decimal
Array of 3 that specifies rate for brackets
BracketMaxAmount Decimal
Array of 3 that specifies max amount for brackets
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterInitBracketArrayFISC(VendorNo: Code[20]; CalcDate: Date;var BracketFromDate: array[3] of Date;var BracketToDate: array[3] of Date;var BracketRate: array[3] of Decimal;var BracketMaxAmount: array[3] of Decimal)
Raised after calculating FISC brackets used in contribution calculation
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
CalcDate Date
Reference date to seek FIRR setup line
BracketFromDate Date
Array of 3 that specifies starting date for calculation for bracket
BracketToDate Date
rray of 3 that specifies ending date for calculation for bracket
BracketRate Decimal
Array of 3 that specifies rate for brackets
BracketMaxAmount Decimal
Array of 3 that specifies max amount for brackets
procedure OnBeforeProcessBracketsFISC(VendorNo: Code[20];var BracketFromDate: array[3] of Date;var BracketToDate: array[3] of Date;var BracketRate: array[3] of Decimal;var BracketAmount: array[3] of Decimal;var TotalFISCAmount: Decimal;var TotalShelvedFormContr: Decimal;var TmpEOSContributionsLedgEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when calculating FISC entries. This procedure fills
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
BracketFromDate Date
Array of 3 that specifies starting date for calculation for bracket
BracketToDate Date
rray of 3 that specifies ending date for calculation for bracket
BracketRate Decimal
Array of 3 that specifies rate for brackets
BracketAmount Decimal
Array of 3 that specifies max amount for brackets
TotalFISCAmount Decimal
Contains total FISC contribution amount calculated
TotalShelvedFormContr Decimal
Contains total shelved FIRR contribution amount calculated
TmpEOSContributionsLedgEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Temporary recordset that contains contributions entries calculated and that will be posted
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterProcessBracketsFISC(VendorNo: Code[20];var BracketFromDate: array[3] of Date;var BracketToDate: array[3] of Date;var BracketRate: array[3] of Decimal;var BracketMaxAmount: array[3] of Decimal;var TotalFISCAmount: Decimal;var TotalShelvedFormContr: Decimal;var TmpEOSContributionsLedgEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary)
Raised after calculating FIRR entries. This procedure fills
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
BracketFromDate Date
Array of 3 that specifies starting date for calculation for bracket
BracketToDate Date
rray of 3 that specifies ending date for calculation for bracket
BracketRate Decimal
Array of 3 that specifies rate for brackets
BracketMaxAmount Decimal
Array of 3 that specifies max amount for brackets
TotalFISCAmount Decimal
Contains total FIRR contribution amount calculated
TotalShelvedFormContr Decimal
Contains total shelved FIRR contribution amount calculated
TmpEOSContributionsLedgEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Temporary recordset that contains contributions entries calculated and that will be posted
procedure OnBeforeWriteCOGEJnlFISC(VendorNo: Code[20]; var CalculationDate: Date;var TotalFISCAmount: Decimal; var OnlyPreview: Boolean; var ContrRegEntryNo: Integer; var DocumentNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when writing journal lines for FIRR contributions
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
CalculationDate Date
Reference date for calculation
TotalFISCAmount Decimal
Contains total FISC contribution amount calculated
OnlyPreview Boolean
Specifies if you’re processing a preview calculation or entries will be posted
ContrRegEntryNo Integer
Contributions register entry no. that will identify this transaction
DocumentNo Code[20]
Document no. to use when generating journal lines (not mandatory)
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterWriteCOGEJnlFISC(VendorNo: Code[20]; CalculationDate: Date;TotalFISCAmount: Decimal; OnlyPreview: Boolean; ContrRegEntryNo: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20])
Raised when writing journal lines for FIRR contributions
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
CalculationDate Date
Reference date for calculation
TotalFISCAmount Decimal
Contains total FIRR contribution amount calculated
OnlyPreview Boolean
Specifies if you’re processing a preview calculation or entries will be posted
ContrRegEntryNo Integer
Contributions register entry no. that will identify this transaction
DocumentNo Code[20]
Document no. to use when generating journal lines (not mandatory)
procedure OnBeforeWriteJnlLineFISC(var RefDate: Date; var JnlLineDescr: Text; var JnlLineAmount: Decimal; var NextLineNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20];var GenJournalBatch: Record "Gen. Journal Batch"; AccNo: Code[20]; ContrRegEntryNo: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when writing single journal lines for FISC contributions
RefDate Date
Posting/Document date of journal line
JnlLineDescr Text[]
Description of journal line
JnlLineAmount Decimal
Amount of journal line
NextLineNo Integer
Line no. of journal line
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
GenJournalBatch Record "Gen. Journal Batch"
Refrence journal batch
AccNo Code[20]
Account no. of journal line
ContrRegEntryNo Integer
Contributions register entry no. that will identify this transaction
DocumentNo Code[20]
Document no. of journal line
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterWriteJnlLineFISC(RefDate: Date; JnlLineDescr: Text; JnlLineAmount: Decimal; NextLineNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20];GenJournalBatch: Record "Gen. Journal Batch"; AccNo: Code[20]; ContrRegEntryNo: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line")
Raised after writing single journal lines for FISC contributions
RefDate Date
Posting/Document date of journal line
JnlLineDescr Text[]
Description of journal line
JnlLineAmount Decimal
Amount of journal line
NextLineNo Integer
Line no. of journal line
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
GenJournalBatch Record "Gen. Journal Batch"
Refrence journal batch
AccNo Code[20]
Account no. of journal line
ContrRegEntryNo Integer
Contributions register entry no. that will identify this transaction
DocumentNo Code[20]
Document no. of journal line
GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"
Journal line processed
procedure OnAfterGetTotalShelvedFISCAmount(VendorNo: Code[20]; var ShelvedFormContr: Decimal; var ShelvedFormDoc: Decimal; BracketNo: Integer)
Raised after calculating total sheved FIRR amount from contribution entries in a period
VendorNo Code[20]
Vendor you’re processing
ShelvedFormContr Decimal
Return parameter containing shelved contribution amount calculated. Force this value to apply your custom
ShelvedFormDoc Decimal
Return parameter containing shelved base amount calculated. Force this value to apply your custom
BracketNo Integer
Reference brackets
procedure OnAfterRetrieveBufferToPrintFISC(var TempEOSContrLedgEntryPrint: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary)
Raised after calculating total sheved FIRR amount from contribution entries in a period
TempEOSContrLedgEntryPrint Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Dataset of contributins entries that will be used as print report source
procedure OnBefore_T13_OnAfterValidateEventVendorNo(var Rec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; var xRec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before executing app code when validating EOS Vendor No. field on Salesperson/Purchaser
Rec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
xRec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
Salesperson/Purchaser xRec
CurrFieldNo Integer
Field no. that triggers event
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard app code code will be executed
procedure OnAfter_T13_OnAfterValidateEventVendorNo(var Rec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; var xRec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; CurrFieldNo: Integer)
Raised after executing app code when validating EOS Vendor No. field on Salesperson/Purchaser
Rec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
xRec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
Salesperson/Purchaser xRec
CurrFieldNo Integer
Field no. that triggers event
procedure OnBefore_T39_OnBeforeModifyEvent(var Rec: Record "Purchase Line"; var xRec: Record "Purchase Line"; RunTrigger: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before executing app code when a purchase line in modified
Rec Record "Purchase Line"
Purchase Line
xRec Record "Purchase Line"
Purchase Line xRec
RunTrigger Boolean
Specifies if trigger has to be fired
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard app code code will be executed
procedure OnAfter_T39_OnBeforeModifyEvent(var Rec: Record "Purchase Line"; var xRec: Record "Purchase Line"; RunTrigger: Boolean)
Raised after executing app code when a purchase line in modified
Rec Record "Purchase Line"
Purchase Line
xRec Record "Purchase Line"
Purchase Line xRec
RunTrigger Boolean
Specifies if trigger has to be fired
procedure OnBefore_T38_OnAfterValidateEventDocumentDate(var Rec: Record "Purchase Header"; xRec: Record "Purchase Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before executing app code when Document Date field on purchase header. Used to validate Integration flag
Rec Record "Purchase Header"
Purchase Header
xRec Record "Purchase Header"
Purchase Header xRec
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard app code code will be executed
procedure OnAfter_T38_OnAfterValidateEventDocumentDate(var Rec: Record "Purchase Header"; xRec: Record "Purchase Header")
Raised after executing app code when Document Date field on purchase header. Used to validate Integration flag
Rec Record "Purchase Header"
Purchase Header
xRec Record "Purchase Header"
Purchase Header xRec
procedure OnBefore_CU415_OnAfterReleasePurchaseDoc(var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; PreviewMode: Boolean; var LinesWereModified: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before executing app code when a purchase document is released and enasarco for document calculated
PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Purchase Header
PreviewMode Boolean
Standard param
LinesWereModified Boolean
Stanadard param
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard app code code will be executed
procedure OnAfter_CU415_OnAfterReleasePurchaseDoc(var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; PreviewMode: Boolean; var LinesWereModified: Boolean)
Raised after executing app code when a purchase document is released and enasarco for document calculated
PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Purchase Header
PreviewMode Boolean
Standard param
LinesWereModified Boolean
Stanadard param
procedure OnBefore_CU90_OnAfterPurchInvHeaderInsert(var PurchInvHeader: Record "Purch. Inv. Header"; var PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before executing app code when a purchase document is posted. Updates document references on contributions entries
PurchInvHeader Record "Purch. Inv. Header"
New Purch. Inv. Header
PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Purchase Header posted
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard app code code will be executed
procedure OnAfter_CU90_OnAfterPurchInvHeaderInsert(var PurchInvHeader: Record "Purch. Inv. Header"; var PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header")
Raised after executing app code when a purchase document is posted. Updates document references on contributions entries
PurchInvHeader Record "Purch. Inv. Header"
New Purch. Inv. Header
PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Purchase Header posted
procedure OnBefore_CU90_OnAfterPurchCrMemoHeaderInsert(var PurchCrMemoHdr: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.";var PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; CommitIsSupressed: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before executing app code when a purchase document is posted. Updates document references on contributions entries
PurchCrMemoHdr Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."
New Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.
PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Purchase Header posted
CommitIsSupressed Boolean
Standard param
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard app code code will be executed
procedure OnAfter_CU90_OnAfterPurchCrMemoHeaderInsert(var PurchCrMemoHdr: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.";var PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; CommitIsSupressed: Boolean)
Raised after executing app code when a purchase document is posted. Updates document references on contributions entries
PurchCrMemoHdr Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."
New Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.
PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Purchase Header posted
CommitIsSupressed Boolean
Standard param
procedure OnBefore_CU13_OnAfterFinishPosting(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; GLRegister: Record "G/L Register"; GLRegNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before executing app code when a journal line is posted. Updates/created contributions registers
GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"
Gen. Journal Line posted
GLRegister Record "G/L Register"
G/L Register inserted
GLRegNo Integer
G/L Register No.
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard app code code will be executed
procedure OnAfter_CU13_OnAfterFinishPosting(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; GLRegister: Record "G/L Register"; GLRegNo: Integer)
Raised after executing app code when a journal line is posted. Updates/created contributions registers
GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"
Gen. Journal Line posted
GLRegister Record "G/L Register"
G/L Register inserted
GLRegNo Integer
G/L Register No.
procedure OnAfterAddNewRegisterEntry(var EOS011ContributionsRegister: Record "EOS011 Contributions Register")
Raised after a new contributions register is created
EOS011ContributionsRegister Record "EOS011 Contributions Register"
New record inserted
procedure OnAfterLinkRegisterEntry(var EOS011ContributionsRegister: Record "EOS011 Contributions Register"; GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line")
Raised after a contributions register is linked to a general journal line
EOS011ContributionsRegister Record "EOS011 Contributions Register"
Contributions entry record linked
GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"
Source journal line
procedure OnBeforeUpdateFieldsOnSaleperson(var Rec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; xRec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; inFieldNo: Integer; var Hidedialog: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before check and automatic update are fired when a salesperson is modified
Rec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
Salesperson record modified
xRec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
Salesperson xrecord
inFieldNo Integer
Field no that starts modification
Hidedialog Boolean
Specifies if UI is suppressed
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard app code will be executed
local procedure OnBeforeConfirmRelatedVendors(Rec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; xRec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; var Hidedialog: Boolean)
Raised before asking the user if they really want to update, given the warning that the vendor is already linked to another salesperson.
Rec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
Salesperson/Purchaser record
xRec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
Salesperson/Purchaser previous version of the record
Hidedialog Boolean
If true, the confirm will be skipped
procedure OnAfterUpdateFieldsOnSaleperson(var Rec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; xRec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; inFieldNo: Integer; Hidedialog: Boolean)
Raised after check and automatic update are fired when a salesperson is modified
Rec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
Salesperson record modified
xRec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
Salesperson xrecord
inFieldNo Integer
Field no that starts modification
Hidedialog Boolean
Specifies if UI is suppressed
procedure OnBeforeCalculateEnasarcoAssWithheld(TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary; DocumentAmount: Decimal;var ByAgent: Decimal; var ByCompany: Decimal; var IntegrationAmount: Decimal; var BaseAmount: Decimal;StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; var WithheldPercAgent: Decimal; var WithheldPercCompany: Decimal;var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before Enasarco are calculated for a purchase document. Filling byVar variables you can use your custom routine
TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Document document header you’re processing
DocumentAmount Decimal
Amount in LCY, if credit memo is a negative value
ByAgent Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to vendor/salesperson
ByCompany Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to company
IntegrationAmount Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to integration
BaseAmount Decimal
Return parameter that contains base amount LCY used to calculate contributions amounts
StartingDate Date
Start of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year
EndingDate Date
End of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year
WithheldPercAgent Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution % related to vendor/salesperson
WithheldPercCompany Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution % related to company
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCalculateEnasarcoAssWithheld(TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary; DocumentAmount: Decimal;var ByAgent: Decimal; var ByCompany: Decimal; var IntegrationAmount: Decimal; var BaseAmount: Decimal;StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; var WithheldPercAgent: Decimal; var WithheldPercCompany: Decimal)
Raised after Enasarco are calculated for a purchase document. Filling byVar variables you can use your custom routine
TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Document document header you’re processing
DocumentAmount Decimal
Amount in LCY, if credit memo is a negative value
ByAgent Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to vendor/salesperson
ByCompany Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to company
IntegrationAmount Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to integration
BaseAmount Decimal
Return parameter that contains base amount LCY used to calculate contributions amounts
StartingDate Date
Start of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year
EndingDate Date
End of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year
WithheldPercAgent Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution % related to vendor/salesperson
WithheldPercCompany Decimal
Return parameter that contains contribution % related to company
procedure OnAfterGetEnasarcoAssBracket(ReferenceDate: Date; var EOS011EnasAssistanceSetup: Record "EOS011 Enas. Assistance Setup")
Raised after retrieving setup line to use in calculation
ReferenceDate Date
Date used when seeking setup line
EOS011EnasAssistanceSetup Record "EOS011 Enas. Assistance Setup"
Assistance setup record filtered
procedure OnBeforeCalcEnasarcoFromDocument(DocumentHeader: Variant; var WriteContrEntries: Boolean; var Recreate: Boolean; var Hidedialog: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before Enasarco are calculated from a single purchase document.
DocumentHeader Variant
Document you’re calculating
WriteContrEntries Boolean
Specifies entries should be written in db or is a preview process
Recreate Boolean
Specifies existing contributions entries must be recreated. Entries posted to G/L cannot be recreated
Hidedialog Boolean
Specifies if UI is suppressed
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCalcEnasarcoFromDocument(DocumentHeader: Variant; WrtiteContrEntries: Boolean; Recreate: Boolean; Hidedialog: Boolean)
Raised after Enasarco are calculated from a single purchase document.
DocumentHeader Variant
Document you’re calculating
WrtiteContrEntries Boolean
Specifies entries should be written in db or is a preview process
Recreate Boolean
Specifies existing contributions entries must be recreated. Entries posted to G/L cannot be recreated
Hidedialog Boolean
Specifies if UI is suppressed
procedure OnAfterDocHasEnasarco(TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary; OnlyPostedToGL: Boolean; var EOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry")
Raised after is checked if document has already contributions entries.
TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Document you’re calculating
OnlyPostedToGL Boolean
Specifies if only posted entries should be checked
EOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Filtered record of contributions entries for specific document
procedure OnDocDeleteEnasarco(TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary; var Hidedialog: Boolean; var EOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry")
Raised when deleting contributions entries from a document.
TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Document you’re calculating
Hidedialog Boolean
Specifies if UI is suppressed
EOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Filtered record of contributions entries you’re deleting
procedure OnAfterInitTempDocHeaderFromVariant(Document: Variant; var TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary)
Raised after filling TempDocumentHeader that will be used for calculation with document data.
Document Variant
Source document
TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Document you’re calculating
procedure OnBeforeSplitAmountsBySalespersons(TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary; var WriteContrEntries: Boolean;var DocumentAmountLCY: Decimal;var BaseAmount: Decimal;var WithheldPaidByAgent: Decimal;var WithheldPaidByCompany: Decimal;var IntegrationAmount: Decimal;var WithheldPercAgent: Decimal;var WithheldPercCompany: Decimal;var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before writing calculated data by vendor splitting entries in case of society.
TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Source document
WriteContrEntries Boolean
Specifies entries should be written in db or is a preview process
DocumentAmountLCY Decimal
Specifies document amount that will be used in contributions entries
BaseAmount Decimal
Specifies base amount that will be used in contributions entries
WithheldPaidByAgent Decimal
Specifies agent amount that will be used in contributions entries
WithheldPaidByCompany Decimal
Specifies company amount that will be used in contributions entries
IntegrationAmount Decimal
Specifies integration amount that will be used in contributions entries
WithheldPercAgent Decimal
Specifies agent % that will be used in contributions entries
WithheldPercCompany Decimal
Specifies company % that will be used in contributions entries
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterSplitAmountsBySalespersons(TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary; WriteContrEntries: Boolean;DocumentAmountLCY: Decimal;BaseAmount: Decimal;WithheldPaidByAgent: Decimal;WithheldPaidByCompany: Decimal;IntegrationAmount: Decimal;WithheldPercAgent: Decimal;WithheldPercCompany: Decimal)
Raised before writing calculated data by vendor splitting entries in case of society.
TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Source document
WriteContrEntries Boolean
Specifies entries should be written in db or is a preview process
DocumentAmountLCY Decimal
Specifies document amount that will be used in contributions entries
BaseAmount Decimal
Specifies base amount that will be used in contributions entries
WithheldPaidByAgent Decimal
Specifies agent amount that will be used in contributions entries
WithheldPaidByCompany Decimal
Specifies company amount that will be used in contributions entries
IntegrationAmount Decimal
Specifies integration amount that will be used in contributions entries
WithheldPercAgent Decimal
Specifies agent % that will be used in contributions entries
WithheldPercCompany Decimal
Specifies company % that will be used in contributions entries
procedure OnBeforeWrtiteTMPContrEntry(var TempEOSContributionsLedgEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary; SalespersonPurchaserCode: Code[20];TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary;var BaseAmount: Decimal; var DocAmountLCY: Decimal; var ContrPerc: Decimal; var ContrAmount: Decimal; var Descr: Text; var RelatedTo: Option; var IsIntegration: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before writing temporary contributions entry.
TempEOSContributionsLedgEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Record that will be filled
SalespersonPurchaserCode Code[20]
Related salesperson
TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Source document
BaseAmount Decimal
Specifies base amount that will be used in contributions entry
DocAmountLCY Decimal
Specifies document amount that will be used in contributions entry
ContrPerc Decimal
Specifies contribution % that will be used in contributions entry
ContrAmount Decimal
Specifies contribution amount that will be used in contributions entry
Descr Text[]
Specifies description that will be used in contributions entry
RelatedTo Option
Specifies related to that will be used in contributions entry
IsIntegration Boolean
Specifies integration (flag) that will be used in contributions entry
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterWrtiteTMPContrEntry(var TempEOSContributionsLedgEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary; SalespersonPurchaserCode: Code[20];TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary;BaseAmount: Decimal; DocAmountLCY: Decimal; ContrPerc: Decimal; ContrAmount: Decimal; Descr: Text; RelatedTo: Option; IsIntegration: Boolean)
Raised after writing temporary contributions entry.
TempEOSContributionsLedgEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Record filled with values
SalespersonPurchaserCode Code[20]
Related salesperson
TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Source document
BaseAmount Decimal
Specifies base amount that will be used in contributions entry
DocAmountLCY Decimal
Specifies document amount that will be used in contributions entry
ContrPerc Decimal
Specifies contribution % that will be used in contributions entry
ContrAmount Decimal
Specifies contribution amount that will be used in contributions entry
Descr Text[]
Specifies description that will be used in contributions entry
RelatedTo Option
Specifies related to that will be used in contributions entry
IsIntegration Boolean
Specifies integration (flag) that will be used in contributions entry
procedure OnBeforeCreateJnlLinesFromContrEntries(var EOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"; var Post: Boolean; var Correction: Boolean; var Hidedialog: Boolean;var IsHandled: Boolean; var ProcessedRec: Integer)
Raised before creating journal line to post contributions entries to G/L.
EOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Filtered recordset that will be processed
Post Boolean
Specifies if journal lines will be posted
Correction Boolean
Specifies if you’re postng a correction to G/L or it is an initial post
Hidedialog Boolean
Specifies if UI is suppressed
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
ProcessedRec Integer
Return values that specifies no. of processed records that will displayed to user
procedure OnAfterCreateJnlLinesFromContrEntries(var EOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"; var Post: Boolean; var Correction: Boolean; var Hidedialog: Boolean;var ProcessedRec: Integer)
Raised after creating journal line to post contributions entries to G/L.
EOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Filtered recordset that will be processed
Post Boolean
Specifies if journal lines will be posted
Correction Boolean
Specifies if you’re postng a correction to G/L or it is an initial post
Hidedialog Boolean
Specifies if UI is suppressed
ProcessedRec Integer
Return values that specifies no. of processed records that will displayed to user
procedure OnBeforeWriteJnlLine(var RefDate: Date;var JnlLineDescr: Text;var JnlLineAmount: Decimal;var NextLineNo: Integer;var Vendorno: Code[20];GenJournalBatch: Record "Gen. Journal Batch";var AccType: Option;var AccNo: Code[20];var ContrRegEntryNo: Integer;var DocumentNo: Code[20];var BalAccNo: Code[20];var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line";var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before creating single journal line to post contributions entries to G/L.
RefDate Date
Posting date that will be used in journal line
JnlLineDescr Text[]
Description that will be used in journal line
JnlLineAmount Decimal
Amount that will be used in journal line
NextLineNo Integer
Line No. that will be used in journal line
Vendorno Code[20]
Vendor No. that will be used in journal line
GenJournalBatch Record "Gen. Journal Batch"
Related journal batch
AccType Option
Account type that will be used in journal line
AccNo Code[20]
Account no. that will be used in journal line
ContrRegEntryNo Integer
Contribution register no. that will be used in journal line
DocumentNo Code[20]
Document no. that will be used in journal line
BalAccNo Code[20]
Balance account no. that will be used in journal line
GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"
Return journal line filled
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterWriteJnlLine(var RefDate: Date;var JnlLineDescr: Text;var JnlLineAmount: Decimal;var NextLineNo: Integer;var Vendorno: Code[20];GenJournalBatch: Record "Gen. Journal Batch";var AccType: Option;var AccNo: Code[20];var ContrRegEntryNo: Integer;var DocumentNo: Code[20];var BalAccNo: Code[20];var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line")
Raised after creating single journal line to post contributions entries to G/L.
RefDate Date
Posting date that will be used in journal line
JnlLineDescr Text[]
Description that will be used in journal line
JnlLineAmount Decimal
Amount that will be used in journal line
NextLineNo Integer
Line No. that will be used in journal line
Vendorno Code[20]
Vendor No. that will be used in journal line
GenJournalBatch Record "Gen. Journal Batch"
Related journal batch
AccType Option
Account type that will be used in journal line
AccNo Code[20]
Account no. that will be used in journal line
ContrRegEntryNo Integer
Contribution register no. that will be used in journal line
DocumentNo Code[20]
Document no. that will be used in journal line
BalAccNo Code[20]
Balance account no. that will be used in journal line
GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"
Return journal line filled
procedure OnBeforeReleaseBill(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before releasing contribution build.
EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"
Contributions bill to release
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterReleaseBill(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header")
Raised after releasing contribution build.
EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"
Contributions bill to release
procedure OnBeforeReopenBill(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before reopening contribution build.
EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"
Contributions bill to open
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterReopenBill(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header")
Raised before reopening contribution build.
EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"
Contributions bill to open
procedure OnBeforeReleaseBillDataCheck(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before checking bill data when releasing.
EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"
Contributions bill to check
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterReleaseBillDataCheck(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header")
Raised after checking bill data when releasing.
EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"
Contributions bill to check
procedure OnBeforeCheckDatesAreQuarterYear(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"; inFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before checking dates on bill header.
EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"
Contributions bill to check
inFieldNo Integer
Field no. that fires modification
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCheckDatesAreQuarterYear(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"; inFieldNo: Integer)
Raised after checking dates on bill header.
EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"
Contributions bill to check
inFieldNo Integer
Field no. that fires modification
procedure OnBeforeCheckBillSamePeriod(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before checking existing bill header for same period.
EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"
Contributions bill to check
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCheckBillSamePeriod(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header")
Raised after checking existing bill header for same period.
EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"
Contributions bill to check
procedure OnBeforeGetRecordType1(EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header";CompanyInformation: Record "Company Information";EOSCommissionsSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Setup"; var Result: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before record type 1 of grandi ditte file.
EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"
Source contributions bill
CompanyInformation Record "Company Information"
Reference Company Information
EOSCommissionsSetup Record "EOS Commissions Setup"
Reference commissions setup
Result Text[]
Result text that will be added in file
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetRecordType1(EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header";CompanyInformation: Record "Company Information";EOSCommissionsSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Setup"; var Result: Text)
Raised after record type 1 of grandi ditte file.
EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"
Source contributions bill
CompanyInformation Record "Company Information"
Reference Company Information
EOSCommissionsSetup Record "EOS Commissions Setup"
Reference commissions setup
Result Text[]
Result text that will be added in file
procedure OnBeforeGetRecordType2(EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header";TempEOSContrBillLn: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Line" temporary;EOSCommissionsSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Setup"; LineNo: Integer; var Result: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before record type 2 of grandi ditte file.
EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"
Source contributions bill
TempEOSContrBillLn Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Line"
Bill line processed
EOSCommissionsSetup Record "EOS Commissions Setup"
Reference commissions setup
LineNo Integer
Line no. to export in file
Result Text[]
Result text that will be added in file
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetRecordType2(EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header";TempEOSContrBillLn: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Line" temporary;EOSCommissionsSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Setup"; LineNo: Integer; var Result: Text)
Raised after record type 2 of grandi ditte file.
EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"
Source contributions bill
TempEOSContrBillLn Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Line"
Bill line processed
EOSCommissionsSetup Record "EOS Commissions Setup"
Reference commissions setup
LineNo Integer
Line no. to export in file
Result Text[]
Result text that will be added in file
procedure OnBeforeGetRecordType9(EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header";EOSCommissionsSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Setup";Q1: Decimal; Q2: Decimal; Q3: Decimal; Q4: Decimal; var Result: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before record type 9 of grandi ditte file.
EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"
Source contributions bill
EOSCommissionsSetup Record "EOS Commissions Setup"
Reference commissions setup
Q1 Decimal
Quarter 1 amount to export in file
Q2 Decimal
Quarter 1 amount to export in file
Q3 Decimal
Quarter 1 amount to export in file
Q4 Decimal
Quarter 1 amount to export in file
Result Text[]
Result text that will be added in file
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetRecordType9(EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header";EOSCommissionsSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Setup";Q1: Decimal; Q2: Decimal; Q3: Decimal; Q4: Decimal; var Result: Text)
Raised after record type 9 of grandi ditte file.
EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"
Source contributions bill
EOSCommissionsSetup Record "EOS Commissions Setup"
Reference commissions setup
Q1 Decimal
Quarter 1 amount to export in file
Q2 Decimal
Quarter 1 amount to export in file
Q3 Decimal
Quarter 1 amount to export in file
Q4 Decimal
Quarter 1 amount to export in file
Result Text[]
Result text that will be added in file
procedure OnBeforeFilterEntriesToApply(var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";var TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary;var ToDateCE: Date; var ToDateVLE: Date; var VendorFilter: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before filtering vendor ledger entries related to entributions to apply to document entries.
VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Return dataset filtered. This is page source
TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that keeps link between contribution and vendor entry. “Entry No.": assigned to vendor ledger entry; “Bracket No.": assigned to contribution entry
ToDateCE Date
If specified, indicates posting date limit of analisys for contributions entries
ToDateVLE Date
If specified, indicates posting date limit of analisys for vendor entries
VendorFilter Text[]
If specified, indicates vendors to process
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterFilterEntriesToApply(var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";var TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary;ToDateCE: Date; ToDateVLE: Date; VendorFilter: Text)
Raised after filtering vendor ledger entries related to entributions to apply to document entries.
VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Return dataset filtered. This is page source, record to show are marked
TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that keeps link between contribution and vendor entry. “Entry No.": assigned to vendor ledger entry; “Bracket No.": assigned to contribution entry
ToDateCE Date
If specified, indicates posting date limit of analisys for contributions entries
ToDateVLE Date
If specified, indicates posting date limit of analisys for vendor entries
VendorFilter Text[]
If specified, indicates vendors to process
procedure OnBeforeSuggestApplications(var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";var TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary;var TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before seeking a document vendor ledger entry to apply to a contributions ledger entry.
VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
This is page source
TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that keeps link between contribution and vendor entry. “Entry No.": assigned to vendor ledger entry; “Bracket No.": assigned to contribution entry
TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterSuggestApplications(var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";var TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary;var TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary)
Raised after seeking a document vendor ledger entry to apply to a contributions ledger entry.
VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
This is page source
TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that keeps link between contribution and vendor entry. “Entry No.": assigned to vendor ledger entry; “Bracket No.": assigned to contribution entry
TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry
procedure OnBeforeSuggestApplicationsSingle(VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";var TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary; var NextEntryNo: Integer;var TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before seeking a document vendor ledger entry to apply to a single contributions ledger entry.
VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Record to process
TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that keeps link between contribution and vendor entry. “Entry No.": assigned to vendor ledger entry; “Bracket No.": assigned to contribution entry
NextEntryNo Integer
Incremental entry no. of TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply
TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterSuggestApplicationsSingle(VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";var TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary; var NextEntryNo: Integer;var TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary)
Raised after seeking a document vendor ledger entry to apply to a single contributions ledger entry.
VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Record to process
TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that keeps link between contribution and vendor entry. “Entry No.": assigned to vendor ledger entry; “Bracket No.": assigned to contribution entry
NextEntryNo Integer
Incremental entry no. of TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply
TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry
procedure OnBeforeSetBestApplication(VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; var TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before finding best application for a contribution entry within TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply buffer.
VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Record to process
TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry; “Applying Entry”: identified best application
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterSetBestApplication(VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; var TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary)
Raised after finding best application for a contribution entry within TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply buffer.
VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Record to process
TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry; “Applying Entry”: identified best application
procedure OnBeforePostApplications(var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";var TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary;var TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary;var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before posting found application.
VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
This is page source
TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that keeps link between contribution and vendor entry. “Entry No.": assigned to vendor ledger entry; “Bracket No.": assigned to contribution entry
TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterPostApplications(var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";var TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary;var TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary)
Raised after posting found application.
VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
This is page source
TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that keeps link between contribution and vendor entry. “Entry No.": assigned to vendor ledger entry; “Bracket No.": assigned to contribution entry
TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry
procedure OnBeforePostApplicationsSingle(VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary;var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before posting single found application.
VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Record to process
TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterPostApplicationsSingle(VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary)
Raised after posting single found application.
VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Record to process
TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"
Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry
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