Codeunit 70624433 EOS051 Calculation Mgt.

Codeunit 70624433 EOS051 Calculation Mgt.



procedure SalesLine_UpdateQuantityFields(var Rec: Record "Sales Line"; var xRec: Record "Sales Line"; FromUM: code[10]; ToUM: Code[10]; RefFieldNo: Integer; ValidateField: Boolean)

This procedure is used internally and in bridge apps. Please avoid calling it.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Sales Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Sales Line"

    Standard signature.

  • FromUM code[10]

    The original Unit of Measure Code.

  • ToUM Code[10]

    The converted Unit of Measure Code.

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    The number of the field that prompted the conversion.

  • ValidateField Boolean

    If true, performs a validation, otherwise an assignment.


procedure PurchaseLine_UpdateQuantityFields(var Rec: Record "Purchase Line"; var xRec: Record "Purchase Line"; FromUM: code[10]; ToUM: Code[10]; RefFieldNo: Integer; ValidateField: Boolean)

This procedure is used internally and in bridge apps. Please avoid calling it.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Purchase Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Purchase Line"

    Standard signature.

  • FromUM code[10]

    The original Unit of Measure Code.

  • ToUM Code[10]

    The converted Unit of Measure Code.

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    The number of the field that prompted the conversion.

  • ValidateField Boolean

    If true, performs a validation, otherwise an assignment.


procedure ItemJnlLine_UpdateQuantityFields(var Rec: Record "Item Journal Line"; var xRec: Record "Item Journal Line"; FromUM: code[10]; ToUM: Code[10]; RefFieldNo: Integer; ValidateField: Boolean)

This procedure is used internally and in bridge apps. Please avoid calling it.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Item Journal Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Item Journal Line"

    Standard signature.

  • FromUM code[10]

    The original Unit of Measure Code.

  • ToUM Code[10]

    The converted Unit of Measure Code.

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    The number of the field that prompted the conversion.

  • ValidateField Boolean

    If true, performs a validation, otherwise an assignment.


procedure TrackingSpec_UpdateQuantityFields(var Rec: Record "Tracking Specification"; var xRec: Record "Tracking Specification"; FromUM: code[10]; ToUM: Code[10]; RefFieldNo: Integer; ValidateField: Boolean)

This procedure is used internally and in bridge apps. Please avoid calling it.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Tracking Specification"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Tracking Specification"

    Standard signature.

  • FromUM code[10]

    The original Unit of Measure Code.

  • ToUM Code[10]

    The converted Unit of Measure Code.

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    The number of the field that prompted the conversion.

  • ValidateField Boolean

    If true, performs a validation, otherwise an assignment.


procedure ReservEntry_UpdateQuantityFields(var Rec: Record "Reservation Entry"; FromUM: code[10]; ToUM: Code[10]; RefFieldNo: Integer; ValidateField: Boolean)

This procedure is used internally and in bridge apps. Please avoid calling it.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Reservation Entry"

    Standard signature.

  • FromUM code[10]

    The original Unit of Measure Code.

  • ToUM Code[10]

    The converted Unit of Measure Code.

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    The number of the field that prompted the conversion.

  • ValidateField Boolean

    If true, performs a validation, otherwise an assignment.


procedure WhseShipmentLine_UpdateQuantityFields(var Rec: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"; var xRec: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"; FromUM: code[10]; ToUM: Code[10]; RefFieldNo: Integer; ValidateField: Boolean)

This procedure is used internally and in bridge apps. Please avoid calling it.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"

    Standard signature.

  • FromUM code[10]

    The original Unit of Measure Code.

  • ToUM Code[10]

    The converted Unit of Measure Code.

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    The number of the field that prompted the conversion.

  • ValidateField Boolean

    If true, performs a validation, otherwise an assignment.


procedure WhseReceiptLine_UpdateQuantityFields(var Rec: Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"; var xRec: Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"; FromUM: code[10]; ToUM: Code[10]; RefFieldNo: Integer; ValidateField: Boolean)

This procedure is used internally and in bridge apps. Please avoid calling it.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"

    Standard signature.

  • FromUM code[10]

    The original Unit of Measure Code.

  • ToUM Code[10]

    The converted Unit of Measure Code.

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    The number of the field that prompted the conversion.

  • ValidateField Boolean

    If true, performs a validation, otherwise an assignment.


procedure WhseJournalLine_UpdateQuantityFields(var Rec: Record "Warehouse Journal Line"; var xRec: Record "Warehouse Journal Line"; FromUM: code[10]; ToUM: Code[10]; RefFieldNo: Integer; ValidateField: Boolean)

This procedure is used internally and in bridge apps. Please avoid calling it.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Warehouse Journal Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Warehouse Journal Line"

    Standard signature.

  • FromUM code[10]

    The original Unit of Measure Code.

  • ToUM Code[10]

    The converted Unit of Measure Code.

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    The number of the field that prompted the conversion.

  • ValidateField Boolean

    If true, performs a validation, otherwise an assignment.


procedure WhseActivityLine_UpdateQuantityFields(var Rec: Record "Warehouse Activity Line"; var xRec: Record "Warehouse Activity Line"; FromUM: code[10]; ToUM: Code[10]; RefFieldNo: Integer; ValidateField: Boolean)

This procedure is used internally and in bridge apps. Please avoid calling it.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Warehouse Activity Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Warehouse Activity Line"

    Standard signature.

  • FromUM code[10]

    The original Unit of Measure Code.

  • ToUM Code[10]

    The converted Unit of Measure Code.

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    The number of the field that prompted the conversion.

  • ValidateField Boolean

    If true, performs a validation, otherwise an assignment.


procedure WhseWorksheetLine_UpdateQuantityFields(var Rec: Record "Whse. Worksheet Line"; var xRec: Record "Whse. Worksheet Line"; FromUM: code[10]; ToUM: Code[10]; RefFieldNo: Integer; ValidateField: Boolean)

This procedure is used internally and in bridge apps. Please avoid calling it.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Whse. Worksheet Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Whse. Worksheet Line"

    Standard signature.

  • FromUM code[10]

    The original Unit of Measure Code.

  • ToUM Code[10]

    The converted Unit of Measure Code.

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    The number of the field that prompted the conversion.

  • ValidateField Boolean

    If true, performs a validation, otherwise an assignment.


procedure WhseItemTrkgLine_UpdateQuantityFields(var Rec: Record "Whse. Item Tracking Line"; var xRec: Record "Whse. Item Tracking Line"; FromUM: code[10]; ToUM: Code[10]; RefFieldNo: Integer; ValidateField: Boolean)

This procedure is used internally and in bridge apps. Please avoid calling it.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Whse. Item Tracking Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Whse. Item Tracking Line"

    Standard signature.

  • FromUM code[10]

    The original Unit of Measure Code.

  • ToUM Code[10]

    The converted Unit of Measure Code.

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    The number of the field that prompted the conversion.

  • ValidateField Boolean

    If true, performs a validation, otherwise an assignment.


procedure GetHomologueFieldValue(ItemNo: code[20]; FromUM: code[10]; ToUM: Code[10]; FromValue: Decimal) ToValue: decimal

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo code[20]

  • FromUM code[10]

  • ToUM Code[10]

  • FromValue Decimal

  • Returns decimal


procedure GetReverseQtyPerUnitOfMeasure(Item: Record Item; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]) ReverseQtyPerUnitOfMeasure: Decimal

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

  • UnitOfMeasureCode Code[10]

  • Returns Decimal


procedure CalcBaseQtyByMethod(FromValue: Decimal; Item: Record Item; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]) BaseQty: Decimal

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromValue Decimal

  • Item Record "Item"

  • UnitOfMeasureCode Code[10]

  • Returns Decimal


procedure CalcQtyFromBaseByMethod(BaseValue: Decimal; Item: Record Item; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]) Qty: Decimal

Parameters / Return Value

  • BaseValue Decimal

  • Item Record "Item"

  • UnitOfMeasureCode Code[10]

  • Returns Decimal


procedure RoundQuantityValue(UMCode: code[10]; inValue: Decimal) outValue: Decimal

Parameters / Return Value

  • UMCode code[10]

  • inValue Decimal

  • Returns Decimal


procedure TransferLine_UpdateQuantityFields(var Rec: Record "Transfer Line"; var xRec: Record "Transfer Line"; FromUM: code[10]; ToUM: Code[10]; RefFieldNo: Integer; ValidateField: Boolean)

This procedure is used internally and in bridge apps. Please avoid calling it.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Transfer Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Transfer Line"

    Standard signature.

  • FromUM code[10]

    The original Unit of Measure Code.

  • ToUM Code[10]

    The converted Unit of Measure Code.

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    The number of the field that prompted the conversion.

  • ValidateField Boolean

    If true, performs a validation, otherwise an assignment.



local procedure OnBeforeGetReverseQtyPerUnitOfMeasure(Item: Record Item; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; var ReverseQtyPerUnitOfMeasure: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before get “EOS051 Reverse Qty. per Unit of Measure” field from “Item Unit of Measure”

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    Record Item

  • UnitOfMeasureCode Code[10]

    Unit Of Measure Code

  • ReverseQtyPerUnitOfMeasure Decimal

    Variable to modify

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, no following app code will be executed


local procedure OnAfterCalcBaseQtyByMethod(FromValue: Decimal; Item: Record Item; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; var BaseQty: Decimal)

This event is raised after calc. the Base Qty by “EOS051 Quantity Calc. Method” field.

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromValue Decimal


  • Item Record "Item"

    Record Item

  • UnitOfMeasureCode Code[10]

    Unit Of Measure Code

  • BaseQty Decimal

    Variable to modify


local procedure OnAfterCalcQtyFromBaseByMethod(BaseValue: Decimal; Item: Record Item; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; var Qty: Decimal)

This event is raised after calc. Qty from Base by “EOS051 Quantity Calc. Method” field.

Parameters / Return Value

  • BaseValue Decimal


  • Item Record "Item"

    Record Item

  • UnitOfMeasureCode Code[10]

    Unit Of Measure Code

  • Qty Decimal

    Variable to modify

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