Codeunit 70624441 EOS051 Tracking Mgt.

Codeunit 70624441 EOS051 Tracking Mgt.



procedure GetSumOfSecQtyToHandle(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceID: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; SourceBatchName: Code[10]) TotalSecQuantity: Decimal

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Integer

  • SourceSubtype Integer

  • SourceID Code[20]

  • SourceRefNo Integer

  • SourceBatchName Code[10]

  • Returns Decimal


procedure GetSumOfSecQtyToHandle(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceID: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; SourceBatchName: Code[10]; SourceProdOrderLine: Integer) TotalSecQuantity: Decimal

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Integer

  • SourceSubtype Integer

  • SourceID Code[20]

  • SourceRefNo Integer

  • SourceBatchName Code[10]

  • SourceProdOrderLine Integer

  • Returns Decimal



local procedure OnBefore_OnValidate_TrackingSpec_DUM_Fields(RefFieldNo: Integer; var Rec: Record "Tracking Specification"; xRec: Record "Tracking Specification"; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandeld: Boolean)

Raised before Dual UoM fields on TrackingSpec are validated runnig standard app code

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    TrackingSpec field no. that has been validated.

  • Rec Record "Tracking Specification"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Tracking Specification"

    Standard signature.

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Standard signature.

  • IsHandeld Boolean


local procedure OnAfter_OnValidate_TrackingSpec_DUM_Fields(RefFieldNo: Integer; var Rec: Record "Tracking Specification"; xRec: Record "Tracking Specification"; CurrFieldNo: Integer)

Raised after Dual UoM fields on TrackingSpec are validated runnig standard app code

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    TrackingSpec field no. that has been validated.

  • Rec Record "Tracking Specification"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Tracking Specification"

    Standard signature.

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Standard signature.


local procedure OnBeforeGetSumOfSecQtyToHandle(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceID: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; SourceBatchName: Code[10]; SourceProdOrderLine: Integer; var TotalSecQuantity: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before calculating the sum of the sec. quantity to handle on the tracking lines

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Integer

    “Source Type” field of Reservation Entry

  • SourceSubtype Integer

    “Source Subtype” field of Reservation Entry

  • SourceID Code[20]

    “Source ID” field of Reservation Entry

  • SourceRefNo Integer

    “Source Ref. No.” field of Reservation Entry

  • SourceBatchName Code[10]

    “Source Batch Name” field of Reservation Entry

  • SourceProdOrderLine Integer

    “Source Prod. Order Line” field of Reservation Entry

  • TotalSecQuantity Decimal

    The sum of the sec. quantity to handle (only use this parameter in combination with “IsHandled” to skip the standard logic)

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, skips the standard logic


local procedure OnAfterGetSumOfSecQtyToHandle(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceID: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; SourceBatchName: Code[10]; SourceProdOrderLine: Integer; var TotalSecQuantity: Decimal)

Raised after calculating the sum of the sec. quantity to handle on the tracking lines

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Integer

    “Source Type” field of Reservation Entry

  • SourceSubtype Integer

    “Source Subtype” field of Reservation Entry

  • SourceID Code[20]

    “Source ID” field of Reservation Entry

  • SourceRefNo Integer

    “Source Ref. No.” field of Reservation Entry

  • SourceBatchName Code[10]

    “Source Batch Name” field of Reservation Entry

  • SourceProdOrderLine Integer

    “Source Prod. Order Line” field of Reservation Entry

  • TotalSecQuantity Decimal

    The calculated sum of the sec. quantity to handle

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