Table 18126558 EOS029 Doc. Container Link

Table 18126558 EOS029 Doc. Container Link


Entry No. (10)


Source Type (20)


Source Subtype (21)


"0" (0) , "1" (1) , "2" (2) , "3" (3) , "4" (4) , "5" (5) , "6" (6) , "7" (7) , "8" (8) , "9" (9) , "10" (10)

Source No. (22)


Source Line No. (23)


For Source Line No. (25)


Handling Unit Type (30)

Enum "EOS055.01 Handling Unit Type"



procedure SetSourceDocumentFilter(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20])

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Integer

  • SourceSubtype Integer

  • SourceNo Code[20]


procedure SetSourceDocumentFilter(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceLineNo: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Integer

  • SourceSubtype Integer

  • SourceNo Code[20]

  • SourceLineNo Integer


procedure SetSourceDocumentFilter(DocVariant: Variant): Boolean

Applies filters to the current instance for the given document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    The document to filter for.

  • Returns Boolean

    true if any records exist in the filter.


procedure SetSourceDocumentFilterFor(DocVariant: Variant): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

  • Returns Boolean


procedure SetDocumentFields(DocVariant: Variant)

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant


procedure TestNoLinksExist(DocLine: Variant)

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocLine Variant


procedure GetQuantityFactor(): Decimal

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Decimal


procedure GetBySource(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Option; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceLineNo: Integer; ForSourceLineNo: Integer): Boolean

Retrieves a container link by providing the original and the container line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Integer

    The source type.

  • SourceSubtype Option

    The source subtype.

  • SourceNo Code[20]

    The source no.

  • SourceLineNo Integer

    The line no. of the original document line.

  • ForSourceLineNo Integer

    The line no. of the container line.

  • Returns Boolean



local procedure OnAfterGetQuantityFactor(Rec: Record "EOS029 Doc. Container Link"; TempSourceItem: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"; IsValidSourceLine: Boolean; var QtyFactor: Decimal)

Raised after the quantity factor for this container link has been calculated.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "EOS029 Doc. Container Link"

    The source container link.

  • TempSourceItem Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The source document line that this container link is for.

  • IsValidSourceLine Boolean

    Indicates whether the source document line has been found and is valid.

  • QtyFactor Decimal

    The quantity factor.


local procedure OnAfterCaseSourceType_GetContainerQtyToHandle(Rec: Record "EOS029 Doc. Container Link"; var MainLineQtyToHandle: Decimal)

Raised after the Main Line Quantity for this container link has been set from the source document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "EOS029 Doc. Container Link"

    The source container link.

  • MainLineQtyToHandle Decimal

    Quantity to set


local procedure OnAfterGetContainerQtyToHandle(Rec: Record "EOS029 Doc. Container Link"; var QuantityPer: Decimal; var MainLineQtyToHandle: Decimal; PackagingMaterial: Record "EOS055 Packaging Material"; var QtyToHandle: Decimal)

Raised at the end of procedure GetContainerQtyToHandle. Use it to set the Qty To Handle to return.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "EOS029 Doc. Container Link"

    The source container link

  • QuantityPer Decimal

    Quantity factor calculated for this container link

  • MainLineQtyToHandle Decimal

    Main Line Quantity on the source document

  • PackagingMaterial Record "EOS055 Packaging Material"

    Packaging Material

  • QtyToHandle Decimal

    Quantity to return

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