Table 18125980 EOS049 Sales Disc. Line
Table 18125980 EOS049 Sales Disc. Line
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Verkaufsrabattposition |
en-US | Sales Discount Line |
it-IT | Riga sconto vendita |
Sales Disc. Code (1
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Sales Disc. Code |
en-US | Sales Disc. Code |
it-IT | Codice sconto vendite |
Description (2
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Beschreibung |
en-US | Description |
it-IT | Descrizione |
Line No. - Customer (4
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Linie Nr. - Kunde |
en-US | Line No. - Customer |
it-IT | Nr. riga - Cliente |
Line No. - Item (5
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Zeile Nr. - Artikel |
en-US | Line No. - Item |
it-IT | Nr. Riga - Articolo |
Entry No. (6
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Lfd. Nr. |
en-US | Entry No. |
it-IT | Nr. movimento |
Type - Customer (10
enum "EOS049 Sales Disc. Line Cust. Type"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Art |
en-US | Type |
it-IT | Tipo |
Level - Customer (11
TableRelation: "EOS Customer Hierarchy Level".Level
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Ebene |
en-US | Level |
it-IT | Livello |
Code - Customer (12
TableRelation: if ("Type - Customer" = const(" ")) "Standard Text" else if ("Type - Customer" = const("All Customers")) "Standard Text" else if ("Type - Customer" = const(Customer)) Customer else if ("Type - Customer" = const("Customer Disc. Group")) "Customer Discount Group" else if ("Type - Customer" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Customer" = const(1)) "EOS Customer Hierarchy".Code where(Level = const(1)) else if ("Type - Customer" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Customer" = const(2)) "EOS Customer Hierarchy".Code where(Level = const(2)) else if ("Type - Customer" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Customer" = const(3)) "EOS Customer Hierarchy".Code where(Level = const(3)) else if ("Type - Customer" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Customer" = const(4)) "EOS Customer Hierarchy".Code where(Level = const(4)) else if ("Type - Customer" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Customer" = const(5)) "EOS Customer Hierarchy".Code where(Level = const(5)) else if ("Type - Customer" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Customer" = const(6)) "EOS Customer Hierarchy".Code where(Level = const(6)) else if ("Type - Customer" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Customer" = const(7)) "EOS Customer Hierarchy".Code where(Level = const(7)) else if ("Type - Customer" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Customer" = const(8)) "EOS Customer Hierarchy".Code where(Level = const(8)) else if ("Type - Customer" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Customer" = const(9)) "EOS Customer Hierarchy".Code where(Level = const(9)) else if ("Type - Customer" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Customer" = const(10)) "EOS Customer Hierarchy".Code where(Level = const(10)) else if ("Type - Customer" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Customer" = const(11)) "EOS Customer Hierarchy".Code where(Level = const(11)) else if ("Type - Customer" = const("Customer Cluster")) "EOS Customer Cluster Header" where(Status = const(Certified))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Code |
en-US | Code |
it-IT | Codice |
Description - Customer (13
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Beschreibung |
en-US | Description |
it-IT | Descrizione |
Description 2 - Customer (14
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Beschreibung 2 |
en-US | Description 2 |
it-IT | Descrizione 2 |
Type - Item (20
Enum "EOS049 Discount Item Type"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Art |
en-US | Type |
it-IT | Tipo |
Level - Item (21
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Ebene |
en-US | Level |
it-IT | Livello |
Code - Item (22
TableRelation: if ("Type - Item" = const(" ")) "Standard Text" else if ("Type - Item" = const(Item)) Item else if ("Type - Item" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Item" = const(1)) "EOS Item Hierarchy".Code where(Type = const(General), Level = const(1)) else if ("Type - Item" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Item" = const(2)) "EOS Item Hierarchy".Code where(Type = const(General), Level = const(2)) else if ("Type - Item" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Item" = const(3)) "EOS Item Hierarchy".Code where(Type = const(General), Level = const(3)) else if ("Type - Item" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Item" = const(4)) "EOS Item Hierarchy".Code where(Type = const(General), Level = const(4)) else if ("Type - Item" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Item" = const(5)) "EOS Item Hierarchy".Code where(Type = const(General), Level = const(5)) else if ("Type - Item" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Item" = const(6)) "EOS Item Hierarchy".Code where(Type = const(General), Level = const(6)) else if ("Type - Item" = const("Hierarchy Level"), "Level - Item" = const(7)) "EOS Item Hierarchy".Code where(Type = const(General), Level = const(7)) else if ("Type - Item" = const("Item Discount Group")) "Item Discount Group".Code else if ("Type - Item" = const("Item Promotion Group")) "EOS049 Promotion Group".Code where(Type = const(Item)) else if ("Type - Item" = const("Item Category Code")) "Item Category".Code else if ("Type - Item" = const("Item Cluster")) "EOS Item Cluster Header" where(Status = const(Certified))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Code |
en-US | Code |
it-IT | Codice |
Item No. (23
TableRelation: Item
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Artikelnr. |
en-US | Item No. |
it-IT | Nr. articolo |
Description - Item (24
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Beschreibung |
en-US | Description |
it-IT | Descrizione |
Description 2 - Item (25
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Beschreibung 2 |
en-US | Description 2 |
it-IT | Descrizione 2 |
Currency Code (30
TableRelation: Currency
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Währungscode |
en-US | Currency Code |
it-IT | Cod. valuta |
Starting Date (34
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Startdatum |
en-US | Starting Date |
it-IT | Data inizio |
Ending Date (35
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Enddatum |
en-US | Ending Date |
it-IT | Data fine |
Last Date Modified (54
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Korrigiert am |
en-US | Last Date Modified |
it-IT | Data ultima modifica |
Last Time Modified (55
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Korrigiert um |
en-US | Last Time Modified |
it-IT | Ora ultima modifica |
Status (120
enum "EOS049 Status"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Status |
en-US | Status |
it-IT | Stato |
Discount Type (200
Enum "EOS037 Line Discount Type"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Rabattart |
en-US | Discount Type |
it-IT | Tipo Sconto |
Value (210
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Wert |
en-US | Value |
it-IT | Valore |
Type (303
enum "EOS049 Sales Disc. Line Type"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Art |
en-US | Type |
it-IT | Tipo |
Promotion Information (306
TableRelation: "EOS049 Promotion Information"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Aktionsinformation |
en-US | Promotion Information |
it-IT | Informazione sconto/promozioni |
Type of Canvas (309
" "
(0) , "Rule Application"
(1) , Receipt
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Typ canvas |
en-US | Type of Canvas |
it-IT | Tipo di Canvas |
Benefit Type (800
enum "EOS049 Benefit Type"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Leistungsart |
en-US | Benefit Type |
it-IT | Tipo di benefit |
From Customer Cluster (850
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Vom Kundencluster |
en-US | From Customer Cluster |
it-IT | Dal cluster di clienti |
From Item Cluster (860
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Aus Elementcluster |
en-US | From Item Cluster |
it-IT | Da cluster di articoli |
Expected Promo Qty (300
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Erwartete Promo Qty |
en-US | Expected Promo Qty |
it-IT | Qtà promo prevista |
Trade Filter Type (700
Enum "EOS Filter Type"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Filterart |
en-US | Filter Type |
it-IT | Tipo di filtro |
Gift in Deduction (3101
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Geschenk im Abzug |
en-US | Gift in Deduction |
it-IT | Regalo in detrazione |
Unit of Measure Code (5400
TableRelation: if ("Type - Item" = const(Item)) "Item Unit of Measure".Code where("Item No." = field("Item No.")) else "Unit of Measure".Code
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Einheitencode |
en-US | Unit of Measure Code |
it-IT | Cod. unità di misura |
Threshold Type (7000
enum "EOS049 Sales Disc. Threshold Type"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Schwellenwerttyp |
en-US | Threshold Type |
it-IT | Tipo soglia |
Threshold Unit of Measure (7001
TableRelation: "Unit of Measure"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Schwellenwert-Maßeinheit |
en-US | Threshold Unit of Measure |
it-IT | Unità di misura soglia |
Minimum Quantity (7014
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Mindestmenge |
en-US | Minimum Quantity |
it-IT | Quantità minima |
Maximum Quantity (7015
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Maximale Menge |
en-US | Maximum Quantity |
it-IT | Quantità massima |
Variant Code (7700
TableRelation: "Item Variant".Code where("Item No." = field("Item No."))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Variantencode |
en-US | Variant Code |
it-IT | Cod. variante |
Sorting Order (10000
Pending: Use Customer/Item Sorting Order instead. (24.0)Language | Caption |
de-DE | Sortierreihenfolge |
en-US | Sorting Order |
it-IT | Ordinamento |
Customer Sorting Order (10001
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Sortierreihenfolge des Kunden |
en-US | Customer Sorting Order |
it-IT | Ordinamento cliente |
Item Sorting Order (10002
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Sortierreihenfolge der Elemente |
en-US | Item Sorting Order |
it-IT | Ordinamento articolo |
Selected (10003
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Ausgewählt |
en-US | Selected |
it-IT | Selezionato |
Sell-Out Starting Date (11000
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Sell-Out Startdatum |
en-US | Sell-Out Starting Date |
it-IT | Data inizio Sell-Out |
Sell-Out Ending Date (11001
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Sell-Out Enddatum |
en-US | Sell-Out Ending Date |
it-IT | Data fine Sell-Out |
Check On Promised Deliv. Date (11002
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Überprüfen Sie auf Gelobte Deliv. Datum |
en-US | Check on Promised Deliv. Date |
it-IT | Controlla Deliv promesso. Data |
Priority (11005
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Priorität |
en-US | Priority |
it-IT | Priorità |
Rule Type (11010
Enum "EOS049 Rule Type"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Regelart |
en-US | Rule Type |
it-IT | Tipo regola |
Alternativity Group Code (11011
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Alternativitätsgruppencode |
en-US | Alternativity Group Code |
it-IT | Cod. gruppo alternatività |
Exclusive (11015
Enum "EOS049 Exclusive"
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Exklusiv |
en-US | Exclusive |
it-IT | Esclusivo |
Use Discount (11020
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Verwenden Sie Rabatt |
en-US | Use Discount |
it-IT | Usa sconto |
Based on Original Amount (1110
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Basierend auf Ursprungsbetrag |
en-US | Based on Original Amount |
it-IT | In base a importo originario |
Ignore Scalar Breakdown (1111
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Scalar-Aufschlüsselung ignorieren |
en-US | Ignore Scalar Breakdown |
it-IT | Escludi scalare |
Gift Basket Code (2500
TableRelation: "EOS049 Gift Basket Header".Code where(Status = const(Certified))
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Geschenkkorb-Code |
en-US | Gift Basket Code |
it-IT | Codice del cesto regalo |
Use Once (2501
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Einmal verwenden |
en-US | Use Once |
it-IT | Usa una volta |
Discount Used (2502
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Rabatt Gebraucht |
en-US | Discount Used |
it-IT | Sconto usato |
Customer Trade Attribute 1 (12000
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Debitoren-Handelsattribut 1 |
en-US | Customer Trade Attribute 1 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale cliente 1 |
Customer Trade Attribute 2 (12001
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Debitoren-Handelsattribut 10 |
en-US | Customer Trade Attribute 2 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale cliente 2 |
Customer Trade Attribute 3 (12002
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Debitoren-Handelsattribut 3 |
en-US | Customer Trade Attribute 3 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale cliente 3 |
Customer Trade Attribute 4 (12003
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Debitoren-Handelsattribut 4 |
en-US | Customer Trade Attribute 4 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale cliente 4 |
Customer Trade Attribute 5 (12004
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Debitoren-Handelsattribut 5 |
en-US | Customer Trade Attribute 5 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale cliente 5 |
Customer Trade Attribute 6 (12005
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Debitoren-Handelsattribut 6 |
en-US | Customer Trade Attribute 6 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale cliente 6 |
Customer Trade Attribute 7 (12006
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Debitoren-Handelsattribut 7 |
en-US | Customer Trade Attribute 7 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale cliente 7 |
Customer Trade Attribute 8 (12007
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Debitoren-Handelsattribut 8 |
en-US | Customer Trade Attribute 8 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale cliente 8 |
Customer Trade Attribute 9 (12008
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Debitoren-Handelsattribut 9 |
en-US | Customer Trade Attribute 9 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale cliente 9 |
Customer Trade Attribute 10 (12009
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Debitoren-Handelsattribut 10 |
en-US | Customer Trade Attribute 10 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale cliente 10 |
Sales Header Trade Attribute 1 (12050
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Kopf Handelsattribut 1 |
en-US | Sales Header Trade Attribute 1 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale testata vendita 1 |
Sales Header Trade Attribute 2 (12051
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Kopf Handelsattribut 2 |
en-US | Sales Header Trade Attribute 2 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale testata vendita 2 |
Sales Header Trade Attribute 3 (12052
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Kopf Handelsattribut 3 |
en-US | Sales Header Trade Attribute 3 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale testata vendita 3 |
Sales Header Trade Attribute 4 (12053
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Kopf Handelsattribut 4 |
en-US | Sales Header Trade Attribute 4 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale testata vendita 4 |
Sales Header Trade Attribute 5 (12054
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Kopf Handelsattribut 5 |
en-US | Sales Header Trade Attribute 5 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale testata vendita 5 |
Sales Header Trade Attribute 6 (12055
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Kopf Handelsattribut 6 |
en-US | Sales Header Trade Attribute 6 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale testata vendita 6 |
Sales Header Trade Attribute 7 (12056
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Kopf Handelsattribut 7 |
en-US | Sales Header Trade Attribute 7 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale testata vendita 7 |
Sales Header Trade Attribute 8 (12057
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Kopf Handelsattribut 8 |
en-US | Sales Header Trade Attribute 8 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale testata vendita 8 |
Sales Header Trade Attribute 9 (12058
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Kopf Handelsattribut 9 |
en-US | Sales Header Trade Attribute 9 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale testata vendita 9 |
Sales Header Trade Attr. 10 (12059
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Kopf Handelsattribut 10 |
en-US | Sales Header Trade Attr. 10 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale testata vendita 10 |
Sales Line Trade Attribute 1 (12100
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Zeile Handelsattribut 1 |
en-US | Sales Line Trade Attribute 1 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale riga vendita 1 |
Sales Line Trade Attribute 2 (12101
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Zeile Handelsattribut 2 |
en-US | Sales Line Trade Attribute 2 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale riga vendita 2 |
Sales Line Trade Attribute 3 (12102
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Zeile Handelsattribut 3 |
en-US | Sales Line Trade Attribute 3 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale riga vendita 3 |
Sales Line Trade Attribute 4 (12103
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Zeile Handelsattribut 4 |
en-US | Sales Line Trade Attribute 4 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale riga vendita 4 |
Sales Line Trade Attribute 5 (12104
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Zeile Handelsattribut 5 |
en-US | Sales Line Trade Attribute 5 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale riga vendita 5 |
Sales Line Trade Attribute 6 (12105
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Zeile Handelsattribut 6 |
en-US | Sales Line Trade Attribute 6 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale riga vendita 6 |
Sales Line Trade Attribute 7 (12106
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Zeile Handelsattribut 7 |
en-US | Sales Line Trade Attribute 7 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale riga vendita 7 |
Sales Line Trade Attribute 8 (12107
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Zeile Handelsattribut 8 |
en-US | Sales Line Trade Attribute 8 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale riga vendita 8 |
Sales Line Trade Attribute 9 (12108
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Zeile Handelsattribut 9 |
en-US | Sales Line Trade Attribute 9 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale riga vendita 9 |
Sales Line Trade Attr. 10 (12109
Language | Caption |
de-DE | VK-Zeile Handelsattribut 10 |
en-US | Sales Line Trade Attr. 10 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale riga vendita 10 |
Item Trade Attribute 1 (12150
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Artikel-Handelsattribut 1 |
en-US | Item Trade Attribute 1 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale articolo 1 |
Item Trade Attribute 2 (12151
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Artikel-Handelsattribut 2 |
en-US | Item Trade Attribute 2 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale articolo 2 |
Item Trade Attribute 3 (12152
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Artikel-Handelsattribut 3 |
en-US | Item Trade Attribute 3 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale articolo 3 |
Item Trade Attribute 4 (12153
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Artikel-Handelsattribut 4 |
en-US | Item Trade Attribute 4 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale articolo 4 |
Item Trade Attribute 5 (12154
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Artikel-Handelsattribut 5 |
en-US | Item Trade Attribute 5 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale articolo 5 |
Item Trade Attribute 6 (12155
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Artikel-Handelsattribut 6 |
en-US | Item Trade Attribute 6 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale articolo 6 |
Item Trade Attribute 7 (12156
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Artikel-Handelsattribut 7 |
en-US | Item Trade Attribute 7 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale articolo 7 |
Item Trade Attribute 8 (12157
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Artikel-Handelsattribut 8 |
en-US | Item Trade Attribute 8 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale articolo 8 |
Item Trade Attribute 9 (12158
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Artikel-Handelsattribut 9 |
en-US | Item Trade Attribute 9 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale articolo 9 |
Item Trade Attribute 10 (12159
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Artikel-Handelsattribut 10 |
en-US | Item Trade Attribute 10 |
it-IT | Attributo commerciale articolo 10 |
Trade Attribute Weight (13000
Pending: Use Customer/Item Trade Attribute Weight instead. (24.0)Language | Caption |
de-DE | Gewichtung Handelsattribute |
en-US | Trade Attribute Weight |
it-IT | Peso attributi commerciali |
Trade Cust. Attribute Weight (13001
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Gewicht des Handelskundenattributs |
en-US | Trade Customer Attribute Weight |
it-IT | Peso attributi commerciali cliente |
Trade Item Attribute Weight (13002
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Gewicht des Handelsgegenstandsattributs |
en-US | Trade Item Attribute Weight |
it-IT | Peso attributi commerciali atricoli |
Manual (6500
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Manuell |
en-US | Manual |
it-IT | Manuale |
Editable (6501
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Änderbar |
en-US | Editable |
it-IT | Modificabile |
New Value (6600
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Neuer Wert |
en-US | New Value |
it-IT | Nuovo valore |
Promotion (6700
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Sonderaktion |
en-US | Promotion |
it-IT | Promozione |
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