Codeunit 18008163 EOS09202 ETC Event Handler

Codeunit 18008163 EOS09202 ETC Event Handler



local procedure OnBeforeSetShipPriceQtyOnFindShipPriceDetail(TourPlanNo: Code[20]; ShippingPriceHeader: Record "EOS Shipping Price Header"; ShippingPriceType: Record "EOS Shipping Price Type"; TempShippingPriceAreaLine: Record "EOS ShippingPriceAreaLine" temporary; var ShippingPriceQty: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before set the Shipping Price Quantity with the values of the tour plan header, according to the Shipping Price Type. The Quantity is used to find the shipping price detail line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TourPlanNo Code[20]

    The Tour Plan No.

  • ShippingPriceHeader Record "EOS Shipping Price Header"

    The Shipping Price Header

  • ShippingPriceType Record "EOS Shipping Price Type"

    The Shipping Price Type

  • TempShippingPriceAreaLine Record "EOS ShippingPriceAreaLine"

    The Shipping Price line found

  • ShippingPriceQty Decimal

    The Quantity used to find the shipping price detail line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, it doesn’ t set the Quantity with the values of the tour plan header.

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