Codeunit 18004266 EOS037 Purch. Handler

Codeunit 18004266 EOS037 Purch. Handler



local procedure OnAfterGetBaseAmount(PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; QtyToHandle: Decimal; var BaseAmount: Decimal; var Handled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

  • QtyToHandle Decimal

  • BaseAmount Decimal

  • Handled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeCalcTotalDiscountPercentage(var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"; xPurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Fired before calculating Line Discount Amount and Line Discount %.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseLine Record "Purchase Line"

    Current record.

  • xPurchaseLine Record "Purchase Line"

    Previous version of the current record.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    Set to true to skip the business logic.


local procedure OnAfterCalcTotalDiscountPercentage(var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"; xPurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line")

Fired after calculating Line Discount Amount and Line Discount %.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseLine Record "Purchase Line"

    Current record.

  • xPurchaseLine Record "Purchase Line"

    Previous version of the current record.


local procedure OnBeforeDeleteDiscountsConfirmDialog(var SkipConfirm: Boolean)

Raised before the Header Discounts deletion confirmation dialog is shown, allowing to skip it

Parameters / Return Value

  • SkipConfirm Boolean

    Boolean field that if set to “true” skips the confirmation dialog


local procedure OnAfterGetPaymentTermsAsDiscountSource(PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var PaymentTerms: Record "Payment Terms"; var CanApply: Enum "EOS066 TriState Boolean")

Raised after the payment terms have been retrieved for updating the header discount set of the document. If this event returns “False”, any already existing discounts for this source will NOT be removed. If you want to delete the discount for this source, return “True” and set the source discount ID to an empty GUID.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    The purchase header.

  • PaymentTerms Record "Payment Terms"

    The payment terms record.

  • CanApply Enum "EOS066 TriState Boolean"

    Gets or sets if the discount can be applied. Set this to “False” to avoid application.


local procedure OnAfterGetShipmentMethodAsDiscountSource(PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var ShipmentMethod: Record "Shipment Method"; var CanApply: Enum "EOS066 TriState Boolean")

Raised after the shipment method has been retrieved for updating the header discount set of the document. If this event returns “False”, any already existing discounts for this source will NOT be removed. If you want to delete the discount for this source, return “True” and set the source discount ID to an empty GUID.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    The purchase header.

  • ShipmentMethod Record "Shipment Method"

    The shipment method record.

  • CanApply Enum "EOS066 TriState Boolean"

    Gets or sets if the discount can be applied. Set this to “False” to avoid application.

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