Codeunit 18122105 EOS BulkPecEmail Mgt

Codeunit 18122105 EOS BulkPecEmail Mgt



procedure GetDestRecipients(nTabNo: Integer; nFieldNo: Integer; sFilter: Text; sSeparator: Text[1]) sDestRecip: Text

Retrieves a concatenated string of e-mail addresses from a source table.

Parameters / Return Value

  • nTabNo Integer

    The table ID of the record for which to get the e-mail address.

  • nFieldNo Integer

    The no. of the field on the record, where the e-mail address should be read from. This is only valid if nTabNo is 18 (Customer).

  • sFilter Text[]

    The filter to be set on the primary key of the table that is used to retrieve all records.

  • sSeparator Text[1]

    The separator to be used when concatenating the addresses.

  • Returns Text[]

    All e-mail addresses concatenated by sSeparator.

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