Table 18125909 EOS EX080 Wine Setup
Table 18125909 EOS EX080 Wine Setup
Language | Caption |
en-US | Wine Setup |
it-IT | Setup Vino |
Primary Key (1
Language | Caption |
en-US | Primary Key |
it-IT | Chiave primaria |
Wine Treatment Nos. (10
TableRelation: "No. Series".Code
Language | Caption |
en-US | Wine Treatment No. Series |
it-IT | Nr. Serie Trattamento Vino |
Wine Treatment Routing No. (20
TableRelation: "Routing Header"."No." where(Status = const(Certified))
Language | Caption |
en-US | Wine Treatment Routing No. |
it-IT | Nr. Ciclo Trattamento Vino |
Prod. Cost Work Center No. (21
TableRelation: "Work Center"."No." where("Specific Unit Cost" = const(true))
Language | Caption |
en-US | Prod. Cost Work Center No. |
it-IT | Centro di lavoro costi di produzione |
Output Jnl. Template Name (23
TableRelation: "Item Journal Template" where(Type = const("Output"))
Language | Caption |
en-US | Output Jnl. Template Name |
it-IT | Def. Reg. Magazzino Output |
Output Jnl. Batch Name (24
TableRelation: "Item Journal Batch".Name where("Journal Template Name" = field("Output Jnl. Template Name"))
Language | Caption |
en-US | Output Jnl. Batch Name |
it-IT | Batch Registrazioni Magazzino Output |
Consumption Jnl. Template Name (25
TableRelation: "Item Journal Template" where(Type = const("Consumption"))
Language | Caption |
en-US | Consumption Jnl. Template Name |
it-IT | Def. Reg. Magazzino Consumi |
Consumption Jnl. Batch Name (26
TableRelation: "Item Journal Batch".Name where("Journal Template Name" = field("Consumption Jnl. Template Name"))
Language | Caption |
en-US | Consumption Jnl. Batch Name |
it-IT | Batch Registrazioni Magazzino Consumi |
Qty. Conv. Rounding Precision (27
Language | Caption |
en-US | Quantity Conversion Rounding Precision |
it-IT | Precisione arrotondamento conversione quantità |
Wine App Enabled (30
Language | Caption |
en-US | Wine App Enabled |
it-IT | App Vino Abilitata |
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