Codeunit 18008302 EOS Comm. Event Publisher
Gathers all published events
procedure RaiseOnBeforeSalesDocManualReleaseCommissionsRecalc(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var Handled: Boolean; PreviewMode: Boolean)
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Handled Boolean
PreviewMode Boolean
procedure RaiseOnBeforeSalesDocReleaseCommissionsRecalc(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var Handled: Boolean; PreviewMode: Boolean)
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Handled Boolean
PreviewMode Boolean
procedure RaiseOnBeforeTestStatusOpen(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var Rec: Record "EOS Add. Salesperson/Purchaser"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Rec Record "EOS Add. Salesperson/Purchaser"
IsHandled Boolean
procedure RaiseOnAfterFinalizeProspectHeader(var CommissionProspectHeader: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header")
Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"
procedure RaiseOnBeforeCheckSalesNetworkInvLineFromOrderLine(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var SalesOrderLine: Record "Sales Line"; var IsHandled: boolean)
SalesLine Record "Sales Line"
SalesOrderLine Record "Sales Line"
IsHandled boolean
procedure RaiseOnBeforeProformaInvoiceSubstitureReport(var ReportID: Integer)
procedure RaiseOnBeforeCalculateCalculationDate(Doc: RecordRef; var CommissionsCalculationDate: Enum "EOS Commissions Calc. Date")
Doc RecordRef
CommissionsCalculationDate Enum "EOS Commissions Calc. Date"
procedure RaiseOnBeforeCalculateCalculationDate(Doc: RecordRef; var CommissionsCalculationDate: Enum "EOS Commissions Calc. Date"; var CalculationDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Doc RecordRef
CommissionsCalculationDate Enum "EOS Commissions Calc. Date"
CalculationDate Date
IsHandled Boolean
procedure RaiseOnCalcCalculationDate(Doc: RecordRef; CommissionsCalculationDate: Enum "EOS Commissions Calc. Date"; var CalculationDate: Date)
Doc RecordRef
CommissionsCalculationDate Enum "EOS Commissions Calc. Date"
CalculationDate Date
procedure RaiseOnCalcCalculationDate(DocLine: RecordRef; CommissionsCalculationDate: Enum "EOS Commissions Calc. Date"; var CalculationDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean)
DocLine RecordRef
CommissionsCalculationDate Enum "EOS Commissions Calc. Date"
CalculationDate Date
IsHandled Boolean
procedure RaiseOnCalcDateUnexpectedTable(DocLine: RecordRef; CommissionsCalculationDate: Enum "EOS Commissions Calc. Date"; var CalculationDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean)
DocLine RecordRef
CommissionsCalculationDate Enum "EOS Commissions Calc. Date"
CalculationDate Date
IsHandled Boolean
procedure RaiseOnBeforeInsertDocLedgerEntry(CommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var CommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry")
CommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
CommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
procedure RaiseOnAfterInsertDocLedgerEntry(CommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var CommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry")
CommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
CommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
procedure RaiseOnAfterCommLdgEntryFiltersToFillProspectLine_ExcludingAnticipatedCorrections(var CommLdgEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry")
Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
procedure RaiseOnAfterCommLdgEntryFiltersToFillProspectLine_AnticipatedCorrections(var CommLdgEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry")
Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
procedure RaiseOnAfterCommLdgEntryFiltersToFillProspectLine_Documents(var CommLdgEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry")
Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
procedure OnFilterAddSalespPurch(var AddSalespPurch: Record "EOS Add. Salesperson/Purchaser"; HeaderType: Integer; HeaderSubtype: Integer; HeaderID: Code[20]; HeaderSubID: Code[20]; HeaderRefNo: Integer)
Raised when an add. salesperson record related to a document in modified. Updates documents line
AddSalespPurch Record "EOS Add. Salesperson/Purchaser"
Add. Salesperson/Purchaser
HeaderType Integer
Part of document key (Table ID)
HeaderSubtype Integer
Part of document key (Document Type)
HeaderID Code[20]
Part of document key (Document No.)
HeaderSubID Code[20]
Part of document key (always empty)
HeaderRefNo Integer
Part of document key (Line no.)
procedure OnBeforeCalculateSetupLinePriority(CommissionSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Setup"; var EOSCommissionsCalcSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised priority is calculated for a single commission calc. setup line. Priority determines in which order calc. setup line will be consider in case of document line corresponding to more than one setup line
CommissionSetup Record "EOS Commissions Setup"
General commission setup
EOSCommissionsCalcSetup Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"
Reference calculation setup record to update
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCalculateSetupLinePriority(CommissionSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Setup"; var EOSCommissionsCalcSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup")
Raised priority is calculated for a single commission calc. setup line. Priority determines in which order calc. setup line will be consider in case of document line corresponding to more than one setup line
CommissionSetup Record "EOS Commissions Setup"
General commission setup
EOSCommissionsCalcSetup Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"
Reference calculation setup record to update
procedure OnBeforeSalesHeaderCommissionGroupValidate(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; xSalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var ShowConfirm: Boolean; var UpdateLines: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when an add. salesperson record related to a document in modified. Updates documents line
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Record you’re updating
xSalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Standard signature
ShowConfirm Boolean
Specifies if confirmation dialog should be shown
UpdateLines Boolean
Specifies if lines have to be updated
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnBeforeUpdateSalespPurchFromHeader(HeaderType: Integer; HeaderSubtype: Integer; HeaderID: Code[20]; HeaderSubID: Code[20]; HeaderRefNo: Integer;SalespPurchRole: Code[10]; SalespPurchCode: Code[20]; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when an add. salesperson record related to a document in modified. Updates documents line
HeaderType Integer
Part of document key (Table ID)
HeaderSubtype Integer
Part of document key (Document Type)
HeaderID Code[20]
Part of document key (Document No.)
HeaderSubID Code[20]
Part of document key (always empty)
HeaderRefNo Integer
Part of document key (Line no.)
SalespPurchRole Code[10]
Sales person role inserted
SalespPurchCode Code[20]
Sales person code inserted
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterUpdateSalespPurchFromHeader(HeaderType: Integer; HeaderSubtype: Integer; HeaderID: Code[20]; HeaderSubID: Code[20]; HeaderRefNo: Integer;SalespPurchRole: Code[10]; SalespPurchCode: Code[20]; var AddSalespPurch: Record "EOS Add. Salesperson/Purchaser")
Raised after an add. salesperson record related to a document in modified. Updates documents line
HeaderType Integer
Part of document key (Table ID)
HeaderSubtype Integer
Part of document key (Document Type)
HeaderID Code[20]
Part of document key (Document No.)
HeaderSubID Code[20]
Part of document key (always empty)
HeaderRefNo Integer
Part of document key (Line no.)
SalespPurchRole Code[10]
Sales person role inserted
SalespPurchCode Code[20]
Sales person code inserted
AddSalespPurch Record "EOS Add. Salesperson/Purchaser"
Record of Add. Salesperson/Purchaser modified
procedure OnBeforeCopyHeaderInfo(FromDocument: Variant; ToDocument: Variant; var CalculateLines: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when add. salesperson and related commission data are copied from an entity to another
FromDocument Variant
Source document in variant format
ToDocument Variant
Destination document in variant format
CalculateLines Boolean
Specifies if commission lines (if existing) must be recalculated or not
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCopyHeaderInfo(FromDocument: Variant; ToDocument: Variant; CalculateLines: Boolean)
Raised after add. salesperson and related commission data are copied from an entity to another
FromDocument Variant
Source document in variant format
ToDocument Variant
Destination document in variant format
CalculateLines Boolean
Specifies if commission lines (if existing) must be recalculated or not
procedure OnBeforeCopyCommissionLine(FromBuffer: Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"; ToBuffer: Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"; var CalculateLines: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when commission line data are copied from an document to another
FromBuffer Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"
Source document in EOS Record Ident. Buffer format
ToBuffer Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"
Destination document in EOS Record Ident. Buffer format
CalculateLines Boolean
Specifies if commission lines (if existing) must be recalculated or not
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCopyCommissionLine(FromBuffer: Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"; ToBuffer: Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"; CalculateLines: Boolean)
Raised after commission line data are copied from an document to another
FromBuffer Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"
Source document in EOS Record Ident. Buffer format
ToBuffer Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"
Destination document in EOS Record Ident. Buffer format
CalculateLines Boolean
Specifies if commission lines (if existing) must be recalculated or not
procedure OnCopySingleCommissionLine(FromBuffer: Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"; ToBuffer: Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"; CalculateLines: Boolean; var ToCommissionLine: Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line")
Raised after a single commission line is copied from an document to another
FromBuffer Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"
Source document in EOS Record Ident. Buffer format
ToBuffer Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"
Destination document in EOS Record Ident. Buffer format
CalculateLines Boolean
Specifies if commission lines (if existing) must be recalculated or not
ToCommissionLine Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"
Commission line record just inserted
procedure OnBeforeHandleDocLinePosted(SourceHeader: Variant; SourceLine: Variant; DestinationHeader: Variant; DestinationLine: Variant; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when a document line is posted and commission data are transferred to posted document
SourceHeader Variant
Source document in variant format
SourceLine Variant
Source document line in variant format
DestinationHeader Variant
Destination document in variant format
DestinationLine Variant
Destination document line in variant format
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterHandleDocLinePosted(SourceHeader: Variant; SourceLine: Variant; DestinationHeader: Variant; DestinationLine: Variant)
Raised when a document line is posted and commission data are transferred to posted document
SourceHeader Variant
Source document in variant format
SourceLine Variant
Source document line in variant format
DestinationHeader Variant
Destination document in variant format
DestinationLine Variant
Destination document line in variant format
procedure OnBeforeHandleDocHeaderPosted(SourceRecord: Variant; Record: Variant; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when a document is posted and commission data are transferred to posted document
SourceRecord Variant
Source document in variant format
Record Variant
Destination document in variant format
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterHandleDocHeaderPosted(SourceRecord: Variant; Record: Variant)
Raised when a document is posted and commission data are transferred to posted document
SourceRecord Variant
Source document in variant format
Record Variant
Destination document in variant format
procedure OnBeforeCopyHeaderAddSalespPurch(FromAddSalespPurch: Record "EOS Add. Salesperson/Purchaser"; Overwrite: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when Add. Salesperson/Purchaser are copied from a header to another
FromAddSalespPurch Record "EOS Add. Salesperson/Purchaser"
Source Add. Salesperson/Purchaser
Overwrite Boolean
Specifies if existing lines have to be substituted
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCopyHeaderAddSalespPurch(FromAddSalespPurch: Record "EOS Add. Salesperson/Purchaser"; ToAddSalespPurch: Record "EOS Add. Salesperson/Purchaser"; Overwrite: Boolean)
Raised when Add. Salesperson/Purchaser are copied from a header to another
FromAddSalespPurch Record "EOS Add. Salesperson/Purchaser"
Source Add. Salesperson/Purchaser
ToAddSalespPurch Record "EOS Add. Salesperson/Purchaser"
Created Add. Salesperson/Purchaser
Overwrite Boolean
Specifies if existing lines have to be substituted
procedure OnBeforeGetDocAmounts(doc: RecordRef; var LineAmount: Decimal; var LineDiscAmount: Decimal; var InvDiscAmount: Decimal; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised retrieving amounts from a document
doc RecordRef
Reference document line in recordref format
LineAmount Decimal
Line Amount variable to be filled
LineDiscAmount Decimal
Line Discount Amount variable to be filled
InvDiscAmount Decimal
Invoice Discount AMount variable to be filled
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetDocAmounts(doc: RecordRef; var LineAmount: Decimal; var LineDiscAmount: Decimal; var InvDiscAmount: Decimal)
Raised retrieving amounts from a document
doc RecordRef
Reference document line in recordref format
LineAmount Decimal
Line Amount variable to be filled
LineDiscAmount Decimal
Line Discount Amount variable to be filled
InvDiscAmount Decimal
Invoice Discount AMount variable to be filled
procedure OnFilterHasDocCommissionLine(var DocCommissionLine: Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line")
Raised filtering document commission line to identify if a specific document line has commissions
DocCommissionLine Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"
Reference document commission line with standard filters
procedure OnFilterDeleteDocCommissionLine(var DocCommissionLine: Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line")
Raised filtering document commission line to delete commissions line from a specific document line
DocCommissionLine Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"
Reference document commission line with standard filters
procedure OnFilterHasCommissionLedgerEntry(var CommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry")
Raised filtering commission ledger entry to identify if a specific document line has commission ledger entry
CommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Reference document commission ledger entry with standard filters
procedure OnFilterDeleteCommissionLedgerEntry(var CommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry")
Raised filtering commission ledger entry to delete starting from a reference document line
CommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Reference document commission ledger entry with standard filters
procedure OnCheckCommissionLedgerEntryEditable(var CommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var HideDialog: Boolean; var IsEditable: Boolean)
Raised when checking if a commission ledger entry record is editable
CommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Reference document commission ledger entry
HideDialog Boolean
Specifies if messages must be hidden
IsEditable Boolean
Return value
procedure OnFilterDeleteDocCommissionLedgerEntry(var EOSCommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry")
Raised filtering commission Document ledger entry to delete starting from a reference document line
EOSCommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
Reference document commission ledger entry with standard filters
procedure OnCheckDocCommissionLedgerEntryEditable(var EOSCommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"; var HideDialog: Boolean; var IsEditable: Boolean)
Raised when checking if a commission Document ledger entry record is editable
EOSCommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
Reference document commission ledger entry
HideDialog Boolean
Specifies if messages must be hidden
IsEditable Boolean
Return value
procedure OnFilterCollectCommLedgerEntryFromProspect(var EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"; EOSCommissionProspectHeader: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header")
Raised when filtering related commission ledger entries from a settlement prospect
EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"
Detailed comm. ledger entry record to set as related to source prospect
EOSCommissionProspectHeader Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"
Commission settlement prospect you’re filtering from
procedure OnFilterCollectCommLedgerEntryFromProspectLine(var EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"; EOSCommissionProspectLine: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Line")
Raised when filtering related commission ledger entries from a settlement prospect line
EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"
Detailed comm. ledger entry record to set as related to source prospect
EOSCommissionProspectLine Record "EOS Commission Prospect Line"
Commission settlement prospect line you’re filtering from
procedure OnFilterCollectCommLedgerEntryFromPurchase(var EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"; PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header")
Raised when filtering related commission ledger entries from a purchase header
EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"
Detailed comm. ledger entry record to set as related to source purchase header
PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Purchase header line you’re filtering from
procedure OnFilterCollectCommLedgerEntryFromPurchaseLine(var EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"; PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line")
Raised when filtering related commission ledger entries from a purchase line
EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"
Detailed comm. ledger entry record to set as related to source purchase line
PurchaseLine Record "Purchase Line"
Purchase line you’re filtering from
procedure OnFilterCollectCommLedgerEntryFromPurchaseInvoiceLine(var EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"; PurchaseInvLine: Record "Purch. Inv. Line")
Raised when filtering related commission ledger entries from a purchase invoice line
EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"
Detailed comm. ledger entry record to set as related to source purchase invoice line
PurchaseInvLine Record "Purch. Inv. Line"
Purchase invoice line you’re filtering from
procedure OnFilterCollectCommLedgerEntryFromPurchaseCrMemoLine(var EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"; PurchCrMemoLine: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line")
Raised when filtering related commission ledger entries from a purchase cr. memo line
EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"
Detailed comm. ledger entry record to set as related to source purchase invoice line
PurchCrMemoLine Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line"
Purchase cr. memo line you’re filtering from
procedure OnFilterCollectCommLedgerEntryFromPurchaseCrMemo(var EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"; PurchCrMemoHdr: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.")
Raised when filtering related commission ledger entries from a purchase credit memo
EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"
Detailed comm. ledger entry record to set as related to source purchase credit memo
PurchCrMemoHdr Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."
Purchase credit memo you’re filtering from
procedure OnFilterCollectCommLedgerEntryFromPurchaseInvoice(var EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"; PurchaseInvHeader: Record "Purch. Inv. Header")
Raised when filtering related commission ledger entries from a purchase invoice
EOSDetailCommLedgerEntry Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"
Detailed comm. ledger entry record to set as related to source purchase invoice
PurchaseInvHeader Record "Purch. Inv. Header"
Purchase invoice you’re filtering from
procedure OnFilterCollectProspectFromPurchase(var EOSCommissionProspectHeader: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"; PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header")
Raised when filtering related settlement prospects from a purchase header
EOSCommissionProspectHeader Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"
Settlement prospect record to set as related to source purchase header
PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Purchase header you’re filtering from
procedure OnFilterCollectProspectFromPurchaseInvoice(var EOSCommissionProspectHeader: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"; PurchaseHeader: Record "Purch. Inv. Header")
Raised when filtering related settlement prospects from a purchase invoice
EOSCommissionProspectHeader Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"
Settlement prospect record to set as related to source purchase invoice
PurchaseHeader Record "Purch. Inv. Header"
Purchase invoice you’re filtering from
procedure OnFilterCollectProspectFromPurchaseCMemo(var EOSCommissionProspectHeader: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"; PurchaseHeader: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.")
Raised when filtering related settlement prospects from a purchase credit memo
EOSCommissionProspectHeader Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"
Settlement prospect record to set as related to source purchase credit memo
PurchaseHeader Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."
Purchase credit memo you’re filtering from
procedure OnFilterCollectCommLedgerEntryFromSalesp(var EOSCommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"; SalespersonPurchaser: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; ApplyFilter: Option "All","OnlyClosed","OnlyOpen")
Raised when filtering related commission ledger entries from a salesperson
EOSCommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
Commission document ledger entries record to set as related to source salesperson
SalespersonPurchaser Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
SalespersonPurchaser you’re filtering from
ApplyFilter Option
(0) , "OnlyClosed"
(1) , "OnlyOpen"
procedure OnBeforeOnNavigateFindRecords(DocNoFilter: Text; PostingDateFilter: Text; var DocumentEntry: Record "Document Entry"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when commission module consumes standard navigate event to show commission records related to a document
DocNoFilter Text[]
Document filter in navigate page
PostingDateFilter Text[]
Posting date filter in navigate page
DocumentEntry Record "Document Entry"
Standard buffer show in navigate page
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterOnNavigateFindRecords(DocNoFilter: Text; PostingDateFilter: Text; var DocumentEntry: Record "Document Entry")
Raised when commission module consumes standard navigate event to show commission records related to a document
DocNoFilter Text[]
Document filter in navigate page
PostingDateFilter Text[]
Posting date filter in navigate page
DocumentEntry Record "Document Entry"
Standard buffer show in navigate page
procedure OnBeforeOnAfterReleaseSalesDoc(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when commission module consumes standard sales document posting release procedure’s event to create and calculate commission lines
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Sales document you’re releasing
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterOnAfterReleaseSalesDoc(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header")
Raised when commission module consumes standard sales document posting release procedure’s event to create and calculate commission lines
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Sales document you’re releasing
local procedure OnBeforeSalesDocManualReleaseCommissionsRecalc(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var Handled: Boolean; PreviewMode: Boolean)
Raised when manually releasing a standard sales document before recalculating commissions.
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Sales document you’re releasing
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
PreviewMode Boolean
local procedure OnBeforeSalesDocReleaseCommissionsRecalc(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var Handled: Boolean; PreviewMode: Boolean)
Raised when releasing a standard sales document before recalculating commissions.
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Sales document you’re releasing
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
PreviewMode Boolean
procedure OnBeforeOnAfterValidateSellToCustNo(var Rec: Record "Sales Header"; var xRec: Record "Sales Header"; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when commission module consumes standard sales header’s event to init commission data from customer
Rec Record "Sales Header"
Sales document you’re processing
xRec Record "Sales Header"
Previous version of sales document you’re processing
CurrFieldNo Integer
FiledNo of filed that started the modification
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterOnAfterValidateSellToCustNo(var Rec: Record "Sales Header"; var xRec: Record "Sales Header"; CurrFieldNo: Integer)
Raised when commission module consumes standard sales header’s event to init commission data from customer
Rec Record "Sales Header"
Sales document you’re processing
xRec Record "Sales Header"
Previous version of sales document you’re processing
CurrFieldNo Integer
FiledNo of filed that started the modification
procedure OnBeforeOnAfterValidateBillToCustNo(var Rec: Record "Sales Header"; var xRec: Record "Sales Header"; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when commission module consumes standard sales header’s event to init commission data from customer
Rec Record "Sales Header"
Sales document you’re processing
xRec Record "Sales Header"
Previous version of sales document you’re processing
CurrFieldNo Integer
FiledNo of filed that started the modification
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterOnAfterValidateBillToCustNo(var Rec: Record "Sales Header"; var xRec: Record "Sales Header"; CurrFieldNo: Integer)
Raised when commission module consumes standard sales header’s event to init commission data from customer
Rec Record "Sales Header"
Sales document you’re processing
xRec Record "Sales Header"
Previous version of sales document you’re processing
CurrFieldNo Integer
FiledNo of filed that started the modification
procedure OnBeforeOnAfterValidateShipToCustNo(var Rec: Record "Sales Header"; var xRec: Record "Sales Header"; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when commission module consumes standard sales header’s event to init commission data from customer
Rec Record "Sales Header"
Sales document you’re processing
xRec Record "Sales Header"
Previous version of sales document you’re processing
CurrFieldNo Integer
FiledNo of filed that started the modification
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterOnAfterValidateShipToCustNo(var Rec: Record "Sales Header"; var xRec: Record "Sales Header"; CurrFieldNo: Integer)
Raised when commission module consumes standard sales header’s event to init commission data from customer
Rec Record "Sales Header"
Sales document you’re processing
xRec Record "Sales Header"
Previous version of sales document you’re processing
CurrFieldNo Integer
FiledNo of filed that started the modification
procedure OnBeforeDtldCustLdgEntryInsert(var Rec: Record "Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry"; RunTrigger: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when commission module consumes standard detailed cust. ledger entry insert event to update cashed percentage on commission ledger entries
Rec Record "Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry"
Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry you’re processing
RunTrigger Boolean
Specifies if trigger is fired
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterDtldCustLdgEntryInsert(var Rec: Record "Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry"; RunTrigger: Boolean)
Raised when commission module consumes standard detailed cust. ledger entry insert event to update cashed percentage on commission ledger entries
Rec Record "Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry"
Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry you’re processing
RunTrigger Boolean
Specifies if trigger is fired
procedure OnBeforeOnAfterInsertInvLineFromShptLine(VAR SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; SalesOrderLine: Record "Sales Line"; NextLineNo: Integer; SalesShipmentLine: Record "Sales Shipment Line"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when commission module consumes standard event that is fired when inserting a sales invoice line from a shipment
SalesLine Record "Sales Line"
Sales invoice line you’re processing
SalesOrderLine Record "Sales Line"
Related sales order line
NextLineNo Integer
SalesShipmentLine Record "Sales Shipment Line"
Related shipment line
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterOnAfterInsertInvLineFromShptLine(VAR SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; SalesOrderLine: Record "Sales Line"; NextLineNo: Integer; SalesShipmentLine: Record "Sales Shipment Line")
Raised when commission module consumes standard event that is fired when inserting a sales invoice line from a shipment
SalesLine Record "Sales Line"
Sales invoice line you’re processing
SalesOrderLine Record "Sales Line"
Related sales order line
NextLineNo Integer
SalesShipmentLine Record "Sales Shipment Line"
Related shipment line
procedure OnBeforeOnAftertInsertInvLineFromRetRcptLine(VAR SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; SalesOrderLine: Record "Sales Line"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when commission module consumes standard event that is fired when inserting a sales invoice line from a return receipt
SalesLine Record "Sales Line"
Sales line you’re processing
SalesOrderLine Record "Sales Line"
Related sales return order line
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterOnAftertInsertInvLineFromRetRcptLine(VAR SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; SalesOrderLine: Record "Sales Line")
Raised when commission module consumes standard event that is fired when inserting a sales line from a return receipt
SalesLine Record "Sales Line"
Sales line you’re processing
SalesOrderLine Record "Sales Line"
Related sales return order line
procedure OnBeforeCheckUnapplyCustEntrySettled(DetailedCustLedgEntry: Record "Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry"; var HideDialog: Boolean; var Block: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when commission module consumes standard event that is fired when inserting a sales invoice line from a return receipt
DetailedCustLedgEntry Record "Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry"
Detailed customer ledger entry record you’re unapplying
HideDialog Boolean
Specifies if UI must be hidden
Block Boolean
Return value
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCheckUnapplyCustEntrySettled(DetailedCustLedgEntry: Record "Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry"; var HideDialog: Boolean; var Block: Boolean)
Raised when commission module consumes standard event that is fired when inserting a sales line from a return receipt
DetailedCustLedgEntry Record "Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry"
Detailed customer ledger entry record you’re unapplying
HideDialog Boolean
Specifies if UI must be hidden
Block Boolean
Return value
procedure OnBeforeCommissionProspectLineUpdate(var CommissionProspectLine: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Line"; CommLdgEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when a Commission Ledger Entry record is processed to be included in a prospect. Raised when a Prospect line compliant to filters that will be updated adding CommLdgEntry amount to prospect line amount
CommissionProspectLine Record "EOS Commission Prospect Line"
Prospect line compliant to filters that will be updated adding CommLdgEntry amount to prospect line amount
CommLdgEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission Ledger Entry you’re processing
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCommissionProspectLineUpdate(var CommissionProspectLine: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Line"; CommLdgEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when a Commission Ledger Entry record is processed to be included in a prospect. Raised when a Prospect line compliant to filters that will be updated adding CommLdgEntry amount to prospect line amount
CommissionProspectLine Record "EOS Commission Prospect Line"
Prospect line compliant to filters that will be updated adding CommLdgEntry amount to prospect line amount
CommLdgEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission Ledger Entry you’re processing
IsHandled Boolean
procedure OnBeforeCommissionProspectLineInsert(var CommissionProspectLine: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Line"; CommLdgEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var LastlineNo: integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised when a Commission Ledger Entry record is processed to be included in a prospect. Raised when no compliant to filters Prospect line are found. A new prospect line will be created
CommissionProspectLine Record "EOS Commission Prospect Line"
Prospect line compliant to filters that will be updated adding CommLdgEntry amount to prospect line amount
CommLdgEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission Ledger Entry you’re processing
LastlineNo integer
Last Line no. used for prospect lines
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCommissionProspectLineInsert(var CommissionProspectLine: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Line"; CommLdgEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry")
Raised when a Commission Ledger Entry record is processed to be included in a prospect. Raised when no compliant to filters Prospect line are found. A new prospect line will be created
CommissionProspectLine Record "EOS Commission Prospect Line"
Prospect line compliant to filters that will be updated adding CommLdgEntry amount to prospect line amount
CommLdgEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission Ledger Entry you’re processing
procedure OnBeforeFromCommLinetoRecRef(CommLine: Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"; var recRef: RecordRef; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before a recordref referred to document line is associated starting from a document commission line
CommLine Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"
Document commission line you’re processing
recRef RecordRef
Destination RecordRef that will be set using CommLine
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterFromCommLinetoRecRef(CommLine: Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"; var recRef: RecordRef)
Raised after a recordref referred to document line is associated starting from a document commission line
CommLine Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"
Document commission line you’re processing
recRef RecordRef
Destination RecordRef that will be set using CommLine
procedure OnBeforeGetProductNo(recRef: RecordRef; var ProductNo: Code[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before product no. (Item, G/L account, …) is retrieved from document line recordref
recRef RecordRef
Document line reference RecordRef
ProductNo Code[50]
Return value containing product no. (Item, G/L account, …) of the document line
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetProductNo(recRef: RecordRef; var ProductNo: Code[50])
Raised after product no. (Item, G/L account, …) is retrieved from document line recordref
recRef RecordRef
Document line reference RecordRef
ProductNo Code[50]
Return value containing product no. (Item, G/L account, …) of the document line
procedure OnBeforeGetProdCommissionGroup(recRef: RecordRef; var ProdCommissionGroup: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before product commission group is retrieved from document line recordref
recRef RecordRef
Document line reference RecordRef
ProdCommissionGroup Code[20]
Return value containing product commission group of the document line
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetProdCommissionGroup(recRef: RecordRef; var ProdCommissionGroup: Code[20])
Raised after product commission group is retrieved from document line recordref
recRef RecordRef
Document line reference RecordRef
ProdCommissionGroup Code[20]
Return value containing product commission group of the document line
procedure OnBeforeGetCustCommissionGroup(recRef: RecordRef; var CustCommissionGroup: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before customer commission group is retrieved from document line/header recordref
recRef RecordRef
Document line reference RecordRef
CustCommissionGroup Code[20]
Return value containing customer commission group of the document line
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetCustCommissionGroup(recRef: RecordRef; var CustCommissionGroup: Code[20])
Raised after customer commission group is retrieved from document line/header recordref
recRef RecordRef
Document line reference RecordRef
CustCommissionGroup Code[20]
Return value containing customer commission group of the document line
procedure OnBeforeGetCustomerNo(recRef: RecordRef; var CustomerNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before customer no. is retrieved from document line recordref
recRef RecordRef
Document line reference RecordRef
CustomerNo Code[20]
Return value containing customer no. of the document line
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetCustomerNo(recRef: RecordRef; var CustomerNo: Code[20])
Raised after customer no. is retrieved from document line recordref
recRef RecordRef
Document line reference RecordRef
CustomerNo Code[20]
Return value containing customer no. of the document line
procedure OnBeforeGetSalesNetwork(recRef: RecordRef; var SalesNetwork: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before Sales Network is retrieved from document line recordref
recRef RecordRef
Document line reference RecordRef
SalesNetwork Code[20]
Return value containing Sales Network of the document line
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetSalesNetwork(recRef: RecordRef; var SalesNetwork: Code[10])
Raised after Sales Network is retrieved from document line recordref
recRef RecordRef
Document line reference RecordRef
SalesNetwork Code[10]
Return value containing Sales Network of the document line
procedure OnBeforeGetProductType(recRef: RecordRef; var ProductType: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before Product Type in integer format is retrieved from document line recordref
recRef RecordRef
Document line reference RecordRef
ProductType Integer
Return value containing Product Type of the document line, following option: All,Item,“Fixed Asset”,“G/L Account”,Resource,“Charge (Item)”
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetProductType(recRef: RecordRef; var ProductType: Integer)
Raised after Product Type in integer format is retrieved from document line recordref
recRef RecordRef
Document line reference RecordRef
ProductType Integer
Return value containing Product Type of the document line, following option: All,Item,“Fixed Asset”,“G/L Account”,Resource,“Charge (Item)”
procedure OnBeforeGetCurrencyCode(recRef: RecordRef; var CurrencyCode: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before Currency Code is retrieved from document line recordref
recRef RecordRef
Document line reference RecordRef
CurrencyCode Code[10]
Return value containing Currency Code of the document line
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetCurrencyCode(recRef: RecordRef; var CurrencyCode: Code[10])
Raised after Currency Code is retrieved from document line recordref
recRef RecordRef
Document line reference RecordRef
CurrencyCode Code[10]
Return value containing Currency Code of the document line
procedure OnBeforeGetCurrencyFactor(recRef: RecordRef; var CurrencyFactor: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before Currency Factor is retrieved from document line recordref
recRef RecordRef
Document line reference RecordRef
CurrencyFactor Decimal
Return value containing Currency Factor of the document line
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetCurrencyFactor(recRef: RecordRef; var CurrencyFactor: Decimal)
Raised after Currency Factor is retrieved from document line recordref
recRef RecordRef
Document line reference RecordRef
CurrencyFactor Decimal
Return value containing Currency Factor of the document line
local procedure OnBeforeTestStatusOpen(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var Rec: Record "EOS Add. Salesperson/Purchaser"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before checking the sales header status when deleting a salesperson/purchaser.
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Sales Header
Rec Record "EOS Add. Salesperson/Purchaser"
EOS Add. Salesperson/Purchaser that is being deleted
IsHandled Boolean
if true, the sales header status won’t be checked
local procedure OnAfterFinalizeProspectHeader(var CommissionProspectHeader: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header")
Raised at the end of the process of creating a ProspectHeader. This event will only be raised if a prospect header is created.
CommissionProspectHeader Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"
The prospect header that has just been created
local procedure OnBeforeCheckSalesNetworkInvLineFromOrderLine(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var SalesOrderLine: Record "Sales Line"; var IsHandled: boolean)
Raised in the OnAfterInsertInvLineFromShptLine and OnAftertInsertInvLineFromRetRcptLine subscriber, before checking if the SalesLine and SalesOrderLine’s Sales Networks are different You must check the SalesOrderLine “Document Type” to determine if the SalesOrderLine comes from an Order or a Return Order.
SalesLine Record "Sales Line"
Sales Invoice Line
SalesOrderLine Record "Sales Line"
Sales Order Line
IsHandled boolean
If true, the check will be skipped
internal procedure OnBeforeProformaInvoiceForCMSIT(var ReportID: Integer)
internal procedure OnBeforeProformaInvoiceForENASARCO(var ReportID: Integer)
local procedure OnBeforeProformaInvoiceSubstitureReport(var ReportID: Integer)
Raised before executing the Proforma Invoice Report. This event allows for a custom report to be executed instead
ReportID Integer
ReportID of the report that will be executed
procedure OnBeforeGetCommissionFor(var DocCommissionLine: Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"; var RecalculateModified: Boolean; var RecalculateCopied: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when a document commission line is calculated
DocCommissionLine Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"
Source document commission line
RecalculateModified Boolean
Specifies if manual modified lines have to be recalculated
RecalculateCopied Boolean
Specifies if lines that come from a document copy have to be recalculated
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetCommissionFor(var DocCommissionLine: Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"; RecalculateModified: Boolean; RecalculateCopied: Boolean)
Raised when a document commission line is calculated
DocCommissionLine Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"
Source document commission line
RecalculateModified Boolean
Specifies if manual modified lines have to be recalculated
RecalculateCopied Boolean
Specifies if lines that come from a document copy have to be recalculated
procedure OnFilterCommissionsCalcSetupGetCommissionFor(var CommissionsCalcSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"; DocCommissionLine: Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"; Doc: RecordRef)
Raised when commission calc. setup is filtered to identify the correct line to use to calculate commissions
CommissionsCalcSetup Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"
Commission calc. setup recordset with standard filters
DocCommissionLine Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"
Source document commission line to be calculated
Doc RecordRef
Source document line related
procedure OnBeforeGetDiscountDocLine(Doc: RecordRef; var Discount: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before retrieving discount amount to consider when seeking calculation setup line. In standard process, it is Line Discount % field value
Doc RecordRef
Reference document line as recordref (i.e. Sales Invoice Line)
Discount Decimal
Return value. Indicates the discount found for the specific line. In standard process, it is Line Discount % field value
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetDiscountDocLine(Doc: RecordRef; var Discount: Decimal)
Raised after retrieving discount amount to consider when seeking calculation setup line. In standard process, it is Line Discount % field value
Doc RecordRef
Reference document line as recordref (i.e. Sales Invoice Line)
Discount Decimal
Return value. Indicates the discount found for the specific line. In standard process, it is Line Discount % field value
procedure OnBeforeGetCommissionPerc(CalcSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"; Discount: Decimal; var ReturnDecimal: Decimal; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when retrieving commission percentage from a commission calc. setup line, considering threshold
CalcSetup Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"
Commission calc. setup used to retrieve percentage
Discount Decimal
Document line discount
ReturnDecimal Decimal
Forced value to return
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetCommissionPerc(CalcSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"; Discount: Decimal; var ReturnDecimal: Decimal)
Raised when retrieving commission percentage from a commission calc. setup line, considering threshold
CalcSetup Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"
Commission calc. setup used to retrieve percentage
Discount Decimal
Document line discount
ReturnDecimal Decimal
Forced value to return
procedure OnBeforeGetCommissionAmnt(CalcSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"; Discount: Decimal; var ReturnDecimal: Decimal; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when retrieving commission fixed amount from a commission calc. setup line, considering threshold
CalcSetup Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"
Commission calc. setup used to retrieve fixed amount
Discount Decimal
Document line discount
ReturnDecimal Decimal
Forced value to return
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetCommissionAmnt(CalcSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"; Discount: Decimal; var ReturnDecimal: Decimal)
Raised when retrieving commission fixed amount from a commission calc. setup line, considering threshold
CalcSetup Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"
Commission calc. setup used to retrieve fixed amount
Discount Decimal
Document line discount
ReturnDecimal Decimal
Forced value to return
procedure OnBeforeTransferThresholdLines(EOSCommissionsCalcSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"; var HandleMessage: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before transferring the default threshold lines to the Commission Calculation Setup///
EOSCommissionsCalcSetup Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"
Commission Calculation Setup you’re calculating threshold
HandleMessage Boolean
This parameter is obsolete
IsHandled Boolean
Set true to skip standard code
procedure OnAfterTransferThresholdLines(var EOSCommissionThreshold: Record "EOS Commission Threshold")
Raised after Threshold lines are inserted
EOSCommissionThreshold Record "EOS Commission Threshold"
Last Commission Threshold created
procedure OnBeforeUpdateCashedOnCommLedgerEntry(var EOSCommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when recalculating cashed percentage for a document
EOSCommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
Commission ledger entry you’re recalculating
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterUpdateCashedOnCommLedgerEntry(var EOSCommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry")
Raised when recalculating cashed percentage for a document
EOSCommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
Commission ledger entry you’re recalculating
procedure OnUpdateClosedFlagCommLedgerEntry(var EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry")
Raised when system determines if a commission entry has to be marked as closed
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission ledger entry you’re updating
procedure OnAfterCheckCalcSetupHasComplexFilter(var HasComplexFilter: Boolean)
Raised when system checks if calculation setup has one or more line that uses complex filters in one of the fields (i.e. “A01..B01” or “A01|B01”). This in necessary to improve performance in case of no complex filters found. If you added custom filters criteria, you must intgratie standard routine with this event.
HasComplexFilter Boolean
Return value, TRUE means operate as setup has complex filters
procedure OnAfterCheckSetupLineVSDocumentData(CommissionsCalcSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"; DocCommissionLine: Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"; var CompliantLineFound: Boolean)
Raised when in case of comple filters in calculation setup, system must pass one bu one all calc. setup line to check if line is compliant with document data. This event is fired only if standard filters fields check is succesfully passed.
CommissionsCalcSetup Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"
Calculation setup record you’re checking.
DocCommissionLine Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"
Source commission document line with document referencies.
CompliantLineFound Boolean
Return value, TRUE means this calc. setup line is compliant with document data.
procedure OnBeforeCalcBaseAmountLCY(CommissionsCalcSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"; Doc: RecordRef; var TotalValue: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)
CommissionsCalcSetup Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"
Doc RecordRef
TotalValue Decimal
IsHandled Boolean
procedure OnAfterCalcBaseAmountLCY(CommissionsCalcSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"; Doc: RecordRef; var TotalValue: Decimal)
Raised after calculating commission base amount using specific setup parameters
CommissionsCalcSetup Record "EOS Commissions Calc. Setup"
Commission calculation setup record
Doc RecordRef
Reference document Line
TotalValue Decimal
Return value that represents commission base amount
local procedure OnBeforeCalculateCalculationDate(Doc: RecordRef; var CommissionsCalculationDate: Enum "EOS Commissions Calc. Date"; var CalculationDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised if the “Commission Calculation Date” contained in the setup is not suitable for a specific case
Doc RecordRef
Reference document line
CommissionsCalculationDate Enum "EOS Commissions Calc. Date"
Setup Value
CalculationDate Date
The date that will be used to filter the Calc Setup table
IsHandled Boolean
If true, the default date calculation will be skipped
local procedure OnCalcCalculationDate(Doc: RecordRef; CommissionsCalculationDate: Enum "EOS Commissions Calc. Date"; var CalculationDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised if the “Commission Calculation Date” has a custom value
Doc RecordRef
Reference document Line
CommissionsCalculationDate Enum "EOS Commissions Calc. Date"
Setup Value
CalculationDate Date
Return value that represents commission Calculation date
IsHandled Boolean
Must be set to true, otherwise an error will be thrown
local procedure OnCalcDateUnexpectedTable(var DocLine: RecordRef; CommissionsCalculationDate: Enum "EOS Commissions Calc. Date"; var CalculationDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised if the “DocLine” refers to a table not included in the standard app behaviour
DocLine RecordRef
CommissionsCalculationDate Enum "EOS Commissions Calc. Date"
Setup Value
CalculationDate Date
Return value that represents commission Calculation date
IsHandled Boolean
Must be set to true, otherwise an error will be thrown
procedure OnFilterCommEntriesForSettlement(var EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry")
Raised filtering commission ledger entries to settle
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Reference commission ledger entries with standard filters
procedure OnBeforeAddEntriesToJournal(var EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var inEOSCommissionJnlLine: Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"; Single: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when selecting commission ledger entries to add into a journal. You do this to manually settle commission entries
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission ledger entry to apply creating journal lines
inEOSCommissionJnlLine Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"
Starting journal line
Single Boolean
Specifies if you’re selecting entries from page (multiple choice) or from field in journal line (single choice)
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterAddEntriesToJournal(var EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var inEOSCommissionJnlLine: Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"; Single: Boolean)
Raised when selecting commission ledger entries to add into a journal. You do this to manually settle commission entries
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission ledger entry to apply creating journal lines
inEOSCommissionJnlLine Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"
Starting journal line
Single Boolean
Specifies if you’re selecting entries from page (multiple choice) or from field in journal line (single choice)
procedure OnCheckJnlLineFromSettlEntry(EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; EOSCommissionJnlLine: Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when checking compatibility between a journal line and the comm. ledger entry linked for settlement
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission ledger entry record to settle
EOSCommissionJnlLine Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"
Journal line that will settle commission ledger entry
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnBeforeUpdateJnlLineFromEntry(EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var EOSCommissionJnlLine: Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when validating a journal line with related comm. ledger entry data
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Source commission ledger entry
EOSCommissionJnlLine Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"
Processing journal line
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterUpdateJnlLineFromEntry(EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var EOSCommissionJnlLine: Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line")
Raised when validating a journal line with related comm. ledger entry data
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Source commission ledger entry
EOSCommissionJnlLine Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"
Processing journal line
procedure OnFillAllocationJnlLineBeforeModify(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line")
Raised when validating a journal line for allocation procedure
GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"
Journal line filled with standard logics
procedure OnFillAllocationJnlLineBeforeModifyWithTempJnl(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; TempGenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line" temporary)
Raised when validating a journal line for allocation procedure
GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"
Journal line filled with standard logics
TempGenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"
Temp Journal with origin data
procedure OnBeforePostJnlLine(VAR GenJnlLine: Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised before standard posting routine starts
GenJnlLine Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"
Journal line to post
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnBeforeJnlLineRunCheck(VAR GenJnlLine: Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised before standard journal line checks before posting
GenJnlLine Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"
Journal line to post
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnBeforeJnlLineRunCheckPayable(VAR GenJnlLine: Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised before standard journal line checks before posting
GenJnlLine Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"
Journal line to post
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnBeforeJnlLineRunCheckImport(VAR GenJnlLine: Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised before standard journal line checks before posting
GenJnlLine Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"
Journal line to post
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnBeforeJnlLineRunCheckSettlement(VAR GenJnlLine: Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised before standard journal line checks before posting
GenJnlLine Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"
Journal line to post
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnBeforePostEntryPayable(VAR EOSCommJnlLine: Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"; var Handled: Boolean)
EOSCommJnlLine Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"
Handled Boolean
procedure OnAfterPostEntryPayable(VAR EOSCommJnlLine: Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"; var CommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var DetailCommLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry")
EOSCommJnlLine Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"
CommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
DetailCommLedgerEntry Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"
procedure OnBeforePostEntrySettlement(VAR EOSCommJnlLine: Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"; var Handled: Boolean)
EOSCommJnlLine Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"
Handled Boolean
procedure OnAfterPostEntrySettlement(VAR EOSCommJnlLine: Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"; var CommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var DetailCommLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry")
EOSCommJnlLine Record "EOS Commission Jnl. Line"
CommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
DetailCommLedgerEntry Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"
procedure OnBeforePostCommissionLine(FromBuffer: Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"; ToBuffer: Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised before creating commission ledger entry when posting a document
FromBuffer Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"
Source document in EOS Record Ident. Buffer format
ToBuffer Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"
Destination document in EOS Record Ident. Buffer format
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterPostCommissionLine(FromBuffer: Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"; ToBuffer: Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer")
Raised after creating commission ledger entry when posting a document
FromBuffer Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"
Source document in EOS Record Ident. Buffer format
ToBuffer Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"
Destination document in EOS Record Ident. Buffer format
procedure OnPostCommissionSingleLine(FromCommissionLine: Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"; var CommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry")
Raised when creating a single commission ledger entry when posting a document
FromCommissionLine Record "EOS Doc. Commission Line"
Source document commission line
CommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission ledger entry just inserted
procedure OnBeforefillRelatedDoc(var CommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised on posting when filling commission ledger entry record with document details (i.e. DOcument Date, Line Amount, Bill/Sell to)
CommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission ledger entry you’re updating
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterfillRelatedDoc(var CommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry")
Raised on posting when filling commission ledger entry record with document details (i.e. DOcument Date, Line Amount, Bill/Sell to)
CommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission ledger entry you’re updating
procedure OnBeforeCalcCommissionAmount(var DetailCommLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"; CommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when calculating commission amount on detailed comm. ledger entry using related customer ledger entry to deduct cashed percentage
DetailCommLedgerEntry Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"
Detailed commission ledger entry you’re updating
CommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Related commission ledger
CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"
Related customer ledger entry
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCalcCommissionAmount(var DetailCommLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"; CommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry")
Raised when calculating commission amount on detailed comm. ledger entry using related customer ledger entry to deduct cashed percentage
DetailCommLedgerEntry Record "EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry"
Detailed commission ledger entry you’re updating
CommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Related commission ledger
CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"
Related customer ledger entry
procedure OnBeforeOnLinkCultLdgEntriesToCommEntries(var EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when during posting a new customer ledger entry is inserted
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission ledger entry dataset filtered by document
CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"
New customer ledger entry
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnBeforeOnLinkCultLdgEntriesToCommEntriesFetchEntries(var EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; var Found: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when recalculating commissions for a posted document after posting step
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission ledger entry that you’re adding
CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"
Customer ledger entry filtered by document
Found Boolean
Specifies if at least one Cust. Ledger Entry record has been found for the document
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterOnLinkCultLdgEntriesToCommEntries(var EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry")
Raised when during posting a new customer ledger entry is inserted
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission ledger entry dataset filtered by document
CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"
New customer ledger entry
procedure OnAfterOnLinkCultLdgEntriesToCommEntriesFetchEntries(var EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry")
Raised when recalculating commissions for a posted document after posting step
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission ledger entry that you’re adding
CustLedgerEntry Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"
Customer ledger entry filtered by document
local procedure OnBeforeInsertDocLedgerEntry(CommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var CommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry")
Raised before inserting a Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry
CommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Source Commission Ledger Entry
CommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry that will be inserted
local procedure OnAfterInsertDocLedgerEntry(CommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; var CommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry")
Raised after inserting a Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry
CommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Source Commission Ledger Entry
CommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry that has been inserted
procedure OnBeforeCreatePurchDocFromProspect(EOSCommissionPrspctHdr: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"; var PurchInvoiceNo: Code[20]; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when creating a settlement purchase invoice from prospect header
EOSCommissionPrspctHdr Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"
Source commission prospect
PurchInvoiceNo Code[20]
Return created purchase document no.
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCreatePurchDocFromProspect(EOSCommissionPrspctHdr: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"; var PurchInvoiceNo: Code[20]; var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header")
Raised when creating a settlement purchase invoice from prospect header
EOSCommissionPrspctHdr Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"
Source commission prospect
PurchInvoiceNo Code[20]
Return created purchase document no.
PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Created purchase header
procedure OnCreatePurchDocLineFromProspect(EOSCommissionProspectLine: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Line"; var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line")
Raised when creating every single settlement purchase invoice line from prospect
EOSCommissionProspectLine Record "EOS Commission Prospect Line"
Source commission prospect line
PurchaseLine Record "Purchase Line"
Created purchase line
procedure OnBeforeCreatePurchDocBySalesPersonReason(var EOSCommissionReasonCode: Record "EOS Commission Reason Code"; var EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry";SalespersonPurchaser: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; var CreatedPurchHeaderNo: Code[20]; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when creating a settlement purchase invoice directly from ledger entries for reason codes that has direct purchase doc. creation
EOSCommissionReasonCode Record "EOS Commission Reason Code"
Source filtered reason code dataset
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Source filtered ledger entries dataset
SalespersonPurchaser Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
Source Salesperson
CreatedPurchHeaderNo Code[20]
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCreatePurchDocBySalesPersonReason(var EOSCommissionReasonCode: Record "EOS Commission Reason Code"; var EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry";SalespersonPurchaser: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; var CreatedPurchHeaderNo: Code[20]; var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header")
Raised when creating a settlement purchase invoice directly from ledger entries for reason codes that has direct purchase doc. creation
EOSCommissionReasonCode Record "EOS Commission Reason Code"
Source filtered reason code dataset
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Source filtered ledger entries dataset
SalespersonPurchaser Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
Source Salesperson
CreatedPurchHeaderNo Code[20]
PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Created purchase document header
procedure OnCreatePurchDocLineBySalesPersonReason(EOSCommissionReasonCode: Record "EOS Commission Reason Code"; var EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry";SalespersonPurchaser: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line")
Raised when creating every single settlement purchase invoice line directly from ledger entries for reason codes that has direct purchase doc. creation
EOSCommissionReasonCode Record "EOS Commission Reason Code"
Source reason code dataset
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Source filtered ledger entries dataset
SalespersonPurchaser Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
Source Salesperson
PurchaseLine Record "Purchase Line"
Created purchase line
procedure OnInsertHeader(var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header")
Raised when creating purchase invoice header from a prospect or from entries
PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Created purchase header
procedure OnBeforeInsertHeader(var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; SalespersonPurchaser: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser")
Raised before creating purchase invoice header from a prospect or from entries. Record in initialized but not yet inserted
PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Initalized purchase header
SalespersonPurchaser Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
Reference Salesperson/Purchaser
procedure OnBeforeFinalizeHeader(var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var PostingDescr: Text; Reason: Code[10]; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when finalizing purchase invoice header from a prospect or from entries
PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Created purchase document header
PostingDescr Text[]
Reason Code[10]
Reference reason code
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterFinalizeHeader(var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var PostingDescr: Text; Reason: Code[10])
Raised when finalizing purchase invoice header from a prospect or from entries
PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"
Created purchase document header
PostingDescr Text[]
Reason Code[10]
Reference reason code
procedure OnCreateProspect_SeekCompliantProspectLine(var CommissionProspectLine: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Line"; CommLdgEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry")
Raised when checking if a commission ledger entry record should be aggregated to an existing prospect line or should cause a new prospect line creation
CommissionProspectLine Record "EOS Commission Prospect Line"
Filteres Commission Prospect Line record. Modify filters to add custom aggretation logics
CommLdgEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission ledger entry record you’re processing
procedure OnGeneratePeriodCode(var EOSCommissionPeriod: Record "EOS Commission Period"; var tmpCode: Code[20])
Raised a new commission period code in created and related code is generated by the system
EOSCommissionPeriod Record "EOS Commission Period"
Source commission period record
tmpCode Code[20]
Return code that will be used as key for new record
procedure OnBeforeGetReduceSetupLine(var EOSCommReductionSetup: Record "EOS Comm. Reduction Setup"; var EOSCommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"; var ReductionSetupFound: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised when a searching best reduction setup line to apply to a commission ledger entry
EOSCommReductionSetup Record "EOS Comm. Reduction Setup"
Reduction setup line dataset to filter when seeking compliant line
EOSCommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
Document commission ledger entry you’re searching reduction setup line for
ReductionSetupFound Boolean
Return value that specifies if a reduction setup line was found
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetReduceSetupLine(var EOSCommReductionSetup: Record "EOS Comm. Reduction Setup"; var EOSCommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"; var ReductionSetupFound: Boolean)
Raised when a searching best reduction setup line to apply to a commission ledger entry
EOSCommReductionSetup Record "EOS Comm. Reduction Setup"
Reduction setup line dataset to filter when seeking compliant line
EOSCommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
Document commission ledger entry you’re searching reduction setup line for
ReductionSetupFound Boolean
Return value that specifies if a reduction setup line was found
procedure OnFilterReductionCalcSetupGetCommissionFor(var EOSCommReductionSetup: Record "EOS Comm. Reduction Setup"; var EOSCommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry")
Raised when filtering reduction setup line to apply to a commission ledger entry
EOSCommReductionSetup Record "EOS Comm. Reduction Setup"
Reduction setup line dataset to filter when seeking compliant line
EOSCommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
Document commission ledger entry you’re searching reduction setup line for
procedure OnFilterCommLedgerEntriesToReduce(var EOSCommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"; RecalculateReduced: Boolean)
Raised when filtering doc. commission ledger entry
EOSCommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
Document commission ledger entry dataset filtered to identify entries to process
RecalculateReduced Boolean
Specifies if already reduced commission ledger entries must be recalculated
procedure OnBeforeCalculateReductionSetupLinePriority(CommissionSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Setup"; var EOSCommReductionSetup: Record "EOS Comm. Reduction Setup"; var Handled: Boolean)
Raised priority is calculated for a single reduction setup line. Priority determines in which order reduction setup line will be consider in case of commission entry corresponding to more than one setup line
CommissionSetup Record "EOS Commissions Setup"
General commission setup
EOSCommReductionSetup Record "EOS Comm. Reduction Setup"
Reference reduction record to update
Handled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCalculateReductionSetupLinePriority(CommissionSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Setup"; var EOSCommReductionSetup: Record "EOS Comm. Reduction Setup")
Raised priority is calculated for a single reduction setup line. Priority determines in which order reduction setup line will be consider in case of commission entry corresponding to more than one setup line
CommissionSetup Record "EOS Commissions Setup"
General commission setup
EOSCommReductionSetup Record "EOS Comm. Reduction Setup"
Reference reduction setup record to update
procedure OnBeforeOnAfterSalesHeaderArchiveInsert(VAR SalesHeaderArchive: Record "Sales Header Archive"; SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before additional salespersons are archived during sales archive standard routine
SalesHeaderArchive Record "Sales Header Archive"
New archive version generated
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Archived sales header
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterOnAfterSalesHeaderArchiveInsert(VAR SalesHeaderArchive: Record "Sales Header Archive"; SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header")
Raised after additional salespersons are archived during sales archive standard routine
SalesHeaderArchive Record "Sales Header Archive"
New archive version generated
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Archived sales header
procedure OnBeforeOnAfterStoreSalesLineArchive(VAR SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; VAR SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; VAR SalesHeaderArchive: Record "Sales Header Archive"; VAR SalesLineArchive: Record "Sales Line Archive"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before additional salespersons are archived during sales archive standard routine
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Archived sales header
SalesLine Record "Sales Line"
Archived sales line
SalesHeaderArchive Record "Sales Header Archive"
New archive version generated
SalesLineArchive Record "Sales Line Archive"
New archive version generated
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterOnAfterStoreSalesLineArchive(VAR SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; VAR SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; VAR SalesHeaderArchive: Record "Sales Header Archive"; VAR SalesLineArchive: Record "Sales Line Archive")
Raised after additional salespersons are archived during sales archive standard routine
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Archived sales header
SalesLine Record "Sales Line"
Archived sales line
SalesHeaderArchive Record "Sales Header Archive"
New archive version generated
SalesLineArchive Record "Sales Line Archive"
New archive version generated
procedure OnBeforeOnAfterRestoreSalesDocument(VAR SalesHeaderArchive: Record "Sales Header Archive"; SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before additional salespersons are restored during sales archive standard routine
SalesHeaderArchive Record "Sales Header Archive"
Archived version to restore
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Ref. sales header
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterOnAfterRestoreSalesDocument(VAR SalesHeaderArchive: Record "Sales Header Archive"; SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header")
Raised after additional salespersons are restored during sales archive standard routine
SalesHeaderArchive Record "Sales Header Archive"
Archived version to restore
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Ref. sales header
procedure OnBeforeOnAfterRestoreSalesLine(VAR SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; VAR SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; VAR SalesHeaderArchive: Record "Sales Header Archive"; VAR SalesLineArchive: Record "Sales Line Archive"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised after additional salespersons are restored during sales archive standard routine
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Ref. sales header
SalesLine Record "Sales Line"
Ref. sales line
SalesHeaderArchive Record "Sales Header Archive"
Archived version to restore
SalesLineArchive Record "Sales Line Archive"
Archived version to restore
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterOnAfterRestoreSalesLinee(VAR SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; VAR SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; VAR SalesHeaderArchive: Record "Sales Header Archive"; VAR SalesLineArchive: Record "Sales Line Archive")
Raised after additional salespersons are restored during sales archive standard routine
SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"
Ref. sales header
SalesLine Record "Sales Line"
Ref. sales line
SalesHeaderArchive Record "Sales Header Archive"
Archived version to restore
SalesLineArchive Record "Sales Line Archive"
Archived version to restore
procedure OnBeforeCheckCLEHasSettledCMSEntries(CLE: Integer; var HasCommEntry: Boolean; var HasCommEntryAdv: Boolean; var IsSettled: Boolean; var IsSettledAdv: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before a customer ledger entry is checked to be related to commission ledger entry that is settled or in settlement
CLE Integer
Customer ledger entry to be checked as renegotiable
HasCommEntry Boolean
Return boolean that explains if exist related commission entries
HasCommEntryAdv Boolean
Return boolean that explains if exist related advence commission entries
IsSettled Boolean
Return boolean that explains if exist related commission entries settled o in settlement
IsSettledAdv Boolean
Return boolean that explains if exist related advance commission entries settled o in settlement
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCheckCLEHasSettledCMSEntries(CLE: Integer; var HasCommEntry: Boolean; var HasCommEntryAdv: Boolean; var IsSettled: Boolean; var IsSettledAdv: Boolean)
Raised after a customer ledger entry is checked to be related to commission ledger entry that is settled or in settlement
CLE Integer
Customer ledger entry to be checked as renegotiable
HasCommEntry Boolean
Return boolean that explains if exist related commission entries
HasCommEntryAdv Boolean
Return boolean that explains if exist related advence commission entries
IsSettled Boolean
Return boolean that explains if exist related commission entries settled o in settlement
IsSettledAdv Boolean
Return boolean that explains if exist related advance commission entries settled o in settlement
procedure OnBeforeCheckCLERenegotiable(CLE: Integer; var IsSettled: Boolean; var IsSettledAdv: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before a customer ledger entry is checked to be renegotiate. CMS app checks if there is a related commission ledger entry and blocks if it is settled or in settlement. If entries are found, system performs the action specified on Commissin Setup (Allow,Message,Confirm,Erorr)
CLE Integer
Customer ledger entry to be checked as renegotiable
IsSettled Boolean
Return boolean that explains if exist related commission entries settled o in settlement
IsSettledAdv Boolean
Return boolean that explains if exist related advance commission entries settled o in settlement
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterCheckCLERenegotiable(CLE: Integer; var IsSettled: Boolean; var IsSettledAdv: Boolean)
Raised after a customer ledger entry is checked to be renegotiate. CMS app checks if there is a related commission ledger entry and blocks if it is settled or in settlement. If entries are found, system performs the action specified on Commissin Setup (Allow,Message,Confirm,Erorr)
CLE Integer
Customer ledger entry to be checked as renegotiable
IsSettled Boolean
Return boolean that explains if exist related commission entries settled o in settlement
IsSettledAdv Boolean
Return boolean that explains if exist related advance commission entries settled o in settlement
procedure OnBeforeUpdateCommissionDueDateFromCLE(CLE: Integer; var NewDueDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before a commission ledger entry is modified updating due date to the new value from cust. ledger entry
CLE Integer
Customer ledger entry where due date has been changed
NewDueDate Date
New due date value
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterUpdateCommissionDueDateFromCLE(CLE: Integer; var NewDueDate: Date)
Raised after a commission ledger entry is modified updating due date to the new value from cust. ledger entry
CLE Integer
Customer ledger entry where due date has been changed
NewDueDate Date
New due date value
procedure OnBeforeGetCommValueEMA(ValueEntry: Record "Value Entry"; var Result: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before commission ledger entry is processed to retrieve EMA reference value
ValueEntry Record "Value Entry"
Value Entry record processed by EMA
Result Decimal
Return value
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterGetCommValueEMA(ValueEntry: Record "Value Entry"; var Result: Decimal)
Raised after commission ledger entry is processed to retrieve EMA reference value
ValueEntry Record "Value Entry"
Value Entry record processed by EMA
Result Decimal
Return value
procedure OnFilterCommEntriesForEMA(ValueEntry: Record "Value Entry"; var CommLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry")
Raised when commission ledger entry is filtered to retrieve EMA reference value
ValueEntry Record "Value Entry"
Value Entry record processed by EMA
CommLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission Ledger Entry recordset with standard app filter applied
procedure OnAfterCreatePurchaseHeaderFromProspect(var EOSCommissionProspectHeader: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"; PurchDocNo: code[20]; Hidedialog: Boolean; var SuppressCommit: Boolean)
Raised after a purchase document is created from commission prospect
EOSCommissionProspectHeader Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"
Commission prospect you’re releasing
PurchDocNo code[20]
Related puchase document no
Hidedialog Boolean
SuppressCommit Boolean
Specifies if a commit should be performed
procedure OnBeforeProspectRelease(var EOSCommissionProspectHeader: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before commission prospect is released
EOSCommissionProspectHeader Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"
Commission prospect you’re releasing
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterProspectRelease(var EOSCommissionProspectHeader: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header")
Raised after commission prospect is released
EOSCommissionProspectHeader Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"
Commission prospect you’re releasing
procedure OnBeforeProspectReopen(var EOSCommissionProspectHeader: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Raised before commission prospect is reopen
EOSCommissionProspectHeader Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"
Commission prospect you’re reopening
IsHandled Boolean
No following standard code will be executed
procedure OnAfterProspectReopen(var EOSCommissionProspectHeader: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header")
Raised after commission prospect is reopen
EOSCommissionProspectHeader Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"
Commission prospect you’re reopening
local procedure OnAfterCommLdgEntryFiltersToFillProspectLine_ExcludingAnticipatedCorrections(var CommLdgEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry")
Raised after setting filter to CommissionLedgerEntry before filling the prospect with non-anticipated corrections entries during Commission Prospect Creation
CommLdgEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission Ledger Entry being processed to create the Commission Prospect
local procedure OnAfterCommLdgEntryFiltersToFillProspectLine_AnticipatedCorrections(var CommLdgEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry")
Raised after setting filter to CommissionLedgerEntry before filling the prospect with anticipated corrections entries during Commission Prospect Creation
CommLdgEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission Ledger Entry being processed to create the Commission Prospect
local procedure OnAfterCommLdgEntryFiltersToFillProspectLine_Documents(var CommLdgEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry")
Raised after setting filter to CommissionLedgerEntry before filling the prospect with document entries during Commission Prospect Creation
CommLdgEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
Commission Ledger Entry being processed to create the Commission Prospect
procedure CostAllReport_OnFilterGenJournalTemplate(var GenJournalTemplate: Record "Gen. Journal Template"; AllocationOnSim: Boolean)
INTERNAL use Only, do not use on your customizations
GenJournalTemplate Record "Gen. Journal Template"
AllocationOnSim Boolean
procedure CostAllReport_OnBeforeLockCommCostAllRegister_OnPreDataItem(var AllRegEntryNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean; AllocationOnSim: Boolean)
INTERNAL use Only, do not use on your customizations
AllRegEntryNo Integer
IsHandled Boolean
AllocationOnSim Boolean
procedure CostAllReport_OnAfterOnInitReport(var AllocationOnSim: Boolean; var AllocationOnSimEnabled: Boolean)
INTERNAL use Only, do not use on your customizations
AllocationOnSim Boolean
AllocationOnSimEnabled Boolean
procedure CostAllReport_OnAfterOnInitReportWTemplate(var AllocationOnSim: Boolean; var AllocationOnSimEnabled: Boolean; var TemplateName: Code[10]; var BatchName: Code[10])
INTERNAL use Only, do not use on your customizations
AllocationOnSim Boolean
AllocationOnSimEnabled Boolean
TemplateName Code[10]
BatchName Code[10]
procedure CostAllReport_OnOpenPage(var AllocationOnSim: Boolean; var AllocationOnSimEnabled: Boolean; var TemplateName: Code[10]; var BatchName: Code[10])
INTERNAL use Only, do not use on your customizations
AllocationOnSim Boolean
AllocationOnSimEnabled Boolean
TemplateName Code[10]
BatchName Code[10]
procedure OnAfterInitTemplateBatch(var AllocationOnSim: Boolean; var TemplateName: Code[10]; var BatchName: Code[10])
INTERNAL use Only, do not use on your customizations
AllocationOnSim Boolean
TemplateName Code[10]
BatchName Code[10]
procedure CostAllReport_OnBeforeInsertTempGenJournalLine(var TempGenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line" temporary; AllRegEntryNo: Integer; AllocationOnSim: Boolean)
INTERNAL use Only, do not use on your customizations
TempGenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"
AllRegEntryNo Integer
AllocationOnSim Boolean
procedure CostAllReport_OnBeforeEOSCommissionLedgerEntryModify(var EOSCommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"; AllRegEntryNo: Integer; AllocationOnSim: Boolean)
INTERNAL use Only, do not use on your customizations
EOSCommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
AllRegEntryNo Integer
AllocationOnSim Boolean
procedure CostAllReport_OnBeforeAddNewRegisterEntry(EOSCommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"; var AllRegEntryNo: Integer; AllocationOnSim: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
INTERNAL use Only, do not use on your customizations
EOSCommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
AllRegEntryNo Integer
AllocationOnSim Boolean
IsHandled Boolean
procedure CostAllReport_OnBeforeLinkRegisterEntry(GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; AllRegEntryNo: Integer; AllocationOnSim: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
INTERNAL use Only, do not use on your customizations
GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"
AllRegEntryNo Integer
AllocationOnSim Boolean
IsHandled Boolean
procedure CostAllReport_OnAfterWrtiteJnlLineLoop(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var ProcessedJnlLines: Integer; AllocationOnSim: Boolean)
INTERNAL use Only, do not use on your customizations
GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"
ProcessedJnlLines Integer
AllocationOnSim Boolean
procedure CostAllReport_OnFilterCommDocLedgerEntry2Process(var EOSCommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"; AllocationOnSim: Boolean)
INTERNAL use Only, do not use on your customizations
EOSCommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
AllocationOnSim Boolean
procedure CostAllReport_OnFilterCommDocLedgerEntry2ProcessWTemplate(var EOSCommDocLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"; AllocationOnSim: Boolean; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: date)
INTERNAL use Only, do not use on your customizations
EOSCommDocLedgerEntry Record "EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry"
AllocationOnSim Boolean
StartingDate Date
EndingDate date
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