Codeunit 18008304 EOS Purchase Document Mgt.
Gathers all functions used to handle purchase documents creation/update
procedure CreatePurchDocFromProspect(EOSCommissionPrspctHdr: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header") PurchInvNo: Code[20]
EOSCommissionPrspctHdr Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"
Returns Code[20]
procedure CreatePurchDocFromProspect(EOSCommissionPrspctHdr: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"; var PurchaseHeader: record "Purchase Header"; AggregateAmount: decimal; Hidedialog: Boolean) PurchInvNo: Code[20]
EOSCommissionPrspctHdr Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"
PurchaseHeader record "Purchase Header"
AggregateAmount decimal
Hidedialog Boolean
Returns Code[20]
procedure CheckAndAdjustExchangeRates(PurchInvHeader: Record "Purch. Inv. Header")
Record "Purch. Inv. Header"
procedure CreatePurchDocBySalesPersonReason(var EOSCommissionReasonCode: Record "EOS Commission Reason Code"; var EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry";SalespersonPurchaser: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; PostingDate: date; PostingDescr: array[2] of Text) CreatedPurchHeaderNo: Code[20]
EOSCommissionReasonCode Record "EOS Commission Reason Code"
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
SalespersonPurchaser Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"
PostingDate date
PostingDescr Text[]
Returns Code[20]
procedure AddDetailedSettlementEntry(var EOSCommissionLedgerEntry: Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"; PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"; PostingDate: date)
EOSCommissionLedgerEntry Record "EOS Commission Ledger Entry"
PurchaseLine Record "Purchase Line"
PostingDate date
procedure GetCreatedPurchHeaders(var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header")
Record "Purchase Header"
procedure CreatePurchaseHeaderFromProspect(var EOSCommissionProspectHeader: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"; Hidedialog: Boolean) PurchDocNo: code[20]
EOSCommissionProspectHeader Record "EOS Commission Prospect Header"
Hidedialog Boolean
Returns code[20]
local procedure OnBeforePurchLineDescriptionValidate(var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"; EOSCommissionProspectLine: Record "EOS Commission Prospect Line"; var SkipDescription: Boolean)
Raised before valdating Description field in Purchase Invoice created from Commission Prospect
PurchaseLine Record "Purchase Line"
Purchase line of the new invoice
EOSCommissionProspectLine Record "EOS Commission Prospect Line"
Commission Prospect Line being processed
SkipDescription Boolean
When set to true skips description field validation in order to get your custom description
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